Okay, let's fast forward in our minds.
First, it had occurred to me that this "model" does not require other people, not really. I have every expectation to six figure my way through this vehicle when these times come.
I still believe the other people are valuable. Its hard for me to express how valuable this comment at this time is to me.
Let's go to one million dollars and play with this new thing I learned called without losing generality.
The vehicle is road-legal and will deliver fresh capital into the environment, foreign direct investment which does not incur tariff nor penalty.
What should we do with it? I have heard a few ideas from members of the fund, I will work up a post in january with the ideas so far and solicit more feedback.
I have, over the last 3 years tried my hand with my own money at micro investing in small local projects. Recycling Center, Fungal Laboratory, 3 microloans to farmers, Tree Nursury (low altitude branch). Mini-eco"bank" style ideas. To a man the results were disappointing, probably leaving hard asset real estate heavily favored again this cycle. Of course I have a list of properties I am interested in.
Building infrastructure, like cabins, we are looking at ~$10k usd per unit. +/- is high depending on what cabin means in your language and preference, but this is the number I have kept coming up within 20% of.
Admin runway on a seven "cabin" set up is calculable. We'll have the budget to create a team of people dedicated to helping me manage these assets.
Eg Off the top of my head for Christmas I want:
3 man admin team total 4k/month x 12 = 48k usd
(property manager, executive assistant and go-fer)
7 cabin set up on our Lerida property: 70k usd
60ha property adjacent for sale (Ecological Corridor Expansion): 200k usd
Murillo Hotel Property: 125k usd (has tenant)
Warehouse Property, Libano urban: 110k
Build out Warehouse: ~35k
Liquidity Pool: ~312k + matched w/ECOBANK
HBD savings buffer: 100k usd
Total :$1 Million dollars