[ENG/ITA] Graffiti Lettering Contest #16 (WHAT) - 100% Liquid Payout + 400 ECENCY Points

in #hive-1847843 years ago


ENG VERSION - Scorri sotto per ITA


Hello HIVE & StreetArt Community
Ciao Olio di Balena!
Hope you all doing all right
Welcome to the
Graffiti Lettering Contest

#15 Winners + Prize Distribution

If you missed here is the #15 Contest Post and #15 Voting Post! It's worth checking out!

The liquid payout of #15 was 1.50 $ and we also had 2 HIVE and 200 ECENCY Points sponsored by @nineclaws as well as the usual 400 ECENCY Points sponsored by me..



Top 3

1️⃣ @orcaazul (13 votes) - 0.75 HBD + 0.50 HIVE + 150 + 22.22 ECENCY Points

2️⃣ @ran.koree (11 votes) - 0.45 HBD + 0.30 HIVE + 100 + 22.22 ECENCY Points

3️⃣ @marbrym (10 votes) - 0.30 HBD + 0.20 HIVE + 50 + 22.22 ECENCY Points

What a start for @orcaazul! Great stuff!

Honourable mentions

  • @yangyanje (7 votes) - 0.33 HIVE + 20 + 22.22 ECENCY Points

  • @akida (7 votes) - 0.33 HIVE + 20 + 22.22 ECENCY Points

  • @andre-marg25 (6 votes) - 0.33 HIVE + 20 + 22.22 ECENCY Points


Unfortunately for @evev (3),@theithei (2) and @new.things (1) you guys that didn't manage to get in the top 3 nor the 3-4 honourable mentions I will send only 10 + 22.22 ECENCY Points, but I will also say Well Done to all of you and thanks for having participated!

Prize Distribution

Top 3


Honourable Mentions




The word for today is...

Open interpretation!


Sorry for my lazy sketch!

Information about the contest, how to participate, rules and prizes can all be found scrolling down in this post! I decided to show the new word immediately after the introduction to make it easier for the usual participants so you guys do not have to scroll down too much if you wanna jump in action as soon as you see the word!

Contest Overview

Probably many of you already know what everything is about! For the new members as you can probably guess from the title this contest is about Graffiti and Lettering.
Every 2 weeks a new random "word" will be announced and the participants will have to make a nice Graffiti Lettering of it on paper (or in any way they want really, it can be drawn, painted, sprayed on a wall, you can do what you want! If you're crazy and want to go the extra mile you can even do a real graffiti on a wall!).
Once you have finished with your Lettering then make a cool post about it, maybe showing us your process and explaining the creativity behind it and comment your entry under this Contest Post!

I am planning to do this at least 2 times a month in this way:

  • I will post the Contest Post with the random word and participants will have time until Payout (7 days) to submit their entries. (The liquid payout of this post (HBD currently) will be used as the main prize to distribute between the top 3 winners)
  • Once the Contest Post curation period expires I will do a Voting Post where participants and users can vote for their preferred entries, (3 votes per person - anyone can vote, not only participants!)
    Similarly to the Contest Post the Voting Post will be up and running until Payout (7 days)
  • Then I will post the next Contest Entry but at the start of the post I will announce the winners of the previous entry and send out the prizes (with screenshot proof).

Hope it all makes sense!

I will not be actively participating in this contest, I will try to always post my work either in the post itself or under it in a comment but I will never consider my work as an official entry in this contest! 😁

How to Participate

  • Upvote & Reblog OR Upvote and mention the contest post link in your entry post.

  • Make your Graffiti Lettering of the given word.
    Your work can be done in any way you prefer, draw it on paper, draw it digitally, draw it on your table, paint it, spay it, do a real graffiti on a wall, totally up to you! I did this contest with the idea of a quick lettering on paper in my mind but how you do it is totally up to you!

  • Make a post showing the word, if you feel fancy give us some background, show us the process, share that creative mind of yours with the community!
    You can post in any Community you prefer as long as you follow their guidelines!

  • Post the link to your entry post and the picture of your art in a comment under this Contest Post to officialise your entry! Please make sure to do this step so I don't miss any entry when I create the voting post!

