It just keeps getting hotter and hotter, here in Mexico. That's no surprise, after all we're right at the tail end of the hot season, before the upcoming rainy season cools us down back to normal. And sure enough, we've had a few thunderstorms lately, still it feels like they haven't been a match for the heat.
So the kinds of beers to enjoy in this weather, at least for me, are the light, Pilsener styles, rather than the heavier and darker ones, even if they are not that flavorful. Who cares about that anyway, when the point is to refresh yourself with the beer instead of tasting it in small gulps. I know, what a barbaric attitude. But fortunately for the kinds of heat barbarians like me, there is a perfect beer: Tecate, hailing from the town of the same name, on the Northern border, not far from Tijuana.
A Brief Brief History
Unlike most commercial beers in Mexico, the Tecate brewery wasn't founded around the turn of the 20th century, but rather towards its middle in 1944. It lasted about a decade as an independent brewery, before being bought by Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma, which itself became part of a large international conglomerate. You can check out its official site for more info.
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The variety of beers made by Tecate also seems like it hasn't expanded much during its existence, as there are but two types: the original and the light versions. Though if you ask me, even this is unnecessary, since the original is quite light itself. Put all this together, this beer might just be the least spectacular Mexican beer. But as I mentioned before, all this is not the reason why it is appreciated.
However, it is just the perfect brew to gulp down under the merciless (Baja) California desert sun. Between cacti and agave plants, where the coyotes are yipping, and the tumbleweed rolling. Where you need to squint your eyes into the desert glare, and you don't mind drinking a light-light beer straight from the aluminum can. That's when Tecate comes in as the perfect desert brew.
Join the BeerSaturday Challenge
This post, as every beer related one I publish, is part of the weekly #BeerSaturday Challenge, the longest continuous contest on the blockchain. To participate all you need to do is make a post about beer with at least 200 words and three pics, use the right tags, and you may even win a cool prize. Check out this week's prompt post by @detlev for more info.