Proudly a full time Hivers (Celebrating my 7th Anniversary)

in #hive-189306last year
Que alegría estar nuevamente en esta esplendida ¨LovingHIVECommunity¨ : para compartir con todos mis amigos como han sido mis días en estos últimos siete años, como llegue a esta compañía, los beneficios de ser parte de ella, y las cosas que hacen que este orgulloso de ser un Hiver a ¨tiempo¨¨completo¨. El día 7 de agosto en mi ciudad se conmemora el día del ¨santo¨¨patrono¨ del ¨trabajo¨:  A ¨San¨¨Cayetano¨:  hay que dirigirse cuando estas buscando empleo, y fue justamente en la conmemoración de su día que me inicie en esta hermosa red social. Ese día supe que fui bendecido al llegar aquí, y que sería una gratificante experiencia; la fe es muy importante, y si tienes fe, nada es imposible de conseguir.

Source: Family Álbum

What a joy to be back in this splendid ¨LovingHIVECommunity¨ :  and let them know what these seven years have been like, how I came to this company, the benefits of being part of it, and the things that make me proud to be a "full-time" Hiver. On August 7 in my city, the day of ¨santo¨¨patrono¨ del ¨trabajo¨:  A ¨San¨¨Cayetano¨:  you have to go when you are looking for a job, and it was precisely in the commemoration of his day that I started in this beautiful social network. I knew that day that I was blessed to arrive here, and that it would be a rewarding experience; faith is very important, and if you have faith, nothing is impossible to achieve.

Gran parte de mi vida me desempeñe en el rubro comercial, me mantuve en esa actividad pensando que era mi vocación, pero después de treinta años de actividad tuve un desengaño que hizo replantear si deseaba continuar haciendo lo que hacía, lo cierto es que en el año 2013 tome la decisión más importante en mi vida, renuncie a mi empleo de ¨relación¨ de ¨dependencia¨ para dedicarme por completo al trabajo en línea. Los primeros tres años fue un verdadero infierno, aprendí lo que era ser estafado, que debía ser cuidadoso con las claves de mis páginas, y lo vulnerable que somos en este ambiente si no conoces y no prestas mucho atención, en varias oportunidades han hurtado mi dinero de mis billetera, aun así persiste, sabiendo que en algún momento todo iba a cambiar, además, no había vuelta atrás, ya que era una persona grande para el mercado laboral tradicional, por suerte a mediado de año del 2016 di con la plataforma que cambiaría mi vida. Así es como llegue a Hive, superando muchos obstáculos, reponiéndome de constantes desilusiones. En la web hay personas despiadas, que se aprovechan de tu desconocimiento, que no dejan escapar tus equivocaciones, por eso es muy importante que sepas que en Hive hay personas como nosotros, con valores, con compromiso, y que en esta compañía puedes hacer tus sueños realidad

Source: Family Álbum

For a large part of my life I worked in the commercial field, I kept in that activity thinking that it was my vocation, but after thirty years of activity I was disappointed that made me rethink if I wanted to continue doing what I was doing, the truth is that in 2013 I made the most important decision in my life, I quit my ¨relationship¨ or ¨dependency¨ job to dedicate myself completely to online work. The first three years were real hell, I learned what it was like to be scammed, that I had to be careful with the passwords of my pages, and how vulnerable we are in this environment if you don't know and don't pay close attention, on several occasions they have stolen my money from my wallet, even so, it persists, knowing that at some point everything was going to change, also, there was no going back, since I was a big person for the traditional labor market, luckily in the middle of the year of 2016 I found the platform that would change my life. This is how I came to Hive, overcoming many obstacles, recovering from constant disappointments. On the web there are ruthless people, who take advantage of your ignorance, who do not let your mistakes escape, that is why it is very important that you know that in Hive there are people like us, with values, with commitment, and that in this company you can do your dreams come true

Cuando no sabes lo que haces, es muy probable que cometa muchos errores, ahora con mi experiencia, les puedo recomendar que lean mucho antes de publicar su primer post, a diferencia de antes, hay mucha información valiosa/útil de como publicar y como alcanzar el éxito en nuestra empresa. Di mis primeros pasos en la vieja compañía, el primer año fue de mucha intensidad, como no sabía lo que hacía, y como se debía publicar cometí todos los errores que un ser humano pueda cometer, algunas personas se acercaron para hacer ver mis errores, y muchas que me dieron valiosos consejos de cómo aprender y solucionar mis errores, gracias a ellos es que hoy estoy festejando mi séptimo aniversario en esta gran compañía (Hive)

