Hola hola amigos de @fulldeportes seguimos activa por acá 💪 segundo dia de la semana cumplido, y esta vez les traigo una rutina de abdominales de pie!! dónde inevitablemente se veran involucrados otros musculos! Pero el enfoque mayor es en el abdomen!! Solo necesitaran una mancuerna, en caso de no tener, pueden usar una botella con agua, un bolso 👝 lleno de libros o incluso de kilos de arroz, cualquier cosa que les permite ponerle un poquito de peso 💪💪 pero no dejen que las excusas los ganen!!
Hello hello friends of @fulldeportes we are still active over here 💪 second day of the week accomplished, and this time I bring you a standing ab routine!!! where inevitably other muscles will be involved! But the major focus is on the abs!!! You will only need a dumbbell, in case you don't have one, you can use a bottle with water, a bag 👝 full of books or even kilos of rice, anything that allows you to put a little weight 💪💪 pro don't let excuses win you over!!!
Yo realicé 4 series, descansando 1 minuto entre cada una, por supuesto pueden hacer desde 2, incluso hasta 5 😜 depende del nivel de cada quien!! Pro no olviden calentar antes y estirar al terminar. Aunque muchos gente dice que esto no es importante, yo sigo siendo del team que piensa que si!! 💪
I did 4 sets, resting 1 minute between each one, of course you can do from 2, even up to 5 😜 depends on the level of each one!!!! Pro don't forget to warm up before and stretch at the end. Although many people say that this is not important, I'm still one of the team that thinks it is!!! 💪
Aca les muestro algunos Gifs de los movimientos que encontraran en la rutina👇👇
Here I show you some Gifs of the movements that you will find in the routine👇👇
Espero que se animen a hacerla y la disfruten tanto como yo🥰
I hope you are encouraged to do it and enjoy it as much as I do🥰🥰.
Video recorded with my Redmi 9, edited with Capcut, Gifs made in GifShop. Music by Marat Mukhamadiev from Pixabay
Video grabado con mi Redmi 9, editado con Capcut, Gifs realizados en GifShop.
Music by Marat Mukhamadiev from Pixabay
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