Enraptured By You...

in #hive-18016421 hours ago

To have an author you admire and whose writing style you find captivating means you have read if not all, at least a fairly great amount of their books. So I had to ask myself before answering this prompt, whose work did I fall in love with so hard, whose style had me completely enraptured enough to be the author who I admire the most?

And then I think of the fact that one thing I rarely find myself doing is binging on all the works of a particular author after a good book. I mean I have done it before. But with how much fervency. So, to answer the question posed this week by the Hive BookClub Community, I may need you all to walk through it with me so I can reach that much needed conclusion using the only authors who are exceptions to the issue raised above.

Among the authors you admire, whose writing style do you find the most captivating, and how does it compare to others?

Julia Quinn

She’s one of the first authors I read growing up. I think the very first book of hers I read was “The Duke and I.” Then, I found out that it was the first of the Bridgerton series. E-books weren’t popular then, so I went all-in finding all the books in the series. When I saw people going crazy about the Bridgerton movie series, it amused me. I loved Quinn’s style of writing because of the wit and humour prevalent in the novel even though it was the Victorian British era. But then, it followed the pattern that is common among romance writers then. Female lead and male lead met. Later call in love. Then a serious issue ensues that makes everything practically crumble. And afterwards, they unite. Happily ever after. Not so unique but I loved her works nonetheless.

Nora Roberts

What book lover who appreciates the romance genre did not grow up reading Roberts’ books? She was like the single beam of light in a dark room that lighted everything up in the most magnificent ways. I admired her style of writing so much growing up. She knew the very best ways, in my opinion, of adding intrigue, suspense, humour, mystery and everything in between to create a masterpiece so beautiful, you had no choice but to be heavily affected during and even after reading. Her style of writing is so beautifully hers, you can tell if a work is hers. That’s why when I read a bit of the “In Death” series, by J. D. Robb, I just knew she was the one. The crime and mystery series was so artfully told, it had to be her.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

I couldn’t possibly leave her out if I wanted to. From “Half of A Yellow Sun,” to “Purple Hibiscus,” to “Americanah,” Adichie’s style is something out of this world. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone with that unique style of story telling. All her books resonate with me and it’s not merely because she is a homegirl. You feel war and peace, excitement and sorrow, pain and joy exuding out of every line and every page of her books. You’re at the edge of your seat even when the particular scene you’re reading is peaceful and barely suspenseful. Chimamanda lets you see the world, not in her eyes, but yours. Through her, you see for yourself, the world in all shades of grey.

By now, you’ve probably realized how indecisive I am about the author I admire the most. And I do wish I had the most coherent answer. The last two authors speak to me in truly mind-blowing ways. Oh, did I mention C. M. Owens(of blessed memory)? I fell in love with her writing in a way I can’t even begin to explain. And after reading the book by her pseudonym character, S. T. Abby in the Mindfuck series, I was convinced that I’d found love. Lol.

But I think to bring the matter to a conclusion, I'll stick to Nora Roberts as the author whose work captivates me the most. Her writing is deep, sometimes dark, and always refreshing. And I owe my adoration for books to a great extent to her. She sets the tone for insightful issues in a way no one does. But either way, I do hope you enjoy the other authors presented.

I beseech thee, fellow Bibliophiles to send in your entry to this amazing prompt. And hopefully, you'll be more decisive than I was. Haha.


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I've not read that much of Nora Robert's works. But the few I've read, I really loved. I didn't know she even wrote crime series. I thought she was just a mystery and romance author. But you see Chimamanda, I love her works. Half of a yellow sun and Purple Hibiscus were two books I read and loved while growing. She just released a new book this week. Are you aware? Do you have it?