Lo lindo que tiene la UFC, es que nada esta garantizado, todo puede suceder dentro de un octágono, simplemente se llama MMA y por medio de un golpe todo puede terminar. Lo podemos confirmar con la hazaña de anoche, Kamaru Usman estaba dominando por completo a Leon Edwards y faltando un minuto para acabar el combate, recibe una patada a media altura que lo lleva al suelo y se termina todo por KO dejando frio al mundo entero. Nadie podía imaginar lo que había pasado, ver tendido en el piso al número 1 de toda la compañía, ha sido quizás la mayor sorpresa de la historia y por siempre quedara marcado este momento en la UFC.
The nice thing about the UFC, is that nothing is guaranteed, anything can happen inside an octagon, it's simply called MMA and through a blow anything can end. We can confirm it with last night's feat, Kamaru Usman was completely dominating Leon Edwards and with a minute left to finish the fight, he receives a kick to half height that takes him to the ground and ends everything by KO leaving the whole world cold. No one could imagine what had happened, seeing the number 1 of the entire company lying on the floor, was perhaps the biggest surprise in history and will forever be marked this moment in the UFC.
Perfectamente Leon Edwards podía ganar su combate, tiene tantas herramientas para ser un hombre peligroso, pero ganar por KO de la forma en que lo hizo, ha sido brillante y todavía no me lo puedo creer. Kamaru Usman estaba invicto en la UFC, tenia una racha de 15 victorias consecutivas, ganando anoche empataría al histórico Anderson Silva, como una de las rachas ganadoras mas largas y su nombre se iba a colocar entre los mejores de la historia. Pues Leon Edwards tenia un plan diferente para ello, ahora es el nuevo campeón del peso welter y la división se coloca en un punto muy interesante.
Perfectly Leon Edwards could have won his fight, he has so many tools to be a dangerous man, but to win by KO the way he did was brilliant and I still can't believe it. Kamaru Usman was undefeated in the UFC, he had a streak of 15 consecutive wins, winning last night would tie the historic Anderson Silva, as one of the longest winning streaks and his name was going to be placed among the best in history. Well Leon Edwards had a different plan for that, he is now the new welterweight champion and the division is at a very interesting point.
¿Kamaru Usman estaba confiado? - Was Kamaru Usman confident?
El mejor libra por libra del UFC salió confiado, esa es mi perspectiva tomando en consideración el 1er asalto, porque Leon Edwards logro derribarlo y controlarlo en el suelo. Nadie había podido hacerle un derribo a Usman en toda su carrera, tenia una defensa contra derribos del 100% y ver que Leon Edwards lo consiguiera me confirma un poco el exceso de confianza del ex campeón. Leon Edwards no es un grappling, jamás busca derribos contra sus rivales y Kamaru Usman ha enfrentando a excelente luchadores que nunca pudieron llevarlo al suelo mediante un derribo.
El 1er asalto para Usman estaba perdido, aquí pensé que la pelea estaría mas complicada de lo esperado, pero nada que ver, Kamaru Usman salió con mas intensidad y empezó a dominar con su lucha. Utilizaba muy bien su inteligencia para llevar a Edwards contra la reja, estando en esa zona podía tumbarlo con mayor facilidad y se encargo de hacer esto durante todos los demás asaltos. Cuando intercambiaban golpes, se notaba que Kamaru Usman tiene mucho mas poder, pero quien tenia mejor técnica era Leon Edwards y lo mas conveniente era seguir con el plan de lucha que venia haciendo.
Ya se veía venir la nueva victoria para Kamaru Usman, no tenia problemas en ningún momento, se trataba de un dominio total, quizás un poco aburrido, pero ganando y eso es lo que importa a fin de cuentas. Mantuvo bien la distancia con el jab, lo ejecuta perfectamente, utilizo su lucha de lo mejor posible y solo hubo un error que lo pago muy caro. Faltando 1 minuto para terminar todo, no puedes colocarte de pie a intercambiar golpes, lo mas inteligente es asegurar el combate y seguir haciendo lucha donde llevas a tu rival al suelo. No sucedió eso y Kamaru Usman fue atrapado con una patada que lo dejo perdido en otro espacio.
The best pound-for-pound fighter in the UFC came out confident, that's my perspective considering the 1st round, because Leon Edwards was able to take him down and control him on the ground. No one had ever been able to take Usman down in his entire career, he had 100% takedown defense and to see Leon Edwards get it confirms to me a little bit of the overconfidence of the former champion. Leon Edwards is not grappling, he never looks for takedowns against his opponents and Kamaru Usman has faced excellent fighters who could never get him to the ground via takedown.
