Defeating Red Team in TDM With Good lead ( Pubg Mobile )

in #hive-18567610 months ago


I want to share my amazing gameplay of pubg which i join to this platform a few week ago , this is the pubg mobile which is the most survival online game in the world .

I open pubg game which is install in my mobile , i start tdm mode which is interesting and most playable game in this game.

When i entered to the game , the battle is already start , in tdm 40 is the target you have to kill the opponent unless then kill you before the battle . You have 4 friends also your opponent are 4 in number .


Our team are in lead of 7 point , I was struggling to kill my enemy but they are very professional and responsive , they shot me from far . I kill one but the other shot me and kill me .




I was hiding behind the block for my enemies if they came i will kill them , Their are 2 enemies on the other side of block , I want to kill these 2 but when i fire on them the one which is on left side was killed but the other ready himself before i shot them he kill me .


Now here i see the enemy was going to kill by my friends , our team was strong from the opponent our point is 24 and our opponent point is 16 we are in lead of 8 .





Another enemy is standing above me on the container , I make target and kill this one , I complete 4 kill only in the battle , which is not much for me.





Here the enemy was trying their best to win the battle . enemy are ambush on us and moving toward us which make the battle more interesting .


At the last the battle take turn , in the beggining my kill was very less , when our point reach to 30 , My kill is only 6 but then i decide to make at least 12 kill , Only 10 point are remaining to us for winning the battle , I kill 5 enemy one by one and take a streak of 5 kill which change the mode of battle and finally i win the match .


I was MVP in this battle kill 13 enemy with 9 assists , This is the battle which is very interesting and winning by me .


thanks to all #hive people

Your Best Regarded @mrdani12


The shots and the angels are good. Cropping the images to hide the control buttons was a good idea but you enhanced the colors a lot more while editing. Just try not to overdo it next time. Thanks for sharing and good luck.

We suggest you to check what others are contributing in this community and feel free to engage with them through your comments, upvotes and follows.

Commented by @itadori-yuji

Thank you very much for your beautiful suggestion 😊💖 .

You're welcome

Congrats for the MVP! Keep it up!

Thank you very much my dear friend ❤️