How To Go Viral on Hive - Consistency

in #hive-1836302 years ago


Let Us Be Clear...

I am writing this as a tutorial from what I have seen, being first on Steemit, and then Hive for quite a few years now. Before you look at my account age and say, "Hey! He is fairly new!" Allow me to say that I was phished about two years ago and lost a seven year old account. Luckily, there was not much in the account at the time, but it still stung. So learn that first lesson now, no matter how long you have been in crypto, there are new scams coming out every day. BE VIGILANT! Never put your keys where they do not belong! Now onto that going viral thing...


I know, you are likely looking for a quick fix on how to make a lot of Hive in one post right? It does happen, sure, but the people that continuously make decent sums from their posts, from what I have seen, follow a few rules. The first and most solid rule is to post consistently. It is hard to develop a following if you are only posting once a week or even less. Make sure you are posting often, and on similar topics. This is something I find difficult, as I have a lot of varied interests. The Hive communities make this a little easier as you can direct your posts to where they are most likely to be read, but make sure you use the correct hashtags. This is something else I often struggle with, but it is very important. Try to only use hashtags for the relevant communities that will want to see your posts.


I know I should not have to say this, but your content is key to being successful here, if you write and post about garbage, you will get garbage results. This is not to say not to post about any particular subject, but the way you write is very important. You have to be clear and well written, and most importantly, do not plagiarize! Do not steal what others have written. This is a lesson I had to learn the hard way, but after learning it, I never did it again! The same goes for photos, make sure you only use original photos or creative commons photos with proper attribution!


Another very important thing is to format your posts correctly. If you are not familiar with "Markdown Language" please click the link to see an excellent tutorial on the subject. It will teach you all you need to know about formatting posts for effectiveness.


When someone comments on your posts, do not just ignore them! Make sure to interact with the people that take time to read what you write. I cannot stress the importance of this. Hive is a COMMUNITY and if you are not participating in the community, then what are you really doing here? Trust me, people notice...

But How Do I Go Viral?!?

To be honest, I do not know the answer to that. I do know that if you follow the recommendations in this post, over time, you will build up not only a following, but a decent amount of Hive to use for whatever your goals are. It will take time, and effort, but it will be worth it, and who knows? Maybe you will get lucky and some whale will notice what you write, and then BAM! You made it big!

Something To Think About...


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Consistency i the key and enjoy engagement by doing it right

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exactly! Thank you for reading!!

You are welcome

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

These are very practical tips. I have been fairly consistency in my posting and I do hope that my earnings will improve.

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Up until today I’m still learning about how to format my contents.

The link I provided is very helpful!

True story. Don't be afraid to make internet friends. It helps.

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