Contest Rules

  • Contest open to everyone

  • Must be your original work!

  • One entry per person.

  • Entry expires with the post so you have 7 days from the start of this post to make your entry.


  • 100% of the liquid payout of this post will be used for the prizes for the top 3 winners!
    Everyone's support is welcome 😁 Thanks to all of you that are supporting our little creative space! 😎

    • 1st place 50%, 2nd place 30% and 3rd place 20%
  • 400 ECENCY Points by @trippymane

    • 1st place 150, 2nd place 100, 3rd place 50, 3 honourable mentions 20, participation with no win or mention 10

When I will post the Voting Post for this round and we'll know how much is the Liquid HBD I will show all of these prizes in a nice pie chart and everything will make more sense!

The prizes will be distributed after the Voting Post for this round (out in 7 days) which is also when I post the next Contest Post! So around ~14 days from today.

Also worth mentioning that I personally support each one of you that participate here, I manually curate every participation post 100%, every participation comment 100% and always try to drop some PIZZA, LOL, LUV, PGM, BBH tips. My account is tiny and my upvotes are not worth much, but they are genuine 100% like 99% of my activity on Hive, I'm no bot lol

Participants & Supporters

A list of people and friends who appreciate, help and support the contest, as well as participants, fans and winners.
Names get added with participation.
I add people to this list so the tag acts as a reminder when I post, I personally appreciate it when I get tagged in contests that I usually participate in, but if anyone prefers not to get tagged please let me know and I will remove the name from the list.
Let me also know if you want to get added to this list! Cheers

@wesphilbin @stayten @catword @moon-city @failingforwards @brittandjosie @thekittygirl @heroldius @digi-me @gaboamc2393 @nineclaws @trincowski @ryzeonline @deepresearch @macchiata @qwerrie @yems @ran.koree @mimi05 @rilo @latinocaracas @alovely088 @andre-marg25 @melinda010100 @mazquel @tommyl33 @dirtnowitzki @ramisey @ghostonchronic @consciouscat @new.things @theithei @giocondina @jacuzzi @littlebee4 @mondoshawan @akida @saleemju @zddf @fracshun @queenstar @jadung @akiraymd @evev @graffitidude @yangyanje @cjsean @yoswar @pravesh0 @karkalitsos @marbrym @orcaazul @crisch23

A huge welcome to @crisch23! Hope to see some great art from you! Welcome!

A Huge Thank You to @heroldius and @digi-me and their #StreetArt community, they kindly gave me the Go to post this contest in their community! And I see you pin these posts so a huge thank you for this also! I'm sure this will boost the Contest and help it to get some extra visibility! Big UP StreetArt community! 😎

And a Very Big Thank You to Olio di Balena Community for having created such an amazing space on this chain for the Italian content and members!
Thank you very much for letting me Cross-Post the Graffiti Lettering Contest posts in your Community! 😎

Join StreetArt today!

Unisciti a Olio di Balena oggi!

Good Luck to everyone!
Thanks for checking out!





Hello HIVE & StreetArt Community
Ciao Olio di Balena!
Spero stiate tutti alla grande!
Benvenuti al
Graffiti Lettering Contest

Vincitori #15 + Distribuzione dei Premi

Se non avete seguito, potete vedere le scorse partecipazioni qui nel #15 Contest Post e nel #15 Voting Post! Ne vale la pena!

Il pagamento liquido del post #15 era di 1.50 $ e avevamo anche 2 HIVE e 200 Punti ECENCY sponsorizzati da @nineclaws e i soliti 400 Punti ECENCY sponsorizzati da me.



Top 3

1️⃣ @orcaazul (13 voti) - 0.75 HBD + 0.50 HIVE + 150 + 22.22 Punti ECENCY

2️⃣ @ran.koree (11 voti) - 0.45 HBD + 0.30 HIVE + 100 + 22.22 Punti ECENCY

3️⃣ @marbrym (10 voti) - 0.30 HBD + 0.20 HIVE + 50 + 22.22 Punti ECENCY

Che partenza per @orcaazul! Grande!

