What makes a true disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ? MCGI Topic Review

in #hive-18207411 months ago

It's another exciting week of Bro Eli's Sermon which teaches what makes a true disciple of Jesus Christ. I always love to read up and listen to his teaching on this community and this week is no difference having given me another headup about how to become a true disciple of Jesus Christ. Kindly listen to the message here and write a post in your own understanding to receive an upvote from the community.

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In my own understanding a person who sincerely adheres to Jesus' teachings and makes an effort to live a life that fosters acceptance, love, and peace as well as selflessly serves others, just as He did throughout His earthly ministry, is considered a true disciple of Jesus. Since they recognise that genuine discipleship is a lifetime journey, disciples never give up on Christ and are totally devoted to Him until the end. They are not perfect individuals and will make mistakes along the way. "If you continue in my word, then you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free," Jesus declares to these devout followers of His according to (John 8:31-32).

You will live in humble obedience to Jesus and His commands as evidence that you are a sincere disciple of Jesus Christ filled with His Holy Spirit. One of the most crucial requirements for being a genuine disciple or follower of Jesus Christ is self-denial. Carrying the accompanying cross is one of the most crucial traits of a genuine follower of Jesus Christ. Carry the cross above your shoulders as well. The great commission given by Jesus to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature is something that all sincere disciples of Christ Jesus will do, albeit tragically, most do not (Mark 16:15,16).

Your discipleship is in doubt if you are not carrying out Christ's great commission to tell sinners about redemption and eternal life in order to deliver them from the coming wrath. No matter how difficult things get, if you are a sincere follower of our Lord Jesus Christ and have a healthy relationship with Him, you will never deny Him.

However, if you are a poor or imposterous follower of Christ, you will undoubtedly deny him, especially when circumstances in your life become difficult or uncomfortable. A genuine follower of Jesus Christ will have unwavering allegiance to their Master, who is Christ in this location, and will not harbour any conflicting allegiances to other entities. If you identify as a sincere believer and subsequently as a follower of Jesus Christ, you will provide forgiveness to everyone who has wronged you or badly injured you in any way, just as Christ does (Ephesians 4:32).

One of the most crucial and unavoidable qualities of a true disciple of Jesus Christ is loving the Lord with all of your heart, soul, and mind. This is a must for those who claim to be followers of Christ. One of the most crucial characteristics of authentic discipleship is having a teachable spirit; without it, it is impossible to be a follower of Christ at all. One of the most crucial characteristics of a true disciple is their separation from the world, since genuine disciples are not of this world, just as their Master who called them is not (John 17:16).

Lastly, one thing to keep in mind is that you were saved by Jesus for a reason. Heaven is the goal, no doubt, but there is work for you to accomplish before you reach it. He would save you and transport you to heaven if all he desired was for you to go to heaven. He provides tasks for you to complete because he doesn't do that. Discipleship becomes crucial because of this. Finding out why and for what reason God has saved someone is part of the job of assisting them in becoming followers of Jesus. In addition, it teaches others how to portray Christ to the outside world. This is the reason it matters so much how you live and what you say and do. It's also the reason we have to live like disciples—we can't just say that. You will be a better representative of Jesus the more you obey, follow, and mature into his likeness. This makes you a genuine mirror of Christ, which eventually exalts God and brings honour to His name on earth. I would like to end this post with a verse from James that, in my opinion, encapsulates the essence of being a disciple (James 1:22).

Lesson materials below

SS ✌️