Cooking your own food reduces the risk of disappointment.
On many food visits to restaurants or cafes, some end in disappointment. Although many of them ended beautifully beyond my expectations. Maybe it's also because I can cook. Who knows.
What do you think? I think we should cook our own food, especially daily food. It's not a problem to enjoy eating out occasionally at certain moments or when you really can't cook.
No matter how simple the food we cook, it will still be appreciated. Because we have learned how complicated the cooking process is. Or, at least we come to understand that wasting food is something sad. So, like it or not, we also eat the results of our cooking. Isn't it?
So, for this time, I will cook the simple one. Steamed tofu served with asparagus with soy sauce. You can of course replace asparagus with other vegetables. This simple menu can be a daily menu as well as a filling diet menu, especially for dinner.
I have a supply of asparagus in the refrigerator. Oh, they look fresh and beautiful even after 5 days in the refrigerator. I store them in a glass similar to storing flowers to maintain their freshness. How do you store asparagus to prolong their freshness? By storing asparagus in a container filled with water like this, they will stay fresh and crunchy. If you don't usually store it like this, it only lasts a short time and the texture will become soft.
- 200 grams of tofu
- one handful of asparagus
- 3 tablespoons sweet soy sauce
- 3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
- 5 small cloves of red onion, finely chopped
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon pepper
- 100-200 ml of water (according to your sauce texture preference)
Prepare a steamer. Then steam the tofu and asparagus for about 10 minutes. Another option, you can remove the asparagus first in the first 5 minutes if their texture is to your liking.
While waiting for the tofu and asparagus to finish steaming, we make the sauce. First, heat a little oil, then stir-fry chopped garlic and red onion until fragrant and browned.
After that, add sweet soy sauce and chili, as well as salt and pepper. Stir them for a while. Then, add water. Adjust the level of viscosity you want.
If you want a thicker sauce, I recommend you add 1 tablespoon of corn flour. This time I'm running out of corn flour stock. So I don't use corn flour.
Take them to simmer. Correct the taste before lifting. Well, you can also add spring onion or celery if you want that.
I arranged the asparagus on top of the steamed tofu. Also, I added slices of fresh carrot as well as increasing the brightness of the color throughout the dish on the plate.
In the title, I put the word “beautiful”. but after I saw the results, I wasn't sure if it worked well. Lol. Look at my cooking results! After I arranged them, I saw that their shape resembled a grave tombstone box. Really pity. Oh, maybe this is still in Halloween vibes? I hope you still think the results of my food this time are beautiful. I hope so.
Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.
Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari
Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.
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Discord: anggreklestari#3009