Every Summer After || Grab a Popcorn While Reading This One.

in #hive-1801647 months ago


I wouldn't say I was amazed that this book took Booktok and Bookstagram by storm, because trust me, I couldn't put it down till I reached the very last page. I was on an emotional rollercoaster all through. This book is a treasure trove of romance.

The intense craving for the various bouts of emotions this book elicited from me made me read it a second time. With this book, Carley Fortune took me on a ride, I didn't want to get down from. And to think, I actually thought I had an idea of the plot twist midway through the book, but no, I did not! Not even a tiny idea.

The novel begins with the introduction of my favorite character Persephone. However, I like her nickname ‘Percy’ better. Percy has had some sort of ill luck with finding stable romantic relationships, which is most times very peculiar to most adult who barely know themselves which seems like the case of Percy. But there is however an underlying reason why she cannot find the romantic connection she desires and it's not until I read about the death of Sue who was somewhat a mother figure to her, earlier in the book, that I understood the reason.

I'm in awe of how the author did a slow buildup of the characters, carefully intertwining events that led to other events. For me, it allowed a better appreciation of Sam and Percy's love story.

It all begins with Percy's family buying a cottage next door to Sam's house during summer, that somehow leaves her and Sam as neighbors. Now, they did not just start off as lovers, because of course they were both children. They started off as friends, introduced to each other by Charlie, Sam's elder brother.

Nerdy Sam, and weird Percy immediately become inseparable as children spending time swimming, or in Sam's house watching horror movies. I actually love the idea of a friends to lover kind of romance. Compared to love at first sight, I feel it's a more realistic portrayal of love. It’s so easily obvious that they were each other's first love and trust me the memories evoked by our first love are so powerful, almost unforgettable. First love almost never dies.

Contrary to what you might think, this book is not just about the 'regular' love story. It explores the coming of age experience of two young people with very different personalities. These radically different personalities create a love story that is not simple but stands the test of time.
One might ask, is this book really worthy of the hype? Absolutely it is! For someone who has always craved friendship that slowly developed into intense love over time, it sure satisfied my cravings literally.


This book tugged at the inner part of my heart, reminding me of what love truly felt like, and how free we are when we are truly around the people we love. When it feels like there is no one you'll rather be around with, than them.

However, we still have the situation of how unrequited one sided love in a budding friendship can permanently end the friendship and I kid you not, I was genuinely afraid, it would be so for Sam and Percy.
But Carley Fortune obviously had other thoughts in mind. Sam and Percy's relationship shows us what it is like to fall in love with a friend. Your best friend The fear that comes with it. Understanding that these feelings could end, and have, over time, ended beautiful friendships, but still brave enough to give it a shot. To understand slowly, the warmth, comfort, and love, they have to share when you eventually give into those feelings.

But this doesn't work for every friendship, and in any case where the love is one sided. You might just have to fight those feelings, or let them all out and risk ruining your friendship.

Another thing in the book that did it for me, was their breakup and eventual reunion after a long period of time. This might sound cruel but I am a sucker for long lost love.
Obviously without giving you any spoilers, series of events led to their separation for a very long time, and I love to see the character development during these periods of being apart from each other. That is what helps me gain an insight into how the characters really feel about themselves. Do they truly love each other? And can their love stand the test of time?

I have also had a lot of people argue about the familiarity of the plot in this book, but there's something about it that makes it feel completely brand new. Have you ever picked up a book that made you feel different emotions all at once? Anger, pain, love, appreciation and gratitude. As a reader if a book doesn't elicit some sort of emotions from me, I automatically do not like that book.

I don't really want to give you spoilers but this, is the sort of books that gets you out of your reading slump. The sort of novel that makes you want to binge read your whole holiday away. That's how great this book is.

Did I mention that it is a New York Times Bestseller? YES!
Now, whether you're a romance novel freak or not, you'll want to grab a copy of this book and either recline on the sofa while enjoying it like me, or take it on a summer holiday to a cottage or wherever you want to go and just maybe you might run into your own Sam and build a magical love story that keeps your heart racing anytime you think about it.

Darling, grab a popcorn, because just like a candy bar "Every Summer After" is a book that you can't put down till you unravel every last bit of it. Carley Fortune really outdid herself on this one.
