Invented names are cool!

in #hive-1838412 years ago


Around two weeks ago, I published a post that was full of mealybugs. Maybe you remember it, but if not, and you are interested to see it, just one click separates you from it. You could read there my struggle with those nasty bugs. They attacked many of my succulents, especially those with thin stems, like the Lucky Bells or small Shrek ears. Interestingly, the mealybugs skipped the Jade tree and Ruby Blush. Seems that they don't like those plants.

Btw, did you notice the small bee (or whatever insect it is) in the photo above? Aeonium haworthii (now I know the name of it thanks to an angel who identified it) bloomed after I published that post, so the flowers are by now fully open.


Still, there is one bud that is still sleeping. I don't know if from there more flowers will come or just one. I suppose that I have to wait for some days to get the answer.

But why I am writing now this post is not just to show how this plant bloomed, but to update the mealybugs situation. I made that homemade thing, the recipe that I brought in the previous post. Onion, garlic, cayenne pepper, water and dishwasher soap. Everything smelled like onions and garlic haha, the kitchen, the house and later the plants that I treated with this liquid.

I accidentally touched the white curtain of the living room while I was going out to the balcony and guess what. It now has a brown stain, that I guess will never be removed. The cayenne pepper and onion made the liquid brownish. I added those not so nice, coloured details to the curtain because of the mealybugs and my experiment. 😆

Btw, it's not funny. I was not laughing especially when I saw that the mealybugs didn't die the next day after spraying them. Then I grabbed again the cotton swabs and alcohol and removed those few ones I saw. I thought that my experiment didn't work out.

However, now, a week after that I have made that treatment to my succulents I don't see any mealybug. None. Does it mean it was successful in the end? So far, it seems that yes, but my first reaction, seeing the still alive bugs was not so optimistic.

I forgot to put the liquid into the refrigerator, so I don't even want to open that bottle where it is as I am sure it stinks :D Also, no need to spray them once again right now, as I don't see that the mealybugs are around.

So, for those who were interested to know does the recipe works, my answer is that it seems that yes. For now, the mealybugs disappeared.


In the meantime, and not mealybugs related, the jelly plant has grown itself a little sister. I think I have to wait before I separate them, but I am not sure when should I do that. That pot will become small one day for both of them.


The Ruby Blush is so plushy. The leaves are soft and the plants are growing. In this photo, we see a few small buds, that will become flowers one day.



And once again, not related to mealybugs, nor blooming and flowers, I am presenting to you a new type of succulent that is growing at my place.

Echeveria Enigmaticus Variegaticus



I had that succulent already for some years, though it has never bloomed. I don't know if it will ever bring flowers. So the identification of it was tricky, but I hope you like its invented name!
The mother plant and the cuttings and all the babies don't really look the same but believe me, they are all from the same plant. When the branches become too heavy and they break, I just put those branches in another pot and I have a new plant :))


This small was born in the same way. And it will be variegated too, with those white stripes that can be already seen! Welcome to this world, Echeveria Enigmaticus Variegaticus Junior.




Aeonium looks nice :) I think one of mine is getting ready to bloom too.
You could already separate the jelly one if you want. The little one will root in no time!

It will be interesting, the separation. I hope they will survive the surgery :D

Pull it like a tooth :D

Like a dentist hahaha

Edit: I just did it. It was that easy, just to pull it out 👍
And it already has one root!

And now you have two :D
Soon you will beg people to take the babies away :p

Hahaha, I am not giving it away. No way, it is so cute. The new small one found its home in a mini glass jar 😆

The new small one found its home in a mini glass ja


Now? lol, it's dark outside haha

but will, when the sun comes out and me in conditions 😁

Everything smelled like onions and garlic haha, the kitchen, the house and later the plants that I treated with this liquid.

Be careful, otherwise this mixture can kick and you out of the house 😂

Very beautiful photos!

😂 I think you are right :))

So I hope I will not have to use this magical smelly mixture many times 😁

I wish that they no longer appear on your flowers!

Why don't you use a laundry soap solution or a dishwashing liquid solution?

Yes, in that liquid solution I put also a spoon of dishwasher soap :)

So far ( in one week) they didn't come back but I will be checking on them. 🤓

Yeah! They are gone… it does look like the concoction worked.
Maybe a bit to we’ll on your white curtains… sorry to hear that @mipiano thats such a shame there is a stain now.
Your plants look beautiful 🤩

I will try to remove that stain from the curtain. The problem is that I didn't see it on time so it dried already. But at least, no mealybugs now, for the last 6-7 days.
If they appear again, I will repeat the spraying session.

Thanks @littlebee4 🍀
Soon, and you have your ones too, starting from the beginning :))

Yes, dried in is even harder to remove. Hope you can work some magic on it. 🤩

Sounds like a plan @mipiano. I will note the recipe down just in case for the future 😉
Yes… soon. No new update yet. They said we hear more end of July 😳 we wait patiently… toem tie toem… 🤓 I’m still patient… yes… all will be fine 😁

End of July? omg...

well, hive on and have patience indeed :)))

Yes… we so had hoped we could have moved before the summer ☀️ But doesn’t look like it. So many backlogs everywhere, to many people involved into this relocation for work. We started in October.

Yep… hive on… that’s great. I’m just doing that 🤓😁👋🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻

Oh, it is already a lot of time.

One day it will come, and you will not believe it just came indeed. 😅

Yes, that is our guess, because it takes so long now, before we know it we are on a plane ✈️

They literally have attempeted my murder and are trying to kill me with V2K and RNM. Five years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then. .....

They literally have attempeted my murder and are trying to kill me with V2K and RNM. Five years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then. .....