Source: Family Álbum

When you don't know what you are doing, it is very likely that you will make many mistakes, now with my experience, I can recommend that you read a lot before publishing your first post, unlike before, there is a lot of Valuable/useful information on how to publish and how to achieve success in our company. I took my first steps in the old company, the first year was very intense, since I didn't know what I was doing, and since it had to be published, I made all the mistakes that a human being can make, some people came up to show my mistakes, and many who gave me valuable advice on how to learn and solve my mistakes, thanks to them is that today I am celebrating my seventh anniversary in this great company (Hive)

(Hive) es muy importante en mi vida, me ayudo a salir de una tremenda ¨depresión¨ que me mantuvo en cama por varios meses, tras superar esta terrible afección, fue un verdadero puntal para afrontar a la temible ¨pandemia¨, cuando personas de todo el mundo pensaban como iban a seguir adelante, yo tenía una fuente de ingresos para afrontar los gastos del hogar. Desde hace siete años las ¨compensaciones¨ que genero aquí son mi única fuente de ingreso, con lo que he generado he podido abonar los gastos diarios de la casa, los estudios de mis hijos, acondicionar mi hogar, pagar las vacaciones de mi familia, incluso el traslado de mi hijo Ramiro a la ciudad de ¨BogotᨨColombia¨ y como si fuera poco, con el dinero que obtengo aquí puedo afrontar los gastos ocasionado por mis afecciones, más de siete medicamento que consumo al día son costeados con mis ingresos; esto es un verdadero logro, sobre todo aquí en ¨Argentina¨ que el costo de vida es altísimo.

Source: Family Álbum

(Hive) is very important in my life, it helped me get out of a tremendous "depression" that kept me in bed for several months, after overcoming this terrible condition, it was a real prop for face the fearsome "pandemic", when people from all over the world thought how they were going to move forward, I had a source of income to meet household expenses. For seven years the "compensations" that I generate here are my only source of income, with what I have generated I have been able to pay the daily expenses of the house, the studies of my children, to condition my home, to pay for my family vacations, including the transfer of my son Ramiro to the city of ¨BogotᨨColombia¨ and as if that were not enough, with the money I get here I can face the expenses caused by my conditions, more than seven medicines that I take a day are paid for with my income; This is a true achievement, especially here in "Argentina" where the cost of living is very high.

El año pasado pude viajar a la ¨Ciudad¨ de ¨Buenos¨¨Aires¨, y asistir al primer ¨MeetUp¨ de ¨Argentina¨, una hermosa reunión donde conocí personalmente a muchos amigos. Fue una fiesta realmente hermosa, donde tuve la oportunidad de compartir con todos lo que había vivido en esta compañía (Hive) en los últimos seis años, además, presencié la exposición de otros Hivers, que gentilmente nos comentaron como habían sido sus experiencias en esta hermosa empresa. Esta reunión fue muy importante, me ayudo a comprender lo grandes que somos y todo el potencial que tenemos, y que cada uno puede lograr todo lo que se proponga, ya que todo depende de nosotros, de nuestra dedicación y el tiempo que invertimos en involucrarnos en la compañía. Estoy orgulloso de haber llegado hasta aquí, de no renunciar cuando las cosas estuvieron mal, como saben, tuvimos que superar muchos obstáculos para llegar a ser la compañía que hoy somos, y como sabemos, esto recién comienza, y hay mucho más por venir. Soy muy feliz de ser parte de esta gran compañía, de estar cumpliendo mi séptimo aniversario, y muy ansioso de seguir festejando mucho más aniversarios. Muchas gracias a todos los que hicieron posible que aun permanezca en la compañía, sin sus valiosas enseñanzas no hubiera sido posible, de todo el apoyo que me brindan a diario, de sus votos, los valiosos comentarios que dejan a mi post; una vez leí en un post que ahora no recuerdo el nombre del usuario. ¨Los votos son muy bueno para nuestra billetera, ya que con ellos afrontamos nuestros gastos, pero los comentarios son muy importantes, ya que estimula el alma del escritor¨. No dejen nunca de comentar los posts, es muy valioso para el escritor, y para crear una relación entre las comunidades y las personas. Las fotografías las tome en nuestra reunión de amigos en la ¨Ciudad¨ de ¨Bs¨¨As¨ con una ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨

