in #hive-182074last year



Good day brethren, I want to use this avenue to thank God for his love in our life for giving us another privilege again to hear from his servant Brother Eli Soriano whom God is using him as a vessel to bless us with a strong and powerful words from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ may he be filled with wisdom and understanding in a million fold.
I am inspired anytime I hear from the words that come out from him because is the truth that he is saying and he doesn't say anything contrary to scripture I am now happy to be part of the zoom meeting by God grace I will be more available now. I am Ovey Barnabas I must have to say thank you sir for your effort in my personal working with God.
below are what I learned during the teaching:


Today is another day of God faithfulness as the servant of God still throw more light on the effect of prayer in our life by given so many references about Prophet Elijah whom God has use mightily.

there was famine in the land for about 42 months no rain no food as the Lord will do it there was a widow who pray to her God often without ceasing and she has only one son which she has her last meal that they will eat and die but God remember her through her prayer by sending prophet Elijah to come to her rescue by her prayers always to God.

As the bible implies that is the only thing they have to eat after eating they will but still Elijah said she should cook it for him before preparing her own and her son but God really help her through her prayer.
(James 5:6-7, 1John 5:16, John 16:23)

He still talk about confession of sin which is very paramount to humanity like a man can not keep his sin to his or herself and thinks is the right but he that confess his sin shall be free.

people use to be feeling some how to confess there sin because they think is an embarrassment or the person that the confess to can us it against them or laugh and mock them although is not easy but once if one is open to God, and ready to serve God must atlease confess and be free.

The bible say foolish taught too is a sin like thinking about having sex or looking at lady lustfully is already a sin those kind of sins have to be confess inorder to have peace of mind and still revive back strength for walking with God. He that covered his sin will never prosper.
(1Peter 4:8, Proverb 24:9, Psalm 32:5 Proverb 28:13, Luke 4:25-26)

The prayer of a righteous man avails while the prayer of a sinner is an abomination to God, God say said before we pray to him he already know our problems already so God is over everything we think except if we did not submit to him or confess our sins and to work with him.
(Mathew 6:7, Daniel 9:22-23, 6:10, 9:18)

The life of Daniel even when he was stop to worship his God but still he is not afraid the bible said he will open his window facing the east side were the are watching him to pray to his God he does not care who is watching him or not his concern is for God to hear his prayer and supplication.

Some churches kneel down facing the alter praying to God like the Catholic am a catholic member we kneel down and be praying to God using Holy Mary now i was meant to understand that all those who are death have not yet gone to heaven is only Jesus who was resurrected from that we keep in record he is with God now even seated at the right of God.

Our body is a temple of God we are not expected to play with it any how through sexual immorality and other things that we know is not right with God, Men ought to behave themselves in the house of God.
(Proverb 15:8, Ephessians 3:14-15, 1Timothy 3:15, Act 17:24, Isaiah 54:7, 1Corinthians 3:10, Hebrews 3:6-10, 1Corinthians 14:40, Exodus 3:5, Ezekiel 43:2)

We urge to pray without ceasing like the widow that God send Prophet Elijah to rescue her and God is ready to answer if we are ready to kneel down to pray to God. Lets look at it this way God still love us no matter the way we sinned against him but he still love us by even sending his only son to die for our sins and also to give us salvation if the are people or person that kneel down to pray God is ready to answer us.
(1corinthians 1:10, Zacharia 8:7, Malachi 1:11, 2Cronocles 7:14, Lamentation 3:33-39, John 3:16, Mathew 7:8, James 1:6, Philippians 4:6-7, Hebrews 4:16, Proverb 17:1)

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Truely we must understand that our father in heaven dwells in our body therefore in as much we have understand this we must make sure that our body is kept holy and presentable unto God as well.
It was nice going through your review

yes exactly dear

Of a truth bro Barnabas the prayer of the righteous God hears quickly so we need to pray seasonlessly because God will always hear us

that is it when you are righteous and you prayed to God he will surely answer you

Exactly righteousness is the key to God answering our prayers