Noche de celebración en El Alambique [ESP-ENG]

in #hive-187189last month









Tuvimos una noche de celebración en "El Alambique" un lugar nocturno para bailar y pasarla bien; en este sitio presentan agrupaciones musicales que animan y ponen a bailar a los visitantes; estamos celebrando nuestra llegada a Margarita con mi cuñado, mi amado y unos colegas moteros que estaban en el lugar; el plan inicial era ir de paseo nocturno por la isla; primero hicimos una parada en el Hotel Tibisay que es hermoso; fuimos a dar un paseo por el área de la piscina y allí hay un bar-restaurant y los caballeros pidieron whisky a mi me provoco una bebida dulce y ordene un cóctel de fresa; que lo disfrute mucho; estaba sabroso y refrescante para mi, ya que el clima estaba caliente aun siendo de noche se sentía el calor. Los chicos nos atendieron con amabilidad y rapidez; estuvimos conversando, comimos unos pasapalos de mariscos; estuvimos en las instalaciones del hotel como dos horas; el hotel me encanto y después de allí nos fuimos a El Alambique; sugerencia de mi cuñado; ya que Gabriel era nuestro anfitrión; el andaba felizmente porque andaba echando vaina con nosotros; la pasamos bien, cantamos, bailamos, comimos y escuchamos buena música, sin duda sitio nocturno recomendado. GRACIAS POR LEER.

We had a night of celebration in “El Alambique” a night place to dance and have a good time; in this place they present musical groups that animate and make the visitors dance; we are celebrating our arrival to Margarita with my brother in law, my beloved and some biker colleagues that were in the place; the initial plan was to go for a night walk around the island; first we made a stop at the Tibisay Hotel which is beautiful; we went for a walk by the pool area and there is a bar-restaurant and the gentlemen ordered whiskey and I ordered a strawberry cocktail; which I enjoyed very much; it was tasty and refreshing for me, since the weather was hot even being at night you could feel the heat. The guys served us with kindness and speed; we were talking, we ate some seafood pasapalos; we were in the hotel facilities for about two hours; I loved the hotel and after that we went to El Alambique; suggestion of my brother in law; as Gabriel was our host; he was happy because he was hanging out with us; we had a good time, we sang, danced, ate and listened to good music, definitely recommended night place. THANKS FOR READING.


  • Imágenes tomadas desde mi teléfono Galaxy A25 5G Samsung.
  • Contenido original.
  • Portada: Canva.
  • Divisores de texto

  • Images taken from my Galaxy A25 5G Samsung phone.
  • Original content.
  • Cover: Canva.
  • Text dividers

