🍓 {12/01/24} ✦ [BLOG] "When the body hurts, time flies" 🥀 🌒 ❤️‍🩹 ✦ 🇪🇸 │ 🇺🇸

in #hive-1871899 months ago

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✦ Silly and not so silly gallery of the last weeks of 2023 ✦

🇪🇸 ~ Las personas con salud frágil o que han experimentado malestares persistentes se identificaran con esto: Cuando tus planes o lo que quieres hacer es pospuesto indefinidamente, encuentras una alegría muy especial en las cosas pequeñas, pero es diferente a ser resiliente.

🇺🇸 ~ People with fragile health or who have experienced persistent ailments will identify with this: When your plans or what you want to do is postponed indefinitely, you find a very special joy in the little things, but it's different from being resilient.

Es durante estos periodos donde más fotografías tomo de objetos random o pequeños acontecimientos que me parecen estéticamente bonitos y quiero recordar... la mayoría de las veces borro estas fotos sin haberlas compartido con alguien, o las olvido en el fondo de mi celular y terminan muriendo en alguna limpieza masiva por falta de memoria.

It is during these periods when I take more pictures of random objects or small events that I find aesthetically beautiful and want to remember... most of the time I delete these pictures without having shared them with someone, or I forget them in the background of my cell phone and they end up dying in some massive cleaning due to lack of memory.


✦ I was hoping to stop seeing so many blister packs of antibiotics at home by the end of the year ✦

Finales de 2023 fue especialmente problemático, comenzando porque mi mamá enfermó de la garganta y paso por un proceso inflamatorio más o menos grave, afortunadamente en la zona donde vivo contamos con una farmacia muy buena con opción a delivery gratuito.

The end of 2023 was especially problematic, starting because my mother got a sore throat and went through a more or less serious inflammatory process, fortunately in the area where I live we have a very good pharmacy with a free delivery option.

Agradezco mucho ese servicio porque el calor durante el día aquí puede ser peligroso y yo me quemo con mucha facilidad (incluso usando suéteres largos y paraguas, el brillo me ha quemado el rostro). Esto me mantuvo muy ocupada y preocupada por varios días.

I really appreciate that service because the heat during the day here can be dangerous and I burn very easily (even wearing long sweaters and umbrellas, the glare has burned my face). This kept me very busy and worried for several days.


✦ Nothing in this life will prepare you for the experience of trying to give a pill to a cat ✦


✦ I don't understand how so much hate fits into such a small body. My poor Galatea hates life and I don't know why she is like that :( she was such a sweet kitty ✦

¡También volví a perder la cita para la esterilización de Apolo y Galatea!, primero porque Galatea no aumento de peso como indicó la doctora Veterinaria, segundo porque Apolo se escapo pocos días antes de la operación y quien sabe qué cosa misteriosa e indebida comió, que le causo indigestión.

I also missed Apolo and Galatea's spay appointment again, first because Galatea did not gain weight as the veterinarian indicated, second because Apolo ran away a few days before the operation and who knows what mysterious and improper thing he ate, which caused indigestion.

Termine por comprar medicamentos para desparasitarlos a todos por seguridad (spoiler, ninguno de los michis estuvo de acuerdo jajaja), y espero que estén aptos para cirugía el próximo 26 de Enero (¡deséame suerte!).

I ended up buying medication to deworm them all for safety (spoiler, none of the michis agreed hahaha), and hopefully they will be fit for surgery next January 26 (wish me luck!).


✦ There are more variety of colors but these are my favorites so far. I recommend them, they leave no residue in the mouth and no pasty sensation ✦


✦ I was told that these eye drops are the most expensive on the market but they are the ones I trust the most, they have no steroids ✦


✦ I'm not winning the fight against my cookie addiction, every time I go to the store closer to home there are too many to choose from ✦


✦ I am disappointed because this christmas ot did not have any chocolates, only a variety of gummies and candies ✦

Después de solucionada esa y otras situaciones, aunque estaba decidida a hacer un plan de ahorro estricto, las escasas veces que logre salir (migrañas) termine invirtiendo dinero en muchas pequeñas cosas que necesitaba y que no estaban en los planes...

After solving this and other situations, although I was determined to make a strict savings plan, the few times I managed to get out (migraines) I ended up investing money in many small things that I needed and that were not in the plans...

Por ejemplo una nueva cartera mas pequeñas pero de “modelo más adulto” color chocolate (fue amor a primera vista), un par de bálsamos con color para labios porque los que tengo ya se estaban agotando (y Dios sabe que yo no sobrevivo sin bálsamo labial ni un día), lágrimas artificiales o gotitas para los ojos, que es un ítem que todos deberíamos usar (los ojos también necesitan cuidados, como los dientes y la piel), y también una bota misteriosa que NO SABÍA LO QUE HABÍA ADENTRO Y TENIA QUE DESCURBIRLO… ok, la bota obviamente no era necesaria pero rellene el frasco de dulces de la cocina para cuando hubieran visitas, ¿y eso es bueno no?.

For example a new smaller but "more adult model" chocolate colored purse (it was love at first sight), a couple of colored lip balms because the ones I have were already running out (and God knows I don't survive without lip balm for a day), artificial tears or eye drops, which is an item we should all use (eyes need care too, just like teeth and skin), and also a mystery boot that I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT WAS INSIDE AND I HAD TO DISCOVER IT... ok, the boot obviously wasn't necessary but I refilled the candy jar in the kitchen for when there were visitors, and that's good isn't it?.


