Jump for health, anywhere, anytime

in #hive-1813352 years ago

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I have been thinking about whether I'll share this on this platform, my recent interest on jump rope workout. I started being mindful of my health last year since we have to take good care of ourselves to fight against the virus. My usual exercise back then was running, however, the lockdown restrictions forced me to stay at home for the past two months. This is when I shifted to jump rope workout. As a beginner, I was always easily discouraged on my slow progress. But things went better after a month of practice. Even though I didn't go the proper way of improving myself, I learned a lot from the mistakes I have made.

To give you an idea, I was stubborn about how I paced my progress. If you want to start on this workout, it's a must that you spend only a maximum of 5 minutes. Even though it looks easy, our body needs to adjust with the intensity that this workout demands. You can adjust the time of your workout as you progress. Build endurance first! Before learning different tricks and trying out a different footwork, you should be able to sustain your energy that will lasts for a few minutes of straight jumping.

Here's a dream come true for me, when I went home to the province, I was able to jump rope outside. I was able to do my workout while enjoying the view in front of me. Hope you will like this video that I have made to document that time.

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