Source: Family Álbum

Last year I was able to travel to the ¨City¨ of ¨Buenos¨¨Aires¨, and attend the first ¨MeetUp¨ of ¨Argentina¨, a beautiful meeting where I personally met many friends. It was a really beautiful party, where I had the opportunity to share with everyone what I had experienced in this company (Hive) in the last six years, in addition, I witnessed the exhibition of other Hivers, who kindly told us about their experiences in this beautiful company. This meeting was very important, it helped me understand how great we are and all the potential we have, and that everyone can achieve everything they set out to do, since everything depends on us, on our dedication and the time we invest in getting involved. in the company. I am proud to have come this far, to not give up when things went wrong, as you know, we had to overcome many obstacles to become the company we are today, and as we know, this is just the beginning, and there is much more to come. I am very happy to be part of this great company, to be celebrating my seventh anniversary, and very eager to continue celebrating many more anniversaries. Thank you very much to everyone who made it possible for me to remain in the company, without your valuable teachings it would not have been possible, for all the support you give me daily, for your votes, the valuable comments you leave on my post; I once read in a post that now I don't remember the username. ¨The votes are very good for our wallet, since with them we face our expenses, but the comments are very important, since they stimulate the soul of the writer¨. Never stop commenting on the posts, it is very valuable for the writer, and to create a relationship between communities and people. The photographs were taken at our meeting of friends in the ¨City¨ of ¨Bs¨¨As¨ with a ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales

Congrats on your 7th year on hive it's really a long time on the blockchain.

yes dear friend @bereal47 it has been seven wonderful years
Thank you very much for your kind words

7 years! Congratulations @jlufer. Hive has changed your life indeed. I can relate when you said Hive is your source of income as it has been mine for the past 2 years already. And I have been blessed in many ways. It has opened many opportunities and also help you see the world in a different way.

Cheers to many more years here on Hive.

Hello dear friend @indayclara good day
I hit the nail on the head when I mentioned this, I think it's the experience that many of us live in our company (Hive)
I am glad to know that our company has opened many paths and possibilities for you.
Thank you very much for visiting and commenting on my post, you are very kind
have a wonderful day

Congrats on 7 years! Nice meetup photos!

It was a great meeting, I enjoyed a lot
Thank you very much for your kind words dear friend @mypathtofire and for all the support you always give me
Have a happy start to the week

Congratulations on your seventh anniversary! I'm very glad to have met you and thanks for your contributions to our beloved platform!

I wholeheartedly appreciate your kind words dear friend @ericvancewalton, very grateful for all the support you have given me all these years
have a nice day

Wow, 7mo aniversario 😃! Felicitaciones por todo lo logrado y tu constancia para llegar hasta donde llegaste. Cada vez que veo fotos del Meet Up me emociono jaja. ¡Espero que se pued repetir y podamos reunirnos nuevamente!

Te mando un saludo y que sigan los exitos, felicitaciones por estar haciendo lo que te gusta ❤️.

Lo mejor que nos pudo suceder fue hacer esta hermosa reunion de amigos (¨Meet¨¨ Up¨) en Buenos Aires, y espero que pronto nos volvamos a ver
Aprecio de todo corazon todas tus palabras, y el enorme apoyo que siempre me brindas querida amiga @lauramica
Que disfrutes de una hermosa tarde

Feliz cumple 7 años 🎉 Hive exitos y bendiciones 🙏🏻

Muchas gracias querido amigo eres muy gentil
Que pases una hermosa tarde

¡Gigantes felicitaciones querido @jlufer por tu séptimo aniversario de llegar aquí! ¡Tu historia es increible y muy inspiradora! ¡Yo no tenía idea que hayas estado aquí por tanto tiempo, y que te hayas sostenido completamente de tus actividades aquí! ¡Muchísimas gracias por compartir esta maravillosa historia, y las fotos de la reunión! ¡Al leer tus palabras, me vinieron unas lágrimitas a los ojos, tanto que me afectó lo que contaste! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

Hola querido amigo @tydynrain buenas tardes
Estos siete años Ha sido un viaje increible, difrute mucho todo el proceso
muy feliz saber que mi experiencia a sido de tu agrado, y en cierta forma una inspiracion.
Aprecio de todo corazon tu hermoso comentario y apoyo que brindas a mi pos
que disfrutes de una hermosa tarde