Menzioni d'onore

  • @yangyanje (7 voti) - 0.33 HIVE + 20 + 22.22 Punti ECENCY

  • @akida (7 voti) - 0.33 HIVE + 20 + 22.22 Punti ECENCY

  • @andre-marg25 (6 voti) - 0.33 HIVE + 20 + 22.22 Punti ECENCY


Sfortunatamente per @evev (3),@theithei (2) e @new.things (1) che non siete riusciti a piazzarvi ne nella top 3 ne nelle 3 menzioni d'onore vi mandero' solamente 10 + 22.22 Punti ECENCY, ma vi voglio anche dire Ben Fatto a tutti quanti e grazie per aver partecipato!

Distribuzione dei Premi

Top 3


Menzioni d'onore




La parola per oggi è...

A libera interpretazione!


Perdonatemi per lo sketch svogliato!

Sotto, scorrendo questo post, potete trovare informazioni sul concorso, come partecipare, regole e premi!
Ho deciso di mostrare la nuova parola per la prossima edizione del contest subito dopo l'introduzione, perche’ sia piu’ facile per i partecipanti veterani trovarla senza dover scorrere tutto il post ed entrare cosi subito in azione!

Informazioni sul contest

Probabilmente molti di voi sanno già di cosa si tratta! Per i nuovi membri, come probabilmente potete intuire dal titolo, questo concorso riguarda Graffiti e Lettering.
Ogni due settimane viene annunciata una parola che i partecipanti al concorso dovranno presentare con un Graffiti Lettering su carta (o altri formati, libera scielta, e’ possibile disegnare, dipingere, spruzzare su un muro la parola data! Perche’ no, un vero graffito su parete!).
Una volta che avete finito con il Lettering, scriveteci un bel post magari mostrando il processo creativo e spiegando l'idea dietro alla vostra creazione e commentate questo Contest Post con la vostra entrata al contest!

Ho intenzione di proporre il contesti 2 volte al mese in questa maniera:

  • Pubbliccare il Contest Post con una parola e i partecipanti avranno tempo fino al Pagamento di quest'ultimo (7 giorni) per inviare le loro opere. (Il pagamento liquido di questo post (al momento HBD) verrà utilizzato come premio principale da distribuire tra i primi 3 vincitori)
  • Alla scadenza del Contest Post, ci sara' un Voting Post in cui i partecipanti e tutti gli utenti Hive e anche i partecipanti al concorso potranno votare i loro lettering preferiti. (3 voti a persona - chiunque può votare, non solo i partecipanti!)
    Come il Contest Post, il Voting Post sarà attivo e funzionante fino al Pagamento di quest'ultimo (7 giorni)
  • Saranno pubblicati i nomi dei vincitori all’inizio del successivo Contest Post, con screenshot come prova del pagamento dei premi..

Spero che tutto abbia senso!

Io non parteciperò' attivamente a questo concorso; cercherò sempre di postare il mio lettering nel Contest Post o di inserirlo in un commento a questo ma comunque’ non sarà’ considerato come partecipazione al contest! 😁

Come partecipare

  • Upvote & Reblog OPPURE Upvote e menziona il link di questo post nel tuo post di partecipazione al contest..

  • Crea il tuo Graffiti Lettering della parola data.
    Il tuo lavoro può essere svolto nel modo che piu' preferisci, disegnalo su carta, disegnalo in digitale, disegnalo sul tuo tavolo, dipingilo, fai un vero graffito su un muro, dipende solo da te! Ho pensato questo contest con l'idea di un veloce lettering creato nella mente e riportato su carta, ma a te la scelta!

  • Fai un post mostrando la parola, se hai voglia puoi darci un po' di background e mostrarci il processo creativo, condividi la tua mente artistica con la community!
    Puoi postare in qualsiasi community preferisci, purché tu segua le loro linee guida!

  • Pubblica il link del tuo post di partecipazione e l'immagine del tuo lettering in un commento sotto questo Contest Post per ufficializzare la tua partecipazione! Assicurati di fare questo passaggio in modo che non mi sfugga nessuna partecipazione quando scrivo il post di votazione!

Regole del concorso

  • Concorso aperto a tutti

  • Deve essere un lavoro originale di tua creazione!

