An Art From The Heart: Pumpkin In Sweet Gravy

in #hive-18056911 months ago
Full of love, ingredients cooked for loved ones, and presented as beautifully as possible because it is pure art from the heart.


In the past, I never thought that cooking would be a beautiful medium for me to convey my feelings. In the past, I just thought that cooking was just about survival. But apparently it wasn't.

Now I realize that there are many feelings I can express by cooking. Especially, when I give the results of my cooking to my husband and my husband's family.


I feel happy if my husband and my husband's family can accept it by eating my cooking until it's finished. Also, I feel like I can connect more easily with them.

When my mother was still alive, she always waited for my new dishes and she would smile and enjoy every dish I made. My late mom is the one who always makes me excited until now for me to be able to explore new dishes.



Have you ever heard of sweet pumpkin dessert? In Indonesia, it is actually a mainstay menu for serving pumpkin. People only know how to cook pumpkin as a sweet dish with coconut milk.

Sweet pumpkin dessert is also popular in my family as well as my husband's family. We often eat sweet pumpkin after dinner if we are having a gathering together.


For us, you could say that a quality pumpkin is a delicious pumpkin for making sweet pumpkin with coconut milk. There is a distinctive texture from old pumpkins. The tender texture after boiling that cannot be expressed in words. We call this distinctive texture the word PULEN. Tender, soft but not mushy.


It's quite tricky to find pumpkins with a good texture to make sweet desserts. Luckily, now I have a new favorite source for getting good pumpkins, namely from my husband's uncle's fertile garden. The land there is very fertile and it is not surprising that many of the vegetables and fruit are of good quality.

To be honest, I have often made sweet pumpkin desserts and posted it on HIVE. But I often make it with different visuals and with different amounts of sweetness according to taste. So, this time I will share with you the sweet pumpkin in coconut milk that I served to my husband and mother-in-law.

Can we replace coconut milk with other plant-based milk such as soy milk and almond milk? In my opinion, the answer is no. I thought that would be strange because soy milk and almond milk have a strong aroma and don't go well with pumpkin cubes.

Actually, coconut milk has a distinctive taste and aroma. Slightly sweet savory taste. Also, the aroma is not as strong as soy milk and almond milk. It's just that coconut milk is thicker than them.

So, coconut milk creates a creamy texture for gravy ingredients. Suitable for serving as desserts or for curry gravy to serve side dishes.

Another thing to pay attention to is that coconut milk is not suitable for drinking as a single drink as milk. That's going to get weird in your throat for sure. Like @incublus did :D



  • 400-500 grams of old pumpkin (avoid young pumpkin)
  • 500 ml of coconut milk
  • 500 ml of water (or adjusted to fit the pumpkin cubes in the pan)
  • 1/2 cup of brown sugar
  • sprinkle of salt
  • pandan leaves or you can use vanilla to create the fragrance



Cut the pumpkin into several large pieces. I used 1/4 of a large pumpkin. You can use the whole pumpkin if you use a small pumpkin. Then, remove the seeds.


Remove pumpkin skin first, then cut the pumpkin into pieces. I formed them into cubes. Don't make it too small because the pumpkin can be crushed when boiled later. Also, don't make it too big to make it easier to swallow the pumpkin into your mouth when eating later.


Bring the water to a boil, then add the pumpkin pieces that have been washed clean. Also, add a pinch of salt and pandan leaves. Boil pumpkin for about 15 minutes or until tender.


Add brown sugar once the pumpkin becomes tender. Stir gently so that the pumpkin cubes don't crumble.


In the final step, add coconut milk. Stir them until simmer. Keep an eye on the coconut milk so that its texture doesn't become damaged when the temperature is too high. So, avoid it boiling by continuing to stir slowly. Then lift.




Serve sweet pumpkin in coconut milk while warm. But it can be served cold after storing in the refrigerator. We usually still eat the remaining sweet pumpkin for the next morning after storing it in the refrigerator.

Here, I also serve sweet pumpkin with slices of baked pumpkin for extra sensation. You can also add something crunchy like roasted almonds or cashews or even pistachio nuts.


Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.




Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person:
Discord: anggreklestari#3009


Our chief is telling the truth! Don't be like me and just drink the coconut milk. I'm sure it would taste much better in such a recipe. It looks delicious. Congratulations on turning cooking into an art.

haha, you have learn the lesson. : )
yes, it will taste a little weird to drink coconut milk, it is too thick. But the coconut water will be refreshing. : )

😅 so yeah you need did some research before you consume something new in your area 😛

You are very right, cooking is not only for subsistence, through meals there are many emotions transmitted dear friend @anggreklestari
I love this recipe, and the ingredients you have used, I really appreciate that you let us know
Have a beautiful afternoon

thank you for enjoying my recipe as always, my friend 😊

I use to cook often with pumpkin too in these days but I put it mainly in salty dishes like rice, pasta and soup, well I understand when you say you put in the kitchen your feelings I do it too, and I must admit that for me cooking it's also s food way for expressing it sublimate my feelings bad or good, by the way I think using pumpkins for a dessert it's a cool idea, I never heard this desert before we don't have it here in Italy but I would like to try it!!

for salty dish, yeah I did it last week with baked pumpkin and it was sooo good!

this dish is very delicious ☺️ especially when the pumpkin is cooked very tender ☺️ I love this recipe, thank you very much for sharing ☺️

You can also make it at your kitchen 😊

Yesterday i cooking this dessert for my nephew, Kayra. She looks so happy. I remember you, when it comes to pumpkin, and I saw you make it. It's like de javu.

So, that's a sign that we are connected 😊

I have never had this dish, but I bet I would like it.

Your photos are all nice. I love the one where you have the pumpkin cut in half, before the center was cleaned out.

I often thought that cooking for others is an act of love and if you love cooking, it is also a form of being creative, kind of like art.

Hope you are doing well.

I love to cook for my family, my mom in law, my nephews

After cooking I just love to watch them eating ❤️

These look so delicious and you have explained the whole process so I will definitely make it at home one day.

There's no doubt about it, it's all in one... apart from being delicious when processed and making it sweet, pumpkin also provides many benefits for the body, especially the stomach @anggreklestari

for sure. Indonesian familiar with this food 😊

That looks so yummy mbak. yum yum.

our fav here especially when rainy day 😊

I've never cooked pumkin before and i don't know how to cook this. Thank you for sharing!

We Indian are spice when it comes to cooking we like to spices in everything....but when my wife shared a pumpkin dish with added sugar onnit I loved it more than the spicy one....we koatly use rhe Green raw always comes up with new dimension with simplest of thing.....May be I her if she like to cook

we have something with spices too but just with young pumpkin. I never tried with old pumpkin

Yay! 🤗
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