HIVE & La Educación - 🥳🥳 Hive & Education

in #hive-1893063 years ago



Hive & la educación.-

Estoy feliz de esta semana de actividad con Hive blockchain, muchas emociones. En principio desde las actividades presenciales que estamos llevando a cabo. Si no sabes sobre qué trata visita la cuenta de @rutablockchain y descubre un proyecto tan espectacular que estamos ejecutando con los estudiantes de algunas instituciones educativas venezolanas. Esto solo es el principio, estoy por publicar un video desde mi cuenta @enmymente para mostrar más detalles, pendiente para que lo veas.

La educación es sin duda muy importante para crecer en algún tema en específico, prepararnos es la base de todo. Desde hace casi 5 años estamos trabajando en promocionar y educar sobre la tecnología blockchain, hemos logrado conectar con muchas personas, algunas se han aventurado como nosotros a descubrir lo que Hive guarda, otros solo nos escuchan y dan la espalda a otros aires mientras nosotros seguimos adelante con ese sueño de llevar ese ecosistema a más personas.


Sueño con que nuestra blockchain sea la casa de muchas personas creciendo y preparándose en esta tecnología del presente y del futuro, que se haga viral en cada rincón del mundo y estaré más feliz porque estoy ahora trabajando para ello.

Bienvenidos a mi blog mi espacio creativo 🥳

Hive & la Educación...

Tenía mucho tiempo que no escribía por este blog sobre estos temas que me hacen reflexionar sobre mi Hive blockchain, porque estas líneas son solo para ir más allá de mis pensamientos y en un futuro volver a leerlas y confirmarme que apuesto por algo que puede apoyar y cambiar muchas vidas.

Estar físicamente en este país me hace valorar mucho más mi mundo en Hive y en los ecosistemas blockchain, me confirma que debo seguir preparándome de alguna forma u otra para afrontar todo lo que hay ahora y lo que puede surgir.

Si aún no conoces el proyecto de educación para los estudiantes aquí te lo cito para que leas y conozcas sobre él. Hace unos días un miembro de la comunidad comentaba que le hubiese gustado conocer este mundo así de jóven como hoy estos estudiantes les estamos sembrando este nuevo conocimiento sobre la #web3; y es totalmente cierto. Es una nueva percepción del mundo blockchain, del mundo digital. En algún tiempo esos jóvenes nos recordarán por toda la evolución que seguirá teniendo este mundo digital.

Muchos se unirán a este movimiento de web3, otros dejarán pasar pero en algún punto encontrarán nuevamente la web3. Lo ideal es que cada persona viva su propio proceso sin presión alguna, solo con las propias ganas de ser parte de estos ecosistemas y mucho más que sean parte de Hive.

Hice ofrece muchas aplicaciones lo que hace que sea atractiva,además que ayuda a educar sobre varias aristas que conforman la web3.

Cuando llegamos a Hive no tenemos idea de todo el conocimiento que se adquiere a medida que se hace vida en ella, empezamos a descubrir conceptos y modos de hacer procesos, usamos monedas digitales y entonces empezamos a vivir un estilo de vida diferente. Salimos de la ignorancia sobre la web3 para ser estudiantes constantes de todo el conocimiento que abriga la tecnología. Y queremos saber más y nos volvemos investigadores y aprendices; logrando llegar donde queremos y un poco más lejos.

Hive son educa en el mundo blockchain, en ella ejercitamos desde lo más simple hasta lo más complicado en el mundo blockchain.

Sigamos aprendiendo, seamos curiosos y seamos eternos aprendices desde la comunidad y más allá. Sigamos Educando con Hive.😍

Mi post de hoy está inspirado en compartir estos espacios


Gracias por Leer.

Si te gustó este contenido te dejo otros similares

Hive & Los Sueños. 😍

HIVE & La Imitación

Hive y la Intención

HIVE es un Descubrimiento Constante

Storytelling - Dibujando con una palabra- SER CREATIVO

Storytelling - Dibujando con una palabra - Constancia




I am happy about this week of activity with Hive blockchain, a lot of emotions. At first from the face-to-face activities we are carrying out. If you don't know what it's about visit @rutablockchain account and discover such a spectacular project we are running with students from some Venezuelan educational institutions. This is just the beginning, I am about to publish a video from my account @enmymente to show more details, stay tuned for you to see it.

Education is undoubtedly very important to grow in a specific topic, preparing ourselves is the basis of everything. For almost 5 years we have been working to promote and educate about blockchain technology, we have managed to connect with many people, some have ventured like us to discover what Hive holds, others just listen to us and turn their backs to other airs while we move forward with the dream of bringing this ecosystem to more people.


I dream that our blockchain will be the home of many people growing and preparing themselves in this present and future technology, that it will go viral in every corner of the world and I will be happier because I am now working for it.