  • Una partecipazione a persona.

  • L'iscrizione scade alla scadenza di questo post, quindi hai 7 giorni dalla pubblicazione di questo post per fare il tuo lavoro.


  • Il 100% del pagamento liquido di questo post verrà utilizzato per i premi da ridistribuire ai primi 3 vincitori!
    Il supporto di tutti è benvenuto 😁 Grazie a tutti voi che state sostenendo il nostro piccolo spazio creativo! 😎

    • 1° posto 50%, 2° posto 30% e 3° posto 20%
  • 400 punti ECENCY da @trippymane

    • 1° posto 150, 2° posto 100, 3° posto 50, 3 menzioni d'onore 20, partecipazione senza vittorie o menzioni 10

Quando pubblicherò il Voting Post per questo round e sapremo effettivamente la cifra del Liquid HBD da usare come premio principale, mostrerò tutti questi premi in un bel grafico a torta e tutto avrà molto più senso!

I premi verranno distribuiti dopo il Voting Post che scade tra 7 giorni, ed è anche il momento in cui pubblicherò il prossimo Contest Post! Quindi circa ~14 giorni da oggi.

Vale anche la pena ricordare che sostengo personalmente ognuno di voi partecipanti al contest, curo manualmente ogni post di partecipazione al 100%, ogni commento di partecipazione al 100% e cerco sempre di lasciare tip con PIZZA, LOL, LUV, PGM, BBH. Il mio account è minuscolo e i miei voti non valgono molto, ma sono autentici al 100% come il 99% della mia attività su Hive, non sono un bot lol

Partecipanti e sostenitori

Un elenco di persone e amici che apprezzano, aiutano e supportano il contest, nonché partecipanti, fan e vincitori.
I nomi vengono aggiunti con la partecipazione.
Aggiungo persone a questo elenco in modo che il tag funge da promemoria quando posto, personalmente lo apprezzo quando vengo taggato in contest a cui di solito partecipo, ma se qualcuno preferisce non essere taggato per favore me lo faccia sapere e il suo nome sara' rimosso immediatamente dall'elenco .
Fatemi sapere anche se volete essere aggiunti a questo elenco! Saluti

@wesphilbin @stayten @catword @moon-city @failingforwards @brittandjosie @thekittygirl @heroldius @digi-me @gaboamc2393 @nineclaws @trincowski @ryzeonline @deepresearch @macchiata @qwerrie @yems @ran.koree @mimi05 @rilo @latinocaracas @alovely088 @andre-marg25 @melinda010100 @mazquel @tommyl33 @dirtnowitzki @ramisey @ghostonchronic @consciouscat @new.things @theithei @giocondina @jacuzzi @littlebee4 @mondoshawan @akida @saleemju @zddf @fracshun @queenstar @jadung @akiraymd @evev @graffitidude @yangyanje @cjsean @yoswar @pravesh0 @karkalitsos @marbrym @orcaazul @crisch23

Un caloroso benvenuto a @crisch23! Spero di vedere della bella arte da parte tua! Benvenuta!

Un enorme grazie a @heroldius e @digi-me e alla loro community di #StreetArt, che mesi fa, alla creazione del contest, mi hanno gentilmente dato il via per pubblicare questo concorso nella loro community! E vi vedo pinnare questi post, quindi grazie mille anche per questo! Sono sicuro che questo aiuta tantissimo ad avere una maggiore visibilità al contest! Big UP alla Community di StreetArt! 😎

E un grande ringraziamento alla Community di Olio di Balena per aver creato uno spazio straordinario su questa blockchain per i contenuti e gli utenti italiani!
Grazie mille per permettermi di fare i Cross-Post dei post riguardanti il mio Graffiti Lettering Contest nella vostra Community! 😎

Join StreetArt today!

Unisciti a Olio di Balena oggi!

Buona fortuna a tutti!
Grazie per essere passati di qui!



Hello again, thanks for this cool entry, love the one-eyed puppet!

Good luck!


I'm glad you liked it and thank you for that first prize.