The 1st round for Usman was lost, here I thought the fight would be more complicated than expected, but nothing to see, Kamaru Usman came out with more intensity and started to dominate with his wrestling. He used his intelligence very well to take Edwards against the fence, being in that area he could knock him down more easily and he did this for all the rest of the rounds. When they exchanged punches, it was obvious that Kamaru Usman has much more power, but who had better technique was Leon Edwards and the most convenient was to continue with the fight plan he had been doing.
The new victory for Kamaru Usman was already coming, he had no problems at any time, it was a total domination, maybe a little boring, but winning and that is what matters at the end of the day. He kept the distance well with the jab, he executed it perfectly, he used his wrestling to the best of his ability and there was only one mistake that he paid dearly for. With 1 minute to go, you can't stand up and exchange punches, the smartest thing to do is to secure the fight and keep wrestling where you take your opponent to the ground. That didn't happen and Kamaru Usman was caught with a kick that left him lost in another space.
Leon Edwards nuevo campeón - Leon Edwards new champion
La realidad es que Leon Edwards contaba con pocas posibilidades, no tiene la misma fuerza que Kamaru Usman, no posee gran lucha para aguantar en el suelo y su única opción era ganar con striking. Pensar que el ex campeón quisiera hacer striking, resultaba un poco extraño, no debía colocarse en una situación de riesgo y Leon Edwards tenia un panorama muy difícil de superar. Me gusto lo que vi al comienzo, pudo derribar a Kamaru Usman, gran hazaña hasta entonces y estaba incomodando un poco con su movilidad.
Rápidamente quedo anulado por Usman, Leon Edwards quedaba siempre abajo con todo el peso de Usman que lo llevaba al suelo, siendo un gran error de Leon Edwards que siempre retrocedía, no entendí porque hacia eso, ya que pegándose hacia la reja le daba mayor ventaja a su rival y por esa misma razón lo estaban controlando. Lo mejor para Edwards seria rondar todo el octágono, tratar de mantener la pelea de pie y buscar golpes con patadas o combinaciones arriba. Para muchos Leon Edwards tiene el mejor striking de esta división, debe usarlo mucho mas y ponerse en situaciones de ventaja.
Llegamos al 5to round donde tiene la pelea perdida, necesita si o si un KO, de otra forma no va poder ganar, Kamaru Usman tenia en su bolsillo todos los asaltos anteriores y solo un golpe de gloria salvaba la derrota. Imaginar que Leon Edwards pueda darle un KO a Usman, eso jamás paso por mi cabeza, porque Edwards no es un hombre de hacer KO, no tiene mucha pegada y dé repente conecto la patada mas importante de su vida. Hace un engaño con su mano derecha, haciendo que Kamaru Usman mueva la cabeza hacia abajo y aquí lanza una patada de izquierda para conseguir el KO mas sorpresivo de la historia de este deporte.
Leon Edwards nuevo campeón de peso welter, dejando a Kamaru Usman vencido en el suelo, mirada perdida y sin reacción alguna. Hay momentos que nunca se pueden olvidar en el deporte, este va ser uno de esos y es un poco triste porque Kamaru Usman ha sido un campeón super dominante. Sinceramente quería verlo perder, siempre fui por Leon Edwards, pero no lo tenia ganando y mucho menos de esta manera que todavía me tiene con gran impresión.
La UFC es un deporte muy complicado, cometes un error y se acaba todo, 5 segundos malos que hagas y ya tienes una derrota en tu historial. Kamaru Usman no solo baja la cabeza, si no que lleva su mano hacia el otro lado, dejando sin protección la parte mas expuesta y otorgando el espacio para que la patada llegara con mucha fuerza. ¡Simplemente increible!
The reality is that Leon Edwards had little chance, he doesn't have the same strength as Kamaru Usman, he doesn't have great wrestling to hold his ground and his only option was to win with striking. To think that the former champion wanted to do striking, it was a little strange, he should not put himself in a risky situation and Leon Edwards had a very difficult scenario to overcome. I liked what I saw at the beginning, he was able to take down Kamaru Usman, great feat up to that point and he was making it a little uncomfortable with his mobility.
He was quickly annulled by Usman, Leon Edwards was always down with all the weight of Usman that took him to the ground, being a big mistake of Leon Edwards that always went backwards, I did not understand why he did that, since sticking to the fence gave more advantage to his opponent and for that reason they were controlling him. The best thing for Edwards would be to go all around the octagon, try to keep the fight standing and look for strikes with kicks or combinations on top. For many Leon Edwards has the best striking in this division, he should use it much more and put himself in advantageous situations.
