Early spring, for a very short time, the Forsythia bush is the star of most gardens, parks, and little green areas near the roads. In Poland, it is so popular that it is almost weird not to see it blooming somewhere. And there is a very good reason for it - it is one of the very first plants that bloom so profusely, feeding all the early insects. Way before other flowers open.
The bush grows up to 2-3 meters high and can create very nice, thick bush. The flowers will show up way before the leaves start to grow. After the yellow cloud is gone, it stays green until fall growing fresh stems. It will drop the leaves for winter and start growing again in spring.
But just look at all the yellow! It so cheerful and so bright.
I took my brother's lens to shoot these - Biotar 1,4 50mm. I did mention the lens a few times before and showed photos as well. It is amazing and I do have to play with it whenever I get the chance.
I don't think I have bokeh like this in any other lens I have ever tried. Not that I recall anyway. It's like crawling smoke or flames in a burning building. Simply amazing and worth every single shot. Even if slightly out of focus ;)
Shot with Sony a7III + Biotar 1,4 50mm lens
All photos and text are my own.