No trouble, thank the voters, it's all thanks to them! 😎 This is what I like a lot of the contest, the fact that I let you guys and the community vote, I may be too biased sometimes so I really love the fact that we get votes from all different types of people 😎

Why don't eggs tell jokes?
They'd crack each other up.

Credit: gillianpearce
@orcaazul, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @trippymane
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (4/4)

Hello, here mi entry https://ecency.com/hive-184784/@andre-marg25/graffiti-lettering-contest-16-what

Congratulations to the winners


Super, thank for this different look in this week!

Cool lettering and I like how it looks, I'n not a fan of the coloured marks around the drawing but that is me 😁

Great stuff, best of luck!


Your content has been voted as a part of Encouragement program. Keep up the good work!

Use Ecency daily to boost your growth on platform!

Support Ecency
Vote for new Proposal
Delegate HP and earn more

Obrigadaaaaaaaa. I am always honored to be allowed to join this great contest. "What" is next? OK, I will try that word ✨💃✨

Eheeh good luck!

Happy to have you in!


A blind man walks into a bar..
..and then a chair and then a table.

Credit: reddit
@akida, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @trippymane
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (3/4)

Felicidades los ganadores me motiva que uno de mis favoritos haya sido mi premiado bendiciones son gran motivación.
Feliz semana ahora vamos por What

Wonderful, happy to hear it, now you need to win one 😁


What? 😏

!gif WHAT


The first time I saw my future Wife was at the local Zoo.
I just knew she was a keeper.

Credit: reddit
@mondoshawan, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @trippymane
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/4)

Great stuff trippy, thanks for organising and congrats to the winners

Thank you for always dropping by 😎😁


If alcohol negatively affects short-term memory...
What does alcohol do?

Credit: reddit
@new.things, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @trippymane
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (4/4)

Wonderful to see you participating already! Great stuff, I like the colors a lot, lettering is sick! Great job!

Welcome to the contest and best of luck!


Sent 0.1 PGM tokens to @victa1

remaining commands 0

Buy and stake 10 PGM token to send 0.1 PGM per day,
100 PGM token to send 0.1 PGM three times per day
500 to send and receive 0.1 PGM five times per day
1000 to send and receive 0.1 PGM ten times per day

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

Create a HIVE account with PGM from our discord server, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

De un bello tu what súper ecológico. Esta genial suerte En el concurso 🍀

¡Muchas gracias!

Very cool, love the vibes from this one!

Simple but catchy, I like it!

Best of luck and welcome 🙌😁🤩


Thank you very much!

Que Tierno Lettering muy armonios. Suerte en el concurso 🍀

Muchas gracias querida Evev. Aprecio tu dulce cumplido🤗🧡

This is incredibly cute and lovely! Really a cool job!

Best of luck and big up for your graffiti getting better and better!


Thank you much Trippy, I hope to improve and be better. Prolly good enough to worth your vote next prompt.


Looking forward to it! 😎

If you ever get the chance to go to India
You have to try their New Delhi

Credit: reddit
@queenstarr, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @trippymane
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (3/4)

I loved it beautiful friend 😍

Welcome to the contest 💪😎

Simple style and sometimes simple does the job, thanks for your input and wish you luck for your first entry! 😁


Thank you

Hola chicos por aquí comparto mi creación:



¡Feliz semana!


Love this one, it's incredible! 🤩

Really not much to say here if not that this is next-level good!

Good luck and wish you a great weekend 😎


Sent 0.1 PGM tokens to @evev

remaining commands 1

Buy and stake 10 PGM token to send 0.1 PGM per day,
100 PGM token to send 0.1 PGM three times per day
500 to send and receive 0.1 PGM five times per day
1000 to send and receive 0.1 PGM ten times per day

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

Create a HIVE account with PGM from our discord server, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

I love the fills on this.. very creative

me encantó tu trabajo. Felicidades y exito!!
I loved your work. Congratulations and success!!

Hi! this is my entry to the Graffitti Contest #16. Good Luck to everyone! :)



Me encanta la mezcla de colores dándole un toque vibrante, alegre y fresco. Suerte en el concurso 🍀

Thanks! :)

What makes me happy?

Definitely seeing great works like this!

