Labrador Miko's favourite non-eating activity is chasing drones. And, drone "THD", an EMax Tinyhawk III, has been his prey of choice. I managed to capture THD's final flight on my goggles DVR.
The flight starts with Momo having a couple of leaps at the drone. Miko likes to sit behind to drone as it launches from the back of the sofa. I'm glad Momo has started going for the drone because it also gives her some exercise! Miko is a bit big and fast for Momo, so once he gets close, Momo gives up the chase and sits near me.
Miko is trained to sit when I activate the drone's beeper. He also won't go for the drone when it's hopping along the ground. Recently he has started retrieving the drone when it's crashed and stuck - but I'm not sure a drone drenched in dog slobber is particularly awesome. Anyway, this time, Miko wins vs the drone.
Why is the drone called THD? Well, TH for Tinyhawk and D for the fourth one. THA, THB and THC have all met their end and are in the spare parts bin.
THA was not Miko's fault - he was not even our dog when THA died. Being my first FPV drone, I crashed THA often, broke the camera lens etc. What finally killed THA was a submarine experiment in Momo's water bowl.
Luckily THB was awaiting as a hot spare, so I was up in the air immediately. THB flew for some time with Miko chasing it until one day, he chomped down on the video transmitter and ruined the main board.
I replaced the main board - and since it is essentially the brains and heart of an FPV drone, I gave it a new name: THC.
In time THC, too, suffered from Miko's chompy jaws and needs repair. But, rather than waiting for THC to be fixed, Miko's mum brought a new drone for him: THD.
But now THD has died in the same way that THB perished. THD has a cracked frame, a bent camera cowling and numerous toothmarks.
But luckily, I have another main board on standby, so with an afternoon and the parts of the other drones, I should be able to Frankenstein a drone called ... THE.
Yes, it will be THE drone.
Miko vs Drone 1:
Miko vs Drone 2:
Until next time.
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