It’s hard to believe 2 years have passed since we moved into our new house. It also means that 2 years have flown by since we adopted not one, but two kittens. I’m not going to lie, the idea of constantly cleaning cat shit from a litterbox was far from appealing to say the least.
2 years on, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.
Ringo, roaming the kitchen upon arriving at our house. Can’t believe how small they were.
Why wouldn’t I change it for the world? Because without them it’s a house, but with them it feels like a home.
Dogs are always praised for their loyalty and companionship.. cats however are UNDER-RATED.
We both work long hours, meaning that we decided it wasn’t practical for us to get a dog. We didn’t believe we’d be able to give it the life it deserves.
Often it can be a little lonely, especially since both our families live overseas. Coming home to a couple little rascals can make your day after a long day at work. Whether they’re chasing each other around the house, telling you they’re hungry, or letting you know they missed you.
What really surprised me is the emotional intelligence and connection between cats and humans, if you look after them with love. We definitely have two very affectionate cats, and they constantly display it towards us and one another.
They can detect human emotion, and display compassion and empathy. I remember vividly, my wife crying while watching an ‘emotional’ movie, and our cat Archie climbing on her, and physically trying to comfort her. It’s as if he could sense that she was upset, and he was trying to tell her everything is going to be alright.
Cats are also significantly smarter than we give them credit for, and can actually be trained despite popular belief.
I watched a documentary on Netflix called Inside the Mind of a Cat where Ukrainian cat trainers the Savitzky sisters had cats doing an array of different tricks and skills that were all taught behaviours. Things like a walking slalom both forwards and backwards, and jumping through hoops to name a few.
It was a pretty interesting documentary that tapped into the psychology of cats, and definitely recommend it for any feline owner or those interested in the psychology of the mind in general.
These two rascals celebrate their second birthday today, and to my surprise it’s amazing the happiness they have provided us.
Never in a million years, would I have thought I’d form such a connection with a couple balls of fur, but man we truly love these two. It’s fair to say they’re probably the sweetest cats I’ve ever seen, and that’s mostly a testament to my wife.
Don’t get me wrong, they can be a headache at times when they choose to be mischievous.. but secretly I think I love it. A little bit of action around the place.
Without them it’s just a house, but with them it’s our home ❤️
Happy Caturday!!