in #hive-1877196 months ago


Hello good afternoon Beers community, exploring new niches I came across this post of the week # 354 The #BeerSaturday Challenge so it brought back fun memories to share and lots of anecdotes.


A couple of months ago a native singer called Yordano came to town and did a public concert in a big square in the city of Caracas.

My sister and I were leaving work and it was one of those days where I didn't have much to do so we decided to go, we told a friend about it and we went to the place while we were waiting for my friend sitting in a local we ordered some beers.
#Polar which is the most recognized Venezuelan brand, and we drank some there while there was half an hour left for the concert to start.

When the time was done we left the place and went to the square, we looked for a place where we had a good view of the stage and the night began, between songs and shouts of romantic music of the 80's and 90's, we realized that there was a tent nearby where they sold #Zulia beers and I got excited because that beer is my favorite, I must say that Polar beer seems more bitter than Zulia, so first my friend went to buy a round of beers to enjoy.


After a while we greeted some friends and we realized that the square was getting more and more crowded and we could hardly move in the place, but we realized that some beer promoters were passing by selling beer so we did not have to move, to our surprise two guys came and sold us the beers and made us a temporary tattoo of beer.


After approximately two hours of concert we were thirsty and the square was very full, the promoters no longer passed with the same frequency, my sister decided to go out to look for water or beer, something to refresh us, because it took so long that the concert was over and we could not find her because she was coming towards us and we were coming towards where she was and the amount of people made us dodge and lose the direction of the place,


It was certainly a good time we had and then when we found each other we laughed about playing cat and mouse looking for each other without finding each other.

I would like to invite @m16uellop who I am sure will have many stories to tell.

The pictures are my own taken from my Xiaomi 12S phone.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


Hola buenas tardes comunidad de Beers, explorando nuevos nichos me encontre con esta publicación de la semana # 354 The #BeerSaturday Challenge por lo que me trajo recuerdos divertidos que compartir y muchas anecdotas.


Hace un par de meses venia un cantante natal a la ciudad llamado Yordano e hizo un concierto público en una plaza grande de la ciudad de Caracas.

Mi hermana y yo saliamos de trabajar y era un dia de esos donde no tenia mucho que hacer por lo que decidimos ir le dijimos a una amiga tambien y nos fuimos al lugar mientras esperabamos a mi amiga sentadas en un local pedimos unas cervezas solo habian las llamada
#Polar que es la marca venezolana mas reconocida, y pues nos tomamos algunas alli mientras faltaba media hora para que comenzara el concierto.

Cuando se hizo la hora salimos del local y nos fuimos a la plaza buscamos un lugar donde tuvieramos una buena vision de la tarima y comenzo la noche , entre cantos y gritos de musica romantica de los años 80 y 90, nos dimos cuenta qu ecerca habia una carpa donde vendian cervezas #Zulia y me emocione porque esa cerveza es mi favborita, debo decir que la cerveza Polar me parece mas amarga que la zulia, asi que primero fue mi amiga a compra una ronda de cervezas para disfrutar .


Despues de un rato saludamos a unos amigos y nos dimos cuenta que la plaza a cada momento se llenaba mas ya casi no podiamos movernos en el lugar,pero nos dimos cuenta que estaban pasando unos promotores de la cerveza vendiendo por lo que ya no teniamos que movernos, para nuestra sorpresa vinieron dos chicos nos vendieron las cervezas y nos hicieron un tatuaje temporal de la cerveza.


Ya pasadas las dos horas aproximadas de concierto teniamos sed y pues la plaza estaba muy llena los promotores ya no pasaban con la misma frecuencia, mi hermana decicio salir a buscar agua principalmente o cerveza, algo que nos refrescara, pues tardo tanto rato que le concierto se acabo y no la encontrabamos porque ella venia hacia nosotros y osotros hacia donde estba ella y la cantidad de gente nos hacia esquivar y perder el rumbo del lugar,


Sin duda fue un buen momento el que pasamos y despues al encontrarnos reirnos de jugar al gato y al raton buscandonos sin encontrarnos.

Me gustaria invitar a @m16uellop que estoy seguro tendra muchas historias que contar.


Magnífico 🍻

Si la pasamos genial.

Fantástico amiga se hace agradable y relajante disfrutar una cerveza fria

Sounds like very nice event and some good beer

Good company is celebrated with beers, thanks for the welcome. Best regards