✦ I am destined to begin my era of collecting things with cat motifs ✦




✦ It even has little squares to indicate your feelings omg ✦


✦ Hahaha it says "Weibo" as the Chinese platform, I love it ✦

Compre una agenda SUPER LINDA, la papelería interna, los estampados y todas las categorías y espacios para llenar que trae es absolutamente loveable; cuando la vi pensé que costaría al menos 15 o 20$ pero la señora de la tienda dijo que cuando las vió, le recordó a mi y mis gustos, y me cobro 5$ por la que me llevé.

I bought a SUPER CUTE planner, the internal stationery, the prints and all the categories and spaces to fill that it brings is absolutely loveable; when I saw it I thought it would cost at least $15 or $20 but the lady at the store said that when she saw them, it reminded her of me and my tastes, and she charged me $5 for the one I took.

Lo que hace esta agenda especial por sobre otras es que incluye espacio hasta 2025, y llegó justo a tiempo porque mi actual agenda ya se esta terminando. Tambien compre un juego de sticky notes con un bolígrafo de tinta azul, que me hacían mucha falta porque hago anotaciones todo el tiempo y termino demasiado rápido los cuadernos de trabajo.

What makes this planner special over others is that it includes space until 2025, and it arrived just in time because my current planner is running out. I also bought a set of sticky notes with a blue ink pen, which I really needed because I make notes all the time and finish my work notebooks too quickly.


✦ In person this has spectacular details ✦


✦ I didn't want to research how much they cost on the internet because I think I will be intimidated xD ✦

Antes de Navidad recibí muchos regalos peculiares todos de fuentes distintas para decorar y agregar a mi cuarto de costura o CosRoom. Siempre estoy en busca de items especiales para seguir embelleciéndolo (es muy difícil conseguir objetos de este estilo y color específico en mi ciudad), y debo ser una de las personas mas afortunadas del mundo porque me regalaron este espectacular (he increíblemente pesados) par de soportes para cortina de querubines y rosas.

Before Christmas I received many peculiar gifts all from different sources to decorate and add to my sewing room or CosRoom. I am always on the lookout for special items to further embellish it (it is very difficult to get items of this specific style and color in my city), and I must be one of the luckiest people in the world because I was gifted this spectacular (and incredibly heavy) pair of kerubins and roses curtain holders.


✦ I tried to take pictures for my waifu but it didn't go very well, I wanted her to approve this outfit but I ended up trying to take nice pictures of Kamui. Obviously I failed ;; ✦


✦ I must find a loving home for these three soon, but I am having a very difficult time saying goodbye to them. Once I give them up for adoption they will never see each other again, and that breaks my heart because they are very close siblings ✦

✦ I am horribly obsessed with the artwork for this game and my cosplay plans for 2024 may be about to change drastically. The illustrations are scattered on the internet in poor quality and without identification, it is impossible to find the source! All I know is that the name of the game is Silver Rain ✦

Si fuéramos amigos cercanos, mas o menos esta es la clase de anécdotas que te hubiera compartido a finales de año. Mi falta de carácter para resistirme a comprar dulces, las cosas bonitas que me regalan; y cuando tarde horas en responder sabras que es porque estoy dormida, porque seguramente me siento mal y recurro al sueño para aliviarme.

If we were close friends, this is more or less the kind of anecdotes I would have shared with you at the end of the year. My lack of character to resist buying candy, the nice things I get as gifts; and when it takes me hours to respond you'll know it's because I'm asleep, because I probably feel bad and resort to sleep to relieve myself.

Cuando despierte te compartiría fotos de los michis en casa y también te pediría ayuda para averiguar los datos técnicos de algún juego super underground japones de hace 25 años.

When I wake up I would share with you pictures of the michis at home and also ask for your help to find out the technical data of some super underground Japanese game from 25 years ago.

Btw, en este momento tengo muchas conversaciones pendientes y amigos que extraño mucho con los que quiero ponerme al día, parece mentira pero cuando el cuerpo duele el tiempo vuela, y en un abrir y cerrar de ojos han pasado 2 meses, que para mi se han sentido como 2 semanas si acaso.

Btw, right now I have a lot of pending conversations and friends that I miss a lot that I want to catch up with, it seems unbelievable but when the body hurts time flies, and in the blink of an eye 2 months have passed, which to me has felt like 2 weeks if anything.

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✨ 🍓 All texts and images by @Tesmoforia 🍓 ✨
🚨 ¡Please do not take, edit or republish my material without my permission! 🚨
💌 ¿Do you wish to contact me? Mino.Cosplay@Gmail.com 💌
🌙 Banner, signature and separators by Keili Lares

⚜ 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚁𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 𝚁𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚎𝚍 / © 𝚃𝙴𝚂𝙼𝙾𝙵𝙾𝚁𝙸𝙰 - 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟾/𝟸𝟶𝟸4 ⚜


The images are all so unique and beautiful - even of the most mundane things ... you did a great job making this post engaging! And yes the struggle is real with cats & pills. Now I use mostly herbs on my kitties and when I do give them deparasite pills I crush them up and mix them with butter.

I am very happy if you found it entertaining 🫂 💗 I like the colors of the small objects that make life a little more pleasant. Thank you so much for that super tip for the kitties, THAT IS VERY SMART! I'll definitely have to try it today, I'll let you know how it went 🐱 🐱 🐱