ES//EN:Altavoz JBL, casi regalado gracias a mis HBD y speaker, almost given away thanks to my HBD and

in #hive-18133510 hours ago

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¡Saludos hive sucre!

Ayer tuve la oportunidad de cumplir un pequeño capricho en colaboración de, ya que pude pagar un altavoz en uno de nuestros aliados comerciales a mitad de precio.

Hace unos años había hecho una compra de uno de esos altavoces, el cual le regale a mi hermano menor.

Le duro bastante, diría yo, pero claro como todo tiene su final se dañó.

Hacía mucha falta, uno para mi propio entrenamiento me pareció una excelente idea aprovechar los descuentos de y pagar por hbd en uno de nuestros aliados comerciales tolon accesorios.

Para suerte la mía me dio tiempo comprarla, ya que salí tarde el entrenamiento y estaban a punto de cerrar.

Como siempre, realicé mi pago escaneando un código QR a través de la hivekeychain, reclame mi reembolso atreves de que fue nada más y nada menos que del 55%.

La probé y verifique que esta funcionando correctamente y me dirigí a mi jugar tranquilamente.


Greetings hive sucre!

Yesterday I had the opportunity to fulfill a small whim in collaboration with, since I was able to pay for a speaker in one of our commercial allies at half price.

A few years ago I had made a purchase of one of those speakers, which I gave as a gift to my younger brother.
It lasted quite a while, I would say, but of course as everything has its end, it got damaged.

It was much needed, one for my own training I thought it was an excellent idea to take advantage of the discounts of and pay for hbd in one of our commercial allies tolon accessories.

Luckily for me I had time to buy it, since I left the training late and they were about to close.

As usual, I made my payment by scanning a QR code through the hivekeychain, I claimed my refund through which was nothing more and nothing less than 55%.

I tested it and verified that it was working properly and went to my game quietly.

Todas las fotografías las tomé con mi Samsung A15, las ediciones la elaboré con Canva App y la traducción con DeepL.

All the pictures were taken with my Samsung A15, the edits were made with Canva App and the translation with DeepL.

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