¡Buenas tardes, amigo! ¡Eso sí es maravilloso de escuchar! ¡Sí, me tocó el corazón mucho y me inspiró de ignal manera! ¡Me encuentro súper agradecido por eso, y solo te puedo decir, 'claro que sí'! ¡Muchísimas gracias, y espero lo mismo para ti! ¡Feliz miércoles! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

Que genial hermano yo ni voy porque no soy amantes de buenos aires y su caos

Si ha sido un gran encuentro, la pasamos muy bien
La proxima reunion se estima que puede ser en mendoza

Well done @jlufer! You successfully guessed the match result and unlocked your badge!
Click on the badge to view your board.

Thank you to our sponsors. Please consider supporting them.

@actifit @arcange @poshtoken @wrestorgonline

Check out our last posts:

Women's World Cup Contest - Round of 16 - Recap of Day 3
Women's World Cup Contest - Round of 16 - Recap of Day 2
Women's World Cup Contest - Round of 16 - Recap of Day 1

Thank you dear friends

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Curated by Blessed-girl


Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

Visit our Discord - Visita nuestro Discord

Thank you very much dear friends for the enormous support that you always give me, have a great day

Congratulations on your Hive anniversary. Good to have you back, Hive is the way to go. Hive has really changed your life for good.

Thank you very much dear friend

Awesome work buddy @jlufer
@tydynrain nominated you for a prize in the draw😉

@jlufer! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @heartbeatonhive. (1/20)

Thank you so much

@jlufer! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @heartbeatonhive. (1/30)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.


Thank you dear friends

This is amazing.
Happy hiversary.

@jlufer! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @jmis101. (3/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.

Thank you very much dear friend, you are very kind

You are welcome dear

I love all the enthusiasm for HIVE. Seeing that symbol all over gets me very happy. Congrats on your anniversary also, that's very impressive!

On the web there are ruthless people, who take advantage of your ignorance, who do not let your mistakes escape

Having a community here that is helpful and supporting, rather than predatory, makes for a much safer and more pleasant experience. There's still pitfalls and dangers, but not nearly as bad as other places.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated by @rosmiapure on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, and each individual living their best life. Come join the Inner Blocks Community , and check out @innerblocks! #lifehappening

Thank you dear friends

Well done @jlufer! You successfully guessed the match result and unlocked your badge!
Click on the badge to view your board.

Thank you to our sponsors. Please consider supporting them.

@actifit @arcange @poshtoken @wrestorgonline

Check out our last posts:

Women's World Cup Contest - Round of 16 - Recap of Day 2
Women's World Cup Contest - Round of 16 - Recap of Day 1
Women's World Cup Contest - Recap of day 15

Thank you dear friends

Congratulations @jlufer! You received a personal badge!

Happy Hive Birthday! You are on the Hive blockchain for 7 years!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out our last posts:

Women's World Cup Contest - Round of 16 - Recap of Day 3
Women's World Cup Contest - Round of 16 - Recap of Day 2
Women's World Cup Contest - Round of 16 - Recap of Day 1

Thank you very much dear friends @hivebuzz for all the great support you have given me all these years
I take this opportunity to wish everyone a wonderful night

Wow! 7years.. you've been around from the start.. that's simply amazing! :D thank you for sharing this story with us :) it's truly inspiring esp. for those who are just starting out. Love the meet up photos you shared too! Wishing you many more successful years. happy Chooseday -- choose happy! :D

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- @iamraincrystal - Moderator/Alive Video Master
This post has been curated by the Alive And Thriving Team, we curate good content in the We Are Alive Tribe that is on topic for #aliveandthriving, and it's included in our daily curation report on @aliveandthriving, plus @youarealive is following our Curation Trail.

@jlufer! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @aliveandthriving. (13/40)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.

Hello dear friend @iamraincrystal good day
It's true, I've been here almost from the beginning, it was a great pleasure to have been here all this time, and to meet such great people like you
Thank you very much for your kind words and the support you always give me.
have a nice day

Oh my goodness, @jlufer, I had no idea! Super congratulations! This is absolutely incredible! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

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- @tydynrain - Comment Moderator

What happens to a frog's car when it breaks down?
It gets toad.

Credit: reddit
@jlufer, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of aliveandthriving


@jlufer! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @aliveandthriving. (14/40)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.