Welcome to the contest and big up for this very cool work, hope to see more from you! 😎

Thanks! :)

Un what muy sexy y los colores aplicados lo hacen especial, suerte en el concurso 🍀

Beautiful! Really lovely!

Great first entry! Big up and the best of luck for the contest!

And a big Welcome too 🙌🤩

@tipu curate

Grazie bro 😎


Di nulla! Non appena vedo un post di qualcuno che conosco devo per forza dargli una mano!

E per questo sei un grande infatti! !LUV a te 😎❤️

Buona giornata 😁

Grazie! Buona giornata anche a te! !PIZZA

Sent 0.1 PGM tokens to @zottone444

remaining commands 1

Buy and stake 10 PGM token to send 0.1 PGM per day,
100 PGM token to send 0.1 PGM three times per day
500 to send and receive 0.1 PGM five times per day
1000 to send and receive 0.1 PGM ten times per day

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

Create a HIVE account with PGM from our discord server, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444


The question mark as a thing in my art entry:


Good luck to everyone

Wow, really creative and cool! Love this style and the many question marks, this is spot on!

@yangyanje is right, this one is special!


That was beautiful😍

Really like this one specially the question marks.

Ahhh that’s so nice thank you I am not an artist but I like to get creative

Thank you very much @trippymane. I am very happy 😜. Congratulations to others winners 💖

Hi Trippy my entry, hope I made it in time all this UTC stuff gets me confused sometimes !LOL

Ahaha oh yes you're good, there's still a whole day left 😁

Love the style, and great work on the letters, I like the first two in particular!

Big up! Always a pleasure to get a participation from you 🔥

cheers mate !LUV

Here's my Entry

Excited to see more.

Incredible 😱😍

Ah! que creativo y reflexivo arte me hace pensar en el destino de los animales algunos para domesticarlos y otros para comerlos. Suerte en el concurso 🍀

También encuentro su pieza muy creativa. Es cierto, los que domesticamos no suelen ser los que comemos. Se llama carnismo a no hacer diferencias entre un perro o un cerdo. Especialmente si ambos tienen sentidos similares para percibir y sangrar. Otra cuestión es cuántas opciones tenemos y no tomamos si no tenemos que sobrevivir sino que somos libres de hacerlas sin dañar. buena suerte para ti también

Excited to see more.

I am for sure, to see more great art from you my man! ahahah

What a masterpiece! I need to read and think about your post a bit more when I will have time to give it the adequate time and focus! I don't want to give a shallow read and answer to such a delicate topic!

Big up!

Bless you!

Thanks for dropping. Comment. Your prompts get me pretty hyped. I really appreciate such initiatives like inktober as well.

Really thank you bro! Damn, big love for showing me inktober, I didn't know about it and thanks for comparing my little creative space to such a legendary challenge! 🙌😎

There is a lot of inkober on hive. The challenge is really nice to learn some pragmatism. Dude! Mad efforts. Always stoked and glad you're putting in all that work. I know it's not just inspiring to me.

Thanks a lot! Really the people enjoying themselves and challenging their limits and the feedbacks like yours are what keeps me motivated to do it and turn up here every time! Respect 🙏

I will look more into inktober for sure!

Congratulations to all the winners 🎉🎉🥳🥳 great entries!
Congrats to the honourable mentions 🎉😁

I liked all the entries… it gets really hard to choose between them lately.

Love the new word @trippymane 😎 looking forward to the new entries!

Wonderful, thank you so much for dropping by and for the feedback about the new word! 😎


What happened when the cows escaped from the paddock?
Udder Chaos!

Credit: reddit
@littlebee4, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @trippymane
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (2/4)

hello how are you doing, I leave you my first participation in this community, I hope you like it, greetings



WHAT is on fire! or is it melting? ehehe

Cool addition and welcome to the contest, I like your work and surely I'm not the only one :)

Good luck! 😎

Congratulations to the winners!! Well deserved awards! I hope I can participate this week!! A big hug to all and congratulations for your work!

Thnak you so much! Would be very cool to see you in the contest again!

Wish you a great week and a big hug!


