Live Worship Service Hold on 25th February, with brother Daniel

in #hive-1820743 years ago

Good evening brethrens, thanks be to God almighty, for a wonderful teachings with Brother Daniel. I was so blessed today.


I will be shearing on this post what I learned from the teachings. Brother Daniel said the mind of a Christian should be the same mind that Christ has and so it says let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus and if you have the mind of Christ you will never be considered otherwise and what is the mind of Christ if you continue being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation what is contains. as a man he humbled himself what is one component of humility. Is became obedient unto death even the death of the cross. humility is not simply being like this or being like that and what are you going to obey, obey the will of God and that is what Christian stuff. Let they will be done on earth as it is in heaven. so we will see so many details contained in assessing the mind of Christ. it was stated that you should have this mine the servants of God as Christians we should have or together we should have the same mind which is in Christ Jesus. so how we can possess the mind of Christ are all in the same way that he showed an example. one example he has shown was washing the feet of the disciples that is one example he has so and then he said, I have given you an example that you should do as I have done to you so what he did that's also what you should do and that was an example.

Brother Daniel made it clear that the example lift by Christ came from the mind of Christ yes it came from his mind. He also said by what you are explaining to be understood you give an example you are giving an example to expound on the things that you are trying to explain Christ said I gave you an example.

I also learnt In Philippians have this mind be in you which is also in Christ Jesus that's what Brother Daniel explain for us to understand what kind of mind Christ has he showed an example so there's an example you're going to look at for you to understand how is the mind of Christ. but it came from something when people said let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus keep in mind. in the latter part of his discussion your life should be Because if is according to the gospel of Christ Saint Paul said whether I come and see you or I may not be before you so whether others can see you or not our manner of life should be according to the gospel of Christ I may hear of your state that you stand fast in one spirit What is the spirit where we should be united and we stand fast in it Christ said the words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life why the gospel of Christ contains the words of Christ now we're going to believe our lives according to that gospel only let your manner of life,

I learnt that the manner of life of Christians should stand fast in one spirit with one soul striving for the face of the gospel And so we are going to love one another as I Christ has loved us, so we have an obligation as Christians for our manner of life to be according to the gospel of Christ in if we are doing that We will have the mind of Christ his mind means he is obedient so we will also be obedient and what are we going to obey the will of the Father. Because those are the ones considered by Christ as his brethren.
And because they are also obedient like him why did they become obedient Because their manner of life is according to the gospel of Christ and the gospel of Christ shows the will of the Father and if your life is according to the gospel of Christ you will be able to do the will of the Father so what is the significance that you kept will peer fruit in you and what is the fruit One is patience and because of patience you will be able to do the will of God.

Because you have a good heart and you have faith and so you will strive go back to Philippines 1:27 only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, is that whether I come and see you or be absent I may hear of your state that you stand fast in one spirit with one soul striving for the face of the gospel.

Romans 8:27 and he's at churches the hearts knows what is the mind of the spirit because he makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

so it is important for you to possess the mind of the spirit not the mind of the flesh not any other kind of mind and this is one of the things that we should be able to practice your life will be according to the gospel of Christ only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ for you to be able to do that you should have the mind of the spirit so that whether I come or I am not there or I am absent I may hear of your state that you stand fast in one spirit.

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Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

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