Maybe a year ago, or so, my two good friends mentioned to me that they made a deal with the responsible at ARK Liberland Village, that they could use their space every Friday morning for free as a coworking space! Since then, whenever we would talk over GTalk, they would mention how we would go there when I came on my vacation... Well, I was there for 3 weeks and I almost missed doing it! 😃
As I have already mentioned in my previous posts, my whole vacation was more "workation", as I had to do a lot of paperwork that would take more than a half day... And it was multiple days... On the other side, the guy who was organizing that coworking was on vacation himself, so one Friday he couldn't come... The second Friday, there was an event on the Ark and the space was occupied, and finally, 3 days before my trip back, we finally managed to do it!
At the beginning just to clarify one important thing... ARK Liberland Village isn't Liberland itself... It is a small area with a lake in the middle, situated close to the river Danube, in Serbia... Liberland (country) is situated between Serbia and Croatia, an uninhabited stretch of floodplain on the Croatian bank of the Danube... So the place where I was is a kind of their Liberland operational base, if I can say so...
In the image above, you can see one of my friends who invited me to this great place for coworking... My seat was on the left side... There were 6 of us, plus the son of the "President" of Liberland playing games on the computer on the other side... 😂
The part where we were was on the first floor, with that view from the balcony that you can see in the second photo above...
When we made a short break, the guy who was organizing all that invited me for a show around the building and the "village" itself... It's not a real village, but there is a lot of outdoor space... On one side you can see the Bitcoin sign and a large TV, while on the other side, there are big tables, probably for lunch for presenters of different events...
For example, just a few days ago, there was a big conference named Liberpulco, similar to Anarchopulco, with well-known faces from that sphere...
As I was going out of the building, I did the photos a bit in reverse... So the image above is at the left side of the entrance and it is a small kids' corner, where children can play with toys, or be more creative and paint... On the opposite side is a similar (painting) corner (I forgot to take a photo 🤦), but for adults...
At the entrance on the porch, from the outside, you can sit on these comfy chairs and enjoy the view!
As Liberland is situated in the middle of the forest, there were no buildings at all (and I think there are still no at the moment)... Because of that, the owner decided to buy this piece of land and make it a "temporary home"...
What you can see in these photos are plans for this area by the previous owner, who didn't manage to build everything that he imagined... Unfortunately, he abandoned his project, and ARK Liberland Village was born... I suppose that these things will never be built, but there are some other plans for future development...
The building on the right side is where the coworking took place... (I did take more photos, but they sucked even more so I didn't publish them...) Behind the tree is visible that it has one floor more on the top...
I took a short tour around the lake and what you can see in the middle is a SAUNA! I didn't try it as it was so hot outside, almost the same as it could be inside... 😂
On the opposite side of the lake, there is a small garden where they have planned some vegetables so that they can serve homegrown food to their guests...
When I was a kid, this lake wasn't a private property and I remember well that I was going there to fish with my grandpa... Believe it or not, I do remember that there was this quince tree, as my grandma was preparing a quince juice and it was my favorite!!
We didn't use this small car for a tour, but it can be useful to go around... 😃 It's a free car! It says that on the sticker... 😃
Thank you for your time,
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