Enjoying Everything And Savouring It All!

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Enjoying Everything And Savouring It All!

It Will Be Dearly Missed!

For the time being at-least! Me and "The Betty" have some fancy thought now the thing is just to pull them off, maybe the years to come will be more fruitfull than we hope but either or we will make it happen! There is no choice!

Now the last day of getting to enjoy the amazing seaside finally arrived! Geez I make it sound as if I wanted it! Well one does want to return to one's ordinary life right, so we have decided on making this our ordinary life and it really isn't all that hard at all! You just have to have the guts to do it! Settle for different things in life, that is all there is to it!

The thing is most of us don't want change and when we are faced with it we try to avoid it at all cost, yet only those who push through it can actually reap the rewards and see what it meant for them!


Enjoyed To The Fullest!

It was short but it was well the worth of it!

The best part of all of this is that I get to do it again December! Oh dang I can't wait! I think I might be growing fond of these weekly getaways every now and then! It really amples up the enjoyment throughout the year! However it is nice to be able to break away for a nice solid three weeks and just be a lazy bugger for the entire time! No rush with anything! Nothing at all! Cruising around like the world is there to wait for you! That is what it is all about isn't it?

Now yeah it was a bummer to go home but I am not going to let that get the best of me! Not at all! We are going to kill the rest of the year off nicely! And quietly! No need to get upset about anything right! It's life and we are all in for the all in!

Make the time to smile and be a little weirder than you usually are! That is the way to go!


Cheers To The Last Sunset!

Well truth be told it was still far from the sun setting but it was the last one we could enjoy on the beach as we had other things to attend to! More dire matters!
However we still have the best sunsets to come! In December it sets more to the side of the ocean and it is one hell of a beautifull sight! Seeing the sun set right on the edge of where the land and water meet!

Something real gorgeous! Sometimes it even shines a bright purple-ish colour instead of the normal orange/pink colour! It really is something to behold! Truely I can not even stress that enough!

As for now folks the stories from the seaside would remain memories! Forever to be returned upon! However this is not the end of the stories! Nah I have plenty to share still!


To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

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