[ENG/ESP] Ryse Son of Rome: A Centurion's Tale of Vengeance | A Vigeo Game Review

in #hive-1813352 years ago

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All screenshots and video are taken from my personal playthrough of the title Ryse Son of Rome available for purchase here Video is of a multiplayer match from start to finish to show examples of gameplay.

Ryse: Son of Rome, A Cinematic Spectacle


The ramparts of the city of Rome crumble in explosions of fire and obliterated marble, you stand with the remainder of your legion in the defense of Rome against the hordes of Gauls at her gates. What are your orders Centurion? Will you be found victorious or just food for the vultures?

Ryse Son of Rome is a story driven game with an entertaining brawling combat system coupled with slight accents of "phalanx management". I played through the game at the highest default difficulty encountering little resistance, the full playthrough of the story-mode lasts about 6 hours and is quite the enjoyable cinematic experience for the price tag. Below we will delve into the elements of gameplay, the aesthetics, and story (without spoilers).

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Gameplay: Brutal Barbarian Bashing with "Management"

Most of this game is countering, and performing particular attack combos based on two or three keys. Timing becomes the most important and there are a few basic combo combinations at your disposal, not a bad gameplay loop I must say but it isn't "endless enjoyment" (see below). Consumable pilums also litter the map which can sometimes provide an easier time versus archers etc. There are also ballistae that can be mounted at various points. Examples of gameplay can be seen in the video above for context.


The management portions (campaign) where you make choices for the legion are minimal and mostly effect the core gameplay mentioned above for brief periods. There are moments where you "duck" and "pilum" at particular intervals to avoid archer fire as a battalion and fire upon them. Pretty easy, and infrequent. However these elements are mostly to add to the narrative and immersion provided by the campaign.


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Graphics: Beautiful for the time, still nice for today.

This game runs Roman architecture on Crysis Engine which (in it's day) was a cutting edge visual engine for videogame storytelling. The graphics are not the most lacking, however they are not to the level of purely cinematic games of 2023 however definitely adequate or above average as far as video games as a whole is concerned. Pretty, but not the MOST modern.


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Story and Lore: Revenge, Well Woven

This game is a tale of revenge. You play as a centurion fighting for the 14th legion of Rome. The story is a tale you've heard before at this point in cinema, however is satisfying to play through and experience. Definitely worth the time. Rough playthrough time is 6 hours and is satisfying. You are playing this title for the story and it's an enjoyable one worth your time. I promised no spoilers and there are none, even in the screenshots. Enjoy


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My Personal Playthrough: Revisiting for Achievements

I played through my first play through on Centurion Difficulty, which was the highest available without playing through the campaign once. Since this game is actually a rather doable one to complete all achievements in, I will be doing the "New Game Plus" Legendary difficulty when there is a slow moment. The campaign of the game was fun to playthrough and multiplayer is also fun enough, however this game does get dull in multiplayer mode eventually. Likely something for short bursts for some coliseum simulation, not long sit downs. This game is played for the campaign mostly, but multiplayer is still sufficiently entertaining in short bursts. I will need to play in both modes to 100 percent this title, which I intend to do. It's worth the time, I'll probably be trying to finish it up gradually over the coming months piece meal.


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TLDR How many stars is it damn it?

This game is an easy 4 stars, short but worthy. The story is compelling albeit "a classic tale of revenge" and is an excellent roughly 6 hour experience. On top of that multiplayer offers barbarian fighting in the collegium featuring twitches of random generation. This game isn't going to offer endless hours of entertainment, but is worth picking up on a sale and at the very least playing through the campaign. I got this title for about 3 USD and it more than delivered, it's even worth it's full sale price considering how many hours of enjoyment are provided but goes on sale somewhat frequently so if it were me I'd wait for that. This game does not offer endless replayability without risk of boredom, but does deliver roughly 6-10 hours of thorough enjoyment. Thanks for reading, don't forget to smash that follow button.


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Espanol version is located below. Thanks for reading don't forget to follow.

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Ryse: Son of Rome, un espectáculo cinematográfico


Las murallas de la ciudad de Roma se desmoronan en explosiones de fuego y mármol borrado, te encuentras con el resto de tu legión en la defensa de Roma contra las hordas de galos a sus puertas. ¿Cuáles son sus órdenes Centurión? ¿Serás hallado victorioso o solo como comida para los buitres?

Ryse Son of Rome es un juego basado en una historia con un entretenido sistema de combate de peleas con ligeros acentos de "gestión de falange". Jugué el juego con la dificultad predeterminada más alta y encontré poca resistencia, el juego completo del modo historia dura aproximadamente 6 horas y es una experiencia cinematográfica bastante agradable por el precio. A continuación profundizaremos en los elementos del juego, la estética y la historia (sin spoilers).

