People think that because one is a single mother, therefore such soul is never acceptable to God but through Gods servant teaching which was backed up with a lot of scriptures. I have come to realize that God loves everyone and that is why am happy to pen down that which I have learnt.
• I have come to understand that everyone is highly welcome in Gods church and in the presence of God, God our father do not discriminate. He is not known as God of discrimination neither does he respect someone because you are rich and other person is poor as we have seen according to the book of ROMANS 2:1.
• JAMES 2:1 God our father takes everyone as his own in as much as you are seen as that soul that calls upon his name without departing from his face or from ways ,he takes everyone equal be it that you are a single mother or father. Therefore let us flee from condemning people.
According to the book of 1 TIMOTHY 2:1Gods word made us to understand that God came for the sinners and for everyone who calls upon and do his wills and teaching that we might be saved and save from destruction. Then why should we be seen as people who condemn people when we know God is he that has shown greather love to his children all over the world.
• 2 PETER 3:9 God our father is not a God who slack back in doing whatever which he has promised his children, God promise for everyone to be saved and never perish. God our father is a merciful God, he is everly ready to forgive our sins and take us back as his children if only we can confess our sins and never goes back to our sins.
We must accept to treat Everyone around us equally with Gods love and kindness. We must not be seen as people who discriminate most especially in the house of God or around our fellow brethren in Christ Jesus but let us be seen as people who shower people with love even as Christ has shown us great and mighty love. Let us love ourselves equally even as we have seen according to the book if 1 CORINTHIANS 1:25.