Advice from experienced craft beer drinkers, please?

in #hive-187719last month

I was pretty sure that this week I wouldn't have time to stop by a pub or taste some craft beer at home.
But since I was awarded for my post in last week's presentation (@detlev, thank you for the coin), I knew that at least for the next #beersaturday I had to either visit a pub or buy a couple of bottles or cans in a local brewery to present to you.
And then, quite by accident, due to styles unknown to me until now, I fell into quite the unknown...
I found Robocraft Brewery products.
RED IPA, 6.3Alc.

I have never had IMPERIAL DIPA and MILKSHAKE IPA before.
Since these are beers with a higher percentage of alcohol, there is no way I can drink all four and present them in one post.
I would divide these four cans into two rounds of drinking, so I would ask you, experienced craft beer drinkers, for a little advice...
In which order to drink these beers?
One day two cans, another day, another two...
Or should I drink all four in a row, so where did it break?
Help me not to get totally drunk 😀


Take breaks in between, they are all very distinct in taste. Also, get proper glasses if you can, they affect the taste ;)

Imperial DIPA would likely be double hopped IPA, you can also meet those labelled as DDH IPA. It will be like a hard-core IPA - it's hops what gives this beer the most distinct features, and if you hop twice, it gets even pronounced.

Milkshake IPA actually contains lactose, as lactic fermatation was likely used besides of the common yeast one. It will be creamy, could have hints of vanila and/or chocolate blended with the typical IPA flavours. I'd drik that one separetely to enjoy all the tastes. Also, look for the malts, I guess wheat, or even oats could be used to brew this one.

India Pale Ale is a common IPA, I am sure you've had a couple of those.

Red IPA is a usually a stron American Amber Ale, although it could be an IPA brewed with red hop varieties. It's usually heavily malted, check the malts too ;)

And, obviously, enjoy!


BTW here's a review of a DDH IPA I've recently published here - just to know what to expect:

Thanks for the advice and explanation @godfish 👌
I definitely thought that I would research the ingredients and the story of these beers in a little more detail, so I will share my impressions in the posts for each of them.
Somehow I sensed that I should enjoy these beers individually.
And as for DDH IPA, I'll drink it when I don't plan to go outside from my apartment, just to be sure... 😀

They're not that strong, just about a half of what wines usually have; but they will all have a huge load of various tastes for sure :)

Yes, half of wine (a stronger one...), but I drink one glass of wine, maybe two (150-300ml), and here we are talking about almost 1.5 liters of beer 😀
It would be: goodbye brain 🤣

Take all of them at once lolz 😂😂😂 because I want to see you staggering

I don't think I will listen to you this time🙂