
in #hive-1884099 days ago


From the past or maybe in the future, no one could really tell. I was madly in love with this woman whom I met on the phone. It was in the year of 2005, I just graduated from high highschool. Perfect timing when mobile network companies offered unlimited text and call. It was my first time using a mobile phone, of course I was hooked and began to be addicted to it. I kept searching for text mates, call mates or nowadays we call it chat mate.

I found a couple ones but none of them caught my attention and maybe they felt the same. I was not talkative because as always I’m not confident to talk to people. But a sad and calm night drew a fateful night.

“Hello,” I answered a phone call from an unregistered number. It was expected in those days to receive phone calls or messages from new numbers.

“Ryle, I want you to listen carefully.”

“Wait, I’m not Ryle and who—-”

It was a woman and she was kind of sad. I could tell from her voice. the shivering sound and grasping tone. I just decided to let her talk and when she’s finished I’d tell her.

“Ryle, Mom and Dad were against our relationship. They’d send me abroad so we could be separated and it would kill me if that happens. So if it’s okay with you, let’s run together in a far away place. Ryle?”

That’s the time I thought to tell her that she called the wrong number.

“Sorry, but I’m not Ryle and I think you called the wrong number.”

She may be embarrassed because she ended the call immediately. I understood her and was thinking of leaving her be. What she’s facing was kind of messy and a very serious one but still, I pity her. I just she wouldn’t make reckless decisions. That’s what I thought for a week and with foolish actions I sent her a message.

“I hope you don't rush things, there will always be a way to solve things.”

Right after my message was sent I heard my phone was ringing. I checked it and the number came from her.


All I could hear was a voice crying and mourning. I comforted her through listening to all she wanted to tell. I was sure she’s hurting inside. By saying “Yes and It’s okay”, she became comfortable towards me. She cried out loud and then she told me that the guy was afraid to live by their own. Summary, her plan was rejected for being together with the man she loved forever.

I could tell her how painful it must be for her. I didn’t say more but I made sure that she’d know I was always here to listen.

Day by day she called and we began to be friendly with one another. She started laughing through my nonsense jokes and sometimes got offended by them. Even so, we thought we were getting closer that we’d still call everyday.

The unfaithful day came, her flight of going abroad came. Unlike today, it’s easy to communicate with people abroad because of the internet. So she said goodbye but I realized that we haven’t learned our names.

“I’m Paul from M—---, just in case you’d come to visit me.” I told her and we both laughed even though we knew that tears would come later.

“Lol,” she laughed hard when I stated my name.
“I’m Carlotta from Manila, of course I’d find you somewhere in Visayas when I come back to the Philippines.”

We fooled ourselves through laughing and joking while talking on the mobile phone but actually my heart started to weep. We were so happy talking but when “Hello, hello.” The call ended and obviously she left for sure. I knew it but even so, my heart couldn’t resist the pain of missing her. I held my phone next to my ear and began to wipe my eyes with my clothes as I noticed my vision got blurry. She left already, she left me.

My old phone was ringing for the first time after 4 years had passed. I didn’t recognize the number but I still immediately answered it.


“Hello?” I recognized the voice and—-.


All content is my own unless otherwise noted
If images are being recycled, I just found it fit in my article.



Paul was born in Macrohon, Southern Leyte but currently living in Cahayag, San Francisco Southern Leyte. He graduated the course of a BS Mar-E or Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering in 2019. Although writing is his passion so instead of sailing he decided on writing.

He writes occasionally about random stuff he would see in the outside world. He loves to express what he feels through writing because he's not good at speaking personally.

He also writes fictional stories and emotions because he thinks life matters. He is hoping that his words could reach someone who might be feeling down.

Join me and support me through my adventures not just to the world but also to the human minds not to hate being alive.

You can find me here:

discord - mrnightmare89#2161


Thank you for reading