If you've been following along, you'll know that we have yet another whale war on our hands. It's not unusual to have whales be at odds with one another. It's happened many times since 2016, and I suspect it will continue. This particular whale war involves 2 accounts that each have over $500,000 value in their wallets (and more, if they have multiple accounts.) There is no point in naming them again, because there is no point in hearing the incessant, "I continue to abuse because I have been abused."
At some point, people decide to end the cycle of abuse with their own actions - or not. Justifying your poor treatment of others by pointing fingers at those who hurt you is just bad behavior. Yet, I'm sure both of them feel that it is their right to do whatever they wish with their vote.
It is. It is absolutely their right.
What is unfortunate, is that sometimes when whales can't inflict enough damage to each other, they have to widen their circle of damage to increase the noise - and that will spill all over into the many people on Hive who are just here to share content, earn crypto, have fun, and generally mind their own business.
I proposed a solution that involved creating a helper account supported by the DHF for $35 a day - because as you can see my wallet is worth hmmm around $4683 and change, at the time of writing this post.
I didn't think I could afford the $35 a day, and so I proposed a potential solution. The idea was that if you wanted to receive support, you needed to give support. As I stated earlier, I cannot both pay people to do the admin work and provide rewards. So I suggested that anyone who would like to be eligible for support could add a 1% beneficiary reward from their post rewards to the helper account, and also a 1HP delegation, to make that support be publicly listed on the account's wallet.
For anyone who was a LARGER account with MUCH more HP, they could choose to be a major supporter and add 1000HP to the account to help boost its voting power.
While that might seem like an astronomical amount to some people, one of the whale accounts that I mentioned has nearly 1.5 million HP in one account.
1000 HP is 0.00067 % of that wallet's HP. It is fairly negligible to that wallet, but added up with others from the community - it could have had a great effect in the voting power of our created account. Not to mention the boost of community good will wanting to add back some of the positivity on Hive.
But after reading some of the concerns in the comment section on the post, I thought it is probably best to just leave it alone. It seemed the DHF was unlikely to be used for the community in this way, and it also seemed that it was too risky of a proposal since people would have to trust me to do the job well, and there was no guarantee that I would. Let me say here, that these were not accusations, but merely attempts to find holes in the proposal to make it more attractive to the community, and therefore more likely to pass. I was not offended, but I did decide that I would simply toss the ball to a more skilled player.
A lot of people came to me privately (which again, was sad, because some felt that they weren't knowledgeable enough to speak without being attacked, and some were just afraid to be targeted by whales for speaking up... geez.) and asked me to please reconsider. I stated then as I'm stating now, I do not have the $35 a day to support it myself, and I won't put people in a position where they have to be uncertain about being compensated for work that they will do, when no one else will. Then @samsmith1971 had a pretty brilliant idea.
What if we just absorb the costs by DreemPort?
We would need people to vet posts, but DreemPort already has screeners. What if that would be the only pre-requisite: that the post would have to have already been put through DreemPort in order to be eligible for our help?
Ok. Well, that's interesting. Let's think about this...
What about the weekly posts with the data compilation?
Well, it's privately funded. Since we wouldn't be using any of the community money, there would be zero need for us to report anything. Just like the whales can downvote indiscriminately without any explanation needed - because it is their right. Would it not be our right to tip someone's wallet as we saw fit?
And now no one has to worry about trust, right?
Right - because they either come to us for help, or they find an alternative solution. There is no need for anyone to feel any obligation for anything. They can go wherever they're treated best. We very much support that!
What about the delegations and the upvote power of the helper account (@oopseedaisee)?
That's a nice thing to offer, but we can just upvote with what we have. If it's depleted, then it's depleted. They can still see us upvote on the account as a supportive gesture and know that we're spreading joy and trying to build positive bridges. (as @wesphilbin always says)
And what about the $5 per day for rewards. (which is what was proposed, but from what I'm seeing around the blockchain will IN NO WAY restore what has been removed) Well that's $150 a month. That's a lot of money, but I can do my best to make the sacrifice.
Because that's what it eventually takes, right? Someone willing to just say - ok, I'll sacrifice to help others. So, let's try it.
And who knows... if it's going well, and I need more support, maybe I'll just powerdown my account and support others with it.
So what will it cost them?
Read 5 random posts, rate them, rank them - before you're able to submit your post for others to read the next day. We call it "pay-it-forward curation". (For those who don't know)... DreemPort lets you control the visibility of your own posts, so when you you do "work" for DreemPort, you're working for yourself and helping others too. No more waiting around for someone to "find" you while you write post after post daily, feeling invisible. We will see you, and send more dreemers to you! It's up to YOU to write well enough to KEEP them there! so... good luck future dreemers!
Thanks for this awesome spin on the idea @samsmith1971. It is truly a win/win/win/win - and 4 wins means dreemie-approved! hehehe
If you need help - COME ASK. Tag me or @samsmith1971 - we're usually around! You can also find us in our very quiet discord 😊