A city full of magic and art (CCC's Street Art Contest)

in #hive-1847844 months ago
Que alegría siento al visitar esta maravillosa ¨StreetArtCommunity¨:  donde nos reunimos cada semana los apasionados del ¨arte¨¨callejero¨, personas que como yo, sienten la misma pasión y saben apreciar el ¨Street-Art¨ que hay en nuestras ciudades. Antes de enseñarles las obras que prepare esta semana, quiero agradecer a todos los que han hecho posible que mi fotografía del mural de la semana pasada sea una de las ganadoras

Source: Family Álbum

What joy I feel when visiting this wonderful ¨StreetArtCommunity¨:  where those who are passionate about “street art” meet every week, people who, like me, feel the same passion and know how to appreciate the “Street-Art” that exists in our cities. Before showing you the works I prepared this week, I want to thank everyone who has made it possible for my photograph of last week's mural to be one of the winners

Vivo en una ciudad encantadora, Corrientes es una de esas ciudades donde la naturaleza convive con los edificios y la arquitectura, por eso no me sorprende que el nuevo eslogan de la ciudad sea ¨Corrientes¨,¨Naturalmente¨Mágica¨:  al descubrir este mural de nuestra manera de presentarnos al mundo, no pude evitar hacer esta fotografía y enseñarlos a todos

I live in a charming city, Corrientes is one of those cities where nature coexists with buildings and architecture, that's why it doesn't surprise me that the city's new slogan is ¨Corrientes¨,¨Naturalmente¨Mágica¨:  upon discovering this mural of our way of presenting ourselves to the world, I couldn't help but take this photograph and show it to everyone

La semana pasada enfatice que en mi ciudad hay arte hasta en el cielo, esta semana me encantaría decir que vemos arte hasta en las embarcaciones que navegan en el cauce del hermoso rio ¨Paraná¨. No hace falta decir que me encanta lo que han hecho en este hermoso velero llamado ¨Soleil¨:  Una embarcación que participa en competencias de regatas en mi ciudad, y en varias oportunidades ha resultado triunfadora. Creo que el arte en la embarcación tiene un significado, y está relacionado a ¨Poseidón¨ el Dios de los mares¨:  Tiene mucho sentido verdad?

Source: Family Álbum

Last week I emphasized that in my city there is art even in the sky, this week I would love to say that we see art even in the boats that navigate the bed of the beautiful Paraná river. Needless to say, I love what they have done on this beautiful sailboat called ¨Soleil¨:  A boat that participates in regatta competitions in my city, and on several occasions has been successful. I believe that the art on the boat has a meaning, and is related to ¨Poseidon¨ the God of the seas ¨:  It makes a lot of sense, right?

Lo que más me atrae del ¨muralismo¨ de mi ciudad, es cuando los artistas utilizan la temática de nuestra ¨fauna¨ en sus obras, no creo que existan aves que más representen a mi ciudad que el ¨carpintero¨, ¨cardenal¨ y el ¨yacaré¨. Ejemplares hermosos que se pueden encontrar a lo largo de nuestro territorio, visitar nuestra provincia es acercarse a la vida silvestre

Source: Family Álbum

What attracts me most to the ¨muralism¨ of my city is when artists use the theme of our ¨fauna¨ in their works, I don't think there are birds that best represent my city than the ¨carpenter¨, ¨cardinal¨ and the ¨yacaré¨. Beautiful specimens that can be found throughout our territory, visiting our province is getting closer to wildlife

No podría estar más de acuerdo con el nuevo ¨slogan¨ de la ¨ciudad¨ ¨Corrientes¨, es una provincia con muchos lugares precioso para visitar y poder apreciar nuestra hermosa fauna, como el ave que el artista utilizó en su obra, se trata de un ¨Thraupis¨ naranjero¨:  otra ave muy preciosa de nuestra fauna. Desgraciadamente desconozco quien es el artista o el nombre de la obra. Que genial poder participar una vez más en el ¨CCC's Street Art Contest¨:  de nuestro amigo @digi-me . Qué bueno que teníamos con nosotros mi ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ gracias a eso he podido hacer estas bellas tomas

Source: Family Álbum

I couldn't agree more with the new "slogan" of the "city" ¨Corrientes¨, it is a province with many beautiful places to visit and be able to appreciate our beautiful fauna, such as the bird that the artist used in his work, it is a ¨Thraupis¨ orange tree¨:  another very precious bird of our fauna. Unfortunately I don't know who the artist is or the name of the work. How great to be able to participate once again in the ¨CCC's Street Art Contest¨:  by our friend @digi-me. It's good that we had my ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ with us, thanks to that I was able to take these beautiful shots


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


Mano que hermosa ciudad, eso es en Maracaibo?

Hola querido amigo @fonestreet
Gracias por tu interés y aprecio de mi ciudad
Vivo en la ciudad de Corrientes- Argentina, en Amrecica del sur
Una ciudad preciosa para vivir. Que pases un dia hermoso

Ohhh bro mil disculpas, pensaba que era en Venezuela creo que me perdí esa parte en el post.

Están geniales esos StreetArt G saludos desde por acá 💌

no pasa nada querido amigo
Muchas gracias por apreciar nuestro arte callejero
que disfrutes de un precioso dia

The street art you have in your city is truly beautiful. I love the birds. Here we have many sinister street art murals that don't make sense and some are quite ugly.

Thanks for sharing glimpses of your beautiful city. You are blessed to have this as your surroundings. Good wishes my friend.

It is always a pleasure to be able to share with all the beautiful murals that we have in my city
I'm sorry to read that in your city the murals are badalico and horrible
Thank you very much dear friend @carolynstahl for appreciating the art of my city
Have a lovely afternoon

I loved the way you approached your post, firstly showing the way to perceive in your country the wonders that can be found in it and why the message of the first work of art that rather than being an advertisement enhances the spectacular site.

The others are a visual pleasure full of color showing diversity of species.

Thank you for sharing such beautiful and diverse works.

Blessings and success my friend @jlufer


Dear @jlufer, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @dayadam.

Good morning dear friend @dayadam
In almost most of my posts I start with a type of presentation, and then slowly lead to the main topic.
Thank you very much for appreciating my post, you are very kind
I take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful day.

Another beautiful mural with this yellow bird. Perfect for this playground. Thanks for sharing these pics on The StreetArt Community. Always interesting to read your post about your city.

Have a great day

Hello dear friend @heroldio good morning
Thank you very much for appreciating my posts and the murals that I show you about my city. Have a great day.

#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales

No me gustan los cocodrilos, pero que bien hecho que está!! Maravilloso! Y las aves una más hermosa que la otra. Que grandiosos murales @jlufer, gracias por traerlos!😃

las obras de animales y aves son preciosas en mi ciudad, los artistas hacen un gran tarabajo en sus murales
Muchas gracias querida amiga @avdesing por apreciar el arte callejero de mi ciudad
Que disfrutes de un hermoso dia

Me sorprendo cada día con los murales que traes son unas obras preciosas!

Wow, love the street art, especially the last bird looks so attractive.
Sending Love and Ecency Vote!

thank you very much dear friend @untilwelearn for appreciating the street art of my city, you are very kind


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@dayadam(2/5) tipped @jlufer