Thank you Trippy big hug!!❤️

Big hug to you too! Can't wait to see more cool art from you 🤩


Sent 0.1 PGM tokens to @mimi05

remaining commands 2

Buy and stake 10 PGM token to send 0.1 PGM per day,
100 PGM token to send 0.1 PGM three times per day
500 to send and receive 0.1 PGM five times per day
1000 to send and receive 0.1 PGM ten times per day

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

Create a HIVE account with PGM from our discord server, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Thank you friend @trippymane and @zottone444 ❤️😊🤩

; ) !PGM

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Buen día, soy nueva y tengo una leve duda y si es que al grafiti le puedo Añadir otra palabra además de QUE.

Buongiorno, sono nuovo e ho un leggero dubbio e se è che posso aggiungere un'altra parola ai graffiti oltre a COSA.

Solamente 1 ya que no planeo colocar una frase.

Solo 1 poiché non ho intenzione di mettere una frase

Hello, yes you can do what you like, obviously the main lettering is WHAT but feel free to add other words and puppets as you like, as long as you do WHAT as the main you can add details like you want 😁

Hope this helps 😎

Thank you



Un entretejido de formas bien interesante me Gusta na combinación entre el gris y violeta. Suerte en el concurso 🍀

Grazie 🙏🏽

Sempre di livello superiore!

Grande, un super lavoro, buona fortuna e big up! 🙌😎



PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
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trippymane tipped akida (x1)
trippymane tipped evev (x1)
trippymane tipped littlebee4 (x1)
@trippymane(4/5) tipped @orcaazul (x1)
trippymane tipped queenstarr (x1)
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queenstarr tipped trippymane (x1)
trippymane tipped new.things (x1)

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I was late again @trippymane. It's amazing, but all the entries I've seen now from this edition are incredible. Success to all. This is my entry:



I just posted like 10 minutes ago but I quickly edited you in! 😁😎

This work is awesome! Really great work! I love it, with this late entry you confused me big time! I had to edit the post and now I might even have to edit my votes 👀 I really like this one!

Or maybe because I am the host of the contest I can give 4 or 5 votes only for once 😂

Congratz! Love this!


jajaja You're great@trippymane, thank you so much. You know something really happens to me with this community, I'm almost always late. This time it was something very sad because I had my post ready long before those 10 minutes, but I got distracted on something else and when I realized, I got your notification of the vote posting and I noticed that I hadn't posted. What a terror and what a shame with you. I'll do my best next time. Hey I guess so, since you are the host you could afford to vote as many times as you want, 😋

Ahaha no problem, I completely understand, time goes fast, no worries, I'm glad I was still around and managed to quickly edit you in 😎 Hope you'll get big votes, it's a very cool work, the spongebob (is it SpongeBob? lol) will attract votes for sure, and the cool nuances of color too, great work 😁 I couldn't leave you out!

hahahaha it's not Bob Sponja although I think it would have looked better. Although looking at it well could be Bod Sponja after an explosion hahahaha

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Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

Create a HIVE account with PGM from our discord server, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Thank you

Bom diaaaaaaa all together,
This is my entry😅😇🤗



Muy atractivo tu arte me da una sensación de elevación y elegancia saludos suerte en el concurso🍀

Muito obrigada ✨🤗💖

Hellooo 😎 It's very cool, I like the lettering and how is very consistent in its style, simple colorations that does the job!

I really like your signature with that AKA, a cool detail that I enjoy every time, and how you always find a good location where to place it, little bits but very elegant 😁

And in those overlapping parts I can notice how the lettering is of a lighter shade, again little details that make it look awesome! The more you look the more details you see, great job! 😎


Obrigadaaaaaaaa and thanks for your lovely feedback. It's always a pleasure to join in and challenge myself with it. You are a great motivation. Thanks for it. Because of this contest I know will try the next one Digital on my x-pen board. 😋🤗I have to get better cause the others inspire me. Wish me good luck please 😁💖✨🍀

I really loved your graffiti

Boom! This is so good, damn!

Love it, big up for this super creative work!


Let's go for more 💪

Yeaaahhhh!!! Love these vibes!

Thanks for this great creativity! 🤩

To you for keeping it in mind


Me encanta muy al estilo de las tortugas ninja 🐢 lindo

Agradecido 🙂