Welcome to my blog my creative space 🥳

Hive & Education...

I had a long time that I did not write for this blog about these topics that make me reflect on my Hive blockchain, because these lines are just to go beyond my thoughts and in the future read them again and confirm me that I bet on something that can support and change many lives.

Being physically in this country makes me value much more my world in Hive and in the blockchain ecosystems, it confirms me that I must continue to prepare myself in some way or another to face everything that is now and what may arise.

If you don't already know the education project for students here I quote it for you to read and know about it. A few days ago a member of the community commented that he would have liked to know this world as young as today these students we are seeding them with this new knowledge about the #web3; and it's totally true. It is a new perception of the blockchain world, of the digital world. In some time these young people will remember us for all the evolution that this digital world will continue to have.

Many will join this web3 movement, others will let go but at some point they will find web3 again. The ideal is that each person lives their own process without any pressure, only with their own desire to be part of these ecosystems and much more to be part of Hive.

Hive offers many applications, which makes it attractive, and also helps to educate about various aspects that make up the web3.

When we come to Hive we have no idea of all the knowledge that is acquired as we make life in it, we begin to discover concepts and ways of doing processes, we use digital currencies and then we begin to live a different lifestyle. We come out of ignorance about the web3 to be constant students of all the knowledge that technology harbors. And we want to know more and we become researchers and learners; getting where we want to go and a little further.

Hive are educates in the blockchain world, in it we exercise from the simplest to the most complicated in the blockchain world.

Let's keep learning, be curious and be eternal learners from the community and beyond. Let's keep on educating with Hive.😍

Today's post is inspired by my sharing in these spaces 😍


Thank you for reading.

If you liked this content I'll leave you other similar ones

Hive & The Dreams 😍

Hive & The Imitation

Hive and the Intention

HIVE is a Constant Discovery

Storytelling - Drawing with a Word - BE CREATIVE

Storytelling - Drawing with one word - Constancy


Te invito a ver mi cuenta @enmymente y descubre Tutoriales sobre Hive

Translated with (free version



La educación es un pilar fundamental, y creo que a todos nos hubiera gustado conocer de HIVE o de Blockchain cuando estábamos estudiando, seguramente nos hubiera ayudado a encontrar nuestra pasión un poco antes, y no hubiera motivado a crear cosas nuevas. Es un beneficio para los estudiantes de ahora que se les den estás charlas y que espero pronto estén en todos los colegios

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @enmymente ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

I wish i had this opportunity back then in High School, I would have been a Hive-Lord by now 😃
The fact is that many youngsters look forward to such platforms to help them grow their talents and nurture the skills they know.

It is so sad when you hear stories from people telling you of all the skills they had when they were in high school, but right now they have abandoned them. Well, I am not left out as well.

I believe that if more youngsters get involved in Hive and in the blockchain (in a positive way) it will help in the growth of the blockchain and their personal growth as well.

This is a good work you and the team are doing right here. It is a huge task and you are sowing a seed of progress and betterment in the lives of these youngsters.

Big hugs from me.

It is pretty creepy the way everyone is ignoring what is happening to me and still going to Hivefest. Lay the dirty snatches out why dont ya. Fake it all you want creeps, its so obvious the blind eye you are turning. @fyrstikken told me what V2K and RNM was before they turned it on for me. Around that time he introduced me to @roelandp . I still have the emails between myself and @roelandp . This chain is centralized by design and @fyrstikken helped set it all up to fuck everyone, one by one, slowly into my situation. This is no joke you dumb mother fuckers, they shock you to your thoughts..... Hello????? It is in store for everyone you fools and your helping. Voices pulsed in your head and shocks to your thoughts??? Ignore me and help fuck innocent people for life? @roelandp and other top witnesses I know are involved with @fyrstikken.. Wait until people find out you conspired to enslave them with this shit. I am not crazy and you know it. they are doing this shit to me and told me what it mother fucking was BEFORE THEY TURNED IT ON! Your acting like naive children or maybe you are just part of the problem? You look like sociopaths. Everyone should unplug from HIVE until they are caught, .your. celebrating and ignoring my obvious, you look like fools. You know who is doing it....they are trying to kill me with it. The Havana Syndrome is real too you slave trading V2K, RNM enabling fuckers. Arrogantly play ignorant you Creeps, your setting the table for trafficking and total enslavement. I did not know I was circumvented until a year after I was..People here will be nice until it?s too late. There is no way to stop it once they have you. Grow the fuck up, this is not aliens, gods, celebrities or a medicate-able mental concern. It is 100% electronic and beast as fuck. You do not want this shit. .....

Definitivamente #Hive llegó para quedarse.

Y a través del proyecto de @rutablockchain serán muchos los estudiantes que se podrán beneficiar de buena manera de nuestra plataforma.

Les reitero mis felicitaciones.