There is a lot of benefits in studying the word of God. I mean both physical and spiritual benefits. The word of God is like a daily tonic that nourishes life. Therefore, we need to study it always to nourish our lives.
The bible tells us in John 1:1 that the word of God is God personified, this implies that you are maintaining a close relationship with him, l mean a father-son relationship with God. From my personal experience, regular study of the word of God keeps worries at bay and when ones life is free from worries, one is free from worry induced sickness and ones life will be prolonged.
When you develop the habit of studying the word of God (bible) regularly, you discover that the bible, through an ancient book so to say, is as fresh as the morning grass.
In the course of studying the word of God, you come to a stage where it becomes so captivating that you're carried away so much that you forget your meal time.
Apart from bringing you to a closer relationship with God, studying the word of God, gives you other insights in life that can improve your social status etc.
Lastly, just like we are encouraged to pray without ceasing, we should endeavor to study the word of God without ceasing, because there lies our redemption.