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Jugabilidad: Golpe brutal de bárbaros con "Gestión"

La mayor parte de este juego consiste en contrarrestar y realizar combos de ataques particulares basados en dos teclas. Los pilums consumibles también ensucian el mapa, lo que a veces puede proporcionar un tiempo más fácil en comparación con los arqueros, etc. También hay ballestas que se pueden montar en varios puntos.
Las partes de gestión (campaña) en las que tomas decisiones para la legión son mínimas y afectan principalmente al juego principal mencionado anteriormente durante breves períodos. Hay momentos en los que te "agachas" y "pilum" a intervalos particulares para evitar el fuego de los arqueros como un batallón y disparar sobre ellos. Bastante fácil y poco frecuente. Sin embargo, estos elementos son principalmente para agregar a la narrativa y la inmersión proporcionada por la campaña.

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Gráficos: Muy bonitos para la época, todavía bonitos hoy en dia.

Este juego ejecuta la arquitectura romana en Crysis Engine que (en su día) fue un motor visual de vanguardia para la narración de videojuegos. Los gráficos no son los más escasos, pero no están al nivel de los juegos puramente cinematográficos de 2023, pero definitivamente adecuados o por encima del promedio en lo que respecta a los juegos en general. Bonitos, pero no los MÁS modernos.

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Historia y Tradición: Venganza, Bien Tejida

Este juego es una historia de venganza. Juegas como un centurión que lucha por la legión 14 de Roma. La historia es una historia que has escuchado antes en este momento del cine, sin embargo, es satisfactorio jugarla y experimentarla. Definitivamente vale la pena el tiempo. El tiempo de reproducción aproximado es de 6 horas y es satisfactorio. Estás jugando este título por la historia, es divertido y vale la pena.

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Mi juego personal: revisión de logros

Jugué mi primera jugada en Centurion Difficulty, que era la más alta disponible sin jugar la campaña una vez. Dado que este juego es bastante factible para completar todos los logros, ya haré la dificultad legendaria "New Game Plus" en algún momento. La campaña del juego fue divertida de jugar y el modo multijugador también es lo suficientemente divertido, sin embargo, este juego se vuelve aburrido en el modo multijugador eventualmente. Probablemente algo para ráfagas cortas para alguna simulación de coliseo, no largas sentadas. Este juego se juega principalmente para la campaña, pero el modo multijugador sigue siendo divertido. Tendré que jugar en ambos modos al 100 por ciento este título, lo cual pretendo hacer. Vale la pena el tiempo, probablemente intentaré terminarlo gradualmente en los próximos meses.

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En corto ¿Cuántas estrellas tiene, maldita sea?

Este juego es fácil de 4 estrellas, corto pero digno. La historia es convincente, aunque es "un cuento clásico de venganza" y es una excelente experiencia de aproximadamente 6 horas. Además de eso, el modo multijugador ofrece lucha bárbara en el coliceo con contracciones de generación aleatoria. Este juego no ofrecerá interminables horas de entretenimiento, pero vale la pena aprovechar una oferta y, al menos, jugar durante la campaña. Obtuve este título por alrededor de 3 USD y lo entregué con creces, incluso vale la pena su precio de venta total considerando cuántas horas de disfrute se brindan, pero sale a la venta con cierta frecuencia, así que si fuera yo esperaría eso.

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reminds me of the time I played Shadow of Rome in the playstation 2.

It is glorious, easily with the 3USD it costs when it goes on sale. Cheers mate, thanks for stopping by

This one reminds me of 300 and Gladiator.
Well explained. I liked the screenshots. @tipu curate 6

It really does give off classic Roman vibes doesn't it? Thanks for coming by and reading what I wrote. I sincerely appreciate it. !PIZZA


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@cryptoniusrex(1/20) tipped @ashikstd

These games seem pretty cool. I'd probably play them if it wasn't for the fact that historic games like these don't appeal much to me. Needs some of those fantasy elements to pull me in. Interesting read nonetheless!

It is fantastical historical fiction I would call it, I just didn't want to drop ANY spoilers that there are supernatural elements etc. It was kindof hard to do so as the story playthrough is a fun go, but I suppose the Gods are interacting with the story and various supernatural elements come into play as you discover more and more about what's really happening. I see it go for 3USD all the time and was very satisfied at that price. However, if historical settings put you off this has a lot of Rome and Gaul action for quite a bit of it and probably won't be your thing. Thanks for reading man and letting me know your thoughts.

La cosa con Ryze sons of rome, es que fue opacado por otros títulos durante su lanzamiento, pero para mi, siento que está a la altura de otros grandes juegos, ya que para su tiempo innovó muchísimo en tantas cosas...Incluso su sistema de combate era bueno, la verdad siento que este juego tenía tanto potencial para convertirse en una gran franquicia pero fracasó por las peores razones.