This technique for falling asleep is also known as "relaxing breathing". It was developed by an internationally renowned physician named Andrew Weil.
Imagen de John Hain
According to Dr. Weil, this technique allows us to control anxiety and stress by slowing down the breathing and focusing on the process so that the parasympathetic system is activated. Once the body feels flooded with relaxation, the mind forced to focus on the breath can rest from stress and worries.
This breathing technique is not only a powerful tool against anxiety but can also:
*Improve the control and mastery we can have over breathing.
* Improve digestion.
* Control stress.
*Allows us to sleep better and deeper.
*Improve concentration.
*Decreases anxiety.
*Eliminates muscle tension.
*It considerably improves blood pressure.
*Improves respiratory symptoms such as asthma.
* Increases cardiovascular endurance.
The first step to start with this powerful technique is to exhale all the air we have in our lungs through our mouth.
Then we start with the following process:
With the mouth closed we inhale calmly the air through the nose and start counting from 1 to 4 (1...2...3...4) taking into account that our abdomen should expand with the breath without allowing the shoulders to rise.
Once the air is inhaled, we hold it in our lungs for seven seconds (1...2...3...4...5...6...7).
Now, with the mouth slightly open making a blowing sound and with force we exhale the air slowly through our mouth while the abdomen deflates. We count with this action until the number eight (1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8).
We repeat again the steps 4 more times twice a day in order to be able to control our stress and anxiety problems.
In summary, this simple process is based on exhaling the air we have in our lungs, inhale deeply through the nose until the count of 4, hold the breath in our lungs until the count of 7 and then exhale through the mouth mentally counting to 8.
This technique works as a natural tranquilizer so you are guaranteed relaxation and the benefits it offers if you continue to perform it, if possible, on a daily basis.