A throwback on my first music ministration

in #hive-18623923 days ago

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Hey lovely people, it's another big Thursday, a time to refresh our memories on important events that meant something to us. Today I'w be doing a throwback on a special event as touching my musis career.
Lately I got the opportunity to minister through music outside my church, infact outside my town, that's something to remember as far as my music career is concerned, as a matter of fact that was my first music ministration outside my church, a big shout out to my mum for sponsoring everything, infact she was the one that took me out to minister alongside with her, right from day one my mum have encouraged me so richly, i really appreciate God for her life.


I minister my own song, I can remember I presented that same song in the hive open mic and I was encouraged by @jesuslnrs not to keep it to myself but that the world needs to hear it, well I guess this is the result of that encouragement, thanks to all my friends.


I only added few lyrics to the song to make it inline with the theme for that meeting, I learnt a big lesson as a result of that ministration, many people said they were blessed through that ministration but initially I was underestimating myself, sometimes we can do more than we can imagine, we just need to go out there, and also the little we think we have can be a blessing to someone out there.


Thanks for viewing, see you next Thursday.


Hola gente encantadora, es otro gran jueves, un momento para refrescar nuestros recuerdos sobre eventos importantes que significaron algo para nosotros. Hoy haré un retroceso sobre un evento especial relacionado con mi carrera musical.
Últimamente tuve la oportunidad de ministrar a través de la música fuera de mi iglesia, de hecho fuera de mi ciudad, eso es algo para recordar en lo que a mi carrera musical se refiere, de hecho esa fue mi primera ministración musical fuera de mi iglesia, un gran saludo. A mi mamá por patrocinar todo, de hecho ella fue quien me llevó a ministrar junto con ella, desde el primer día mi mamá me animó tanto, realmente aprecio a Dios por su vida.
Ministro mi propia canción, recuerdo que presenté esa misma canción en el micrófono abierto de la colmena y @jesuslnrs me animó a no guardarla para mí sino que el mundo necesita escucharla, bueno, supongo que este es el resultado de eso. ánimo, gracias a todos mis amigos.
Solo agregué algunas letras a la canción para alinearla con el tema de esa reunión, aprendí una gran lección como resultado de esa ministración, muchas personas dijeron que fueron bendecidas a través de esa ministración pero inicialmente me estaba subestimando, a veces podemos hacer más de lo que podemos imaginar, solo necesitamos salir, y además lo poco que creemos tener puede ser una bendición para alguien que esté ahí.
Gracias por vernos, nos vemos el próximo jueves.

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I'm glad to see you taking the music with you to every corner and transmitting messages, that's our mission as interpreters. You have a special gift brother and every time I see you shine more and more in and out of Hive, I wish you the best. Thanks for being in #tbt Thursdays, A hug for you!...

Thanks allot sir

Awesome throwback 👏

Every journey begins with a step and you have taken a good step to start with.

Wishing you the best in your musical journey