We reached the 5th round where he has the fight lost, he needs a KO, otherwise he will not be able to win, Kamaru Usman had in his pocket all the previous rounds and only a blow of glory saved the defeat. To imagine that Leon Edwards could KO Usman, that never crossed my mind, because Edwards is not a KO man, he doesn't have much punch and suddenly he landed the most important kick of his life. He cheats with his right hand, making Kamaru Usman move his head down and here he throws a left kick to get the most surprising KO in the history of this sport.
Leon Edwards new welterweight champion, leaving Kamaru Usman defeated on the ground, looking lost and without any reaction. There are moments that can never be forgotten in the sport, this is going to be one of those and it's a little sad because Kamaru Usman has been a super dominant champion. I honestly wanted to see him lose, I always went for Leon Edwards, but I didn't have him winning, let alone in this manner that still has me in awe.
The UFC is a very complicated sport, you make one mistake and it's all over, 5 bad seconds you make and you already have a loss on your record. Kamaru Usman not only lowers his head, but brings his hand to the other side, leaving the most exposed part unprotected and giving the space for the kick to arrive with a lot of force. Simply incredible!
Usman vs Edwards 3
¿Debería haber revancha inmediata? Por el respeto que se merece Kamaru Usman, si debe haber revancha sin pensarlo. Estoy seguro que Usman ganaría la siguiente batalla, tal cual como paso con Amanda Nunes, derrotaron a la mas grande de todos los tiempos, fue una enorme sorpresa, le otorgan la revancha y luego propina una paliza a su rival Julianna Peña. Veo esta situación muy similar, Usman pierde por un descuido, pero en todo el combate demostró ser el mejor, convocando otra pelea en 6 meses, Kamaru Usman llega con mucha preparación y gana el titulo nuevamente.
Pero mi pregunta viene porque esta Khamzat Chimaev, el mayor prospecto de la compañía a nada de pelear por el titulo, hombre que pelea el 10 de septiembre y probablemente gane frente a Nate Diaz. Khamzat Chimaev ganando va pedir a Leon Edwards, además sabe que tiene mucha mas probabilidad de ganarle a Edwards, Kamaru Usman representa una mayor amenaza y la compañía desea con muchas ansias que Khamzat Chimaev pueda ser el campeón de la categoría. Dana White no siempre hace lo correcto, puede dejar a un lado la revancha y llevar a Chimaev contra Edwards para que termine de conquistar el cinturón.
No me gustaría para nada que dejaran por fuera a Usman, pero tampoco me sorprendería que sucediera, Khamzat Chimaev vende muchísimo, por eso la UFC quiere tenerlo de campeón, los espectadores se vuelven locos viéndolo y Leon Edwards no tiene alternativa contra Khamzat Chimaev. Claro acaba de dar una gran demostración, todo puede pasar en el octágono, pero en las tarjetas Chimaev parte como gran favorito y seria lo mas sensato pensar que ganaría ese combate. La victoria de Leon Edwards pone todo muy interesante, hay que observar lo que hará la UFC, tienen una tarea muy difícil y una decisión muy importante que ejecutar.
For the respect that Kamaru Usman deserves, yes there should be a rematch without thinking about it. I'm sure Usman would win the next fight, just as it happened with Amanda Nunes, they defeated the greatest of all time, it was a huge surprise, they give her a rematch and then she beats her rival Julianna Pena. I see this situation very similar, Usman loses by an oversight, but in the whole fight he proved to be the best, calling another fight in 6 months, Kamaru Usman comes in with a lot of preparation and wins the title again.
But my question comes because there is Khamzat Chimaev, the top prospect in the company who is not fighting for the title, a man who fights on September 10th and will probably win against Nate Diaz. Khamzat Chimaev winning is going to ask Leon Edwards, plus he knows he has a much better chance of beating Edwards, Kamaru Usman represents a bigger threat and the company wants very badly that Khamzat Chimaev can be the champion of the category. Dana White doesn't always do the right thing, he can drop the rematch and take Chimaev against Edwards to finish the belt.
I wouldn't like at all if they left Usman out, but I wouldn't be surprised if it happened either, Khamzat Chimaev sells a lot, that's why the UFC wants to have him as champion, the spectators go crazy watching him and Leon Edwards has no alternative against Khamzat Chimaev. Of course he just gave a great demonstration, anything can happen in the octagon, but in the cards Chimaev starts as a big favorite and it would be the most sensible thing to think that he would win that fight. The victory of Leon Edwards makes everything very interesting, we must observe what the UFC will do, they have a very difficult task and a very important decision to execute.