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Hello to all beautiful community passionate about Hive, this initiative organized by @rutablockchain that I found walking through several communities fascinates me especially because starting on this platform although it seems easy for me it was not. I am a newcomer, I have made few publications with the help of @gabilan55 who was the one who told me about this social network. The beginning I think that in everything we undertake is not easy so I'm going to give you some suggestions, not many hehe but that helped me understand what this platform really is and its usefulness.
1.- Debes leer muy bien algunas publicaciones que te orienten acerca de realizar una buena publicación, ya que no se trata solo de escribir, sino que hay que darle un estilo y belleza a lo que escribes. Esto tiene que ver con las reglas que tienes que cumplir al momento de publicar.
You must read very well some publications that guide you about how to make a good publication, since it is not only about writing, but you have to give a style and beauty to what you write. This has to do with the rules you have to comply with when publishing
Choose the communities that you like the most, those that are in line with what you like the most, or is your specialty. Read the rules and comply with them. I think that this way your posts will be more original. Be yourself when writing, order your ideas in a clear way for the reader, so that when he/she reads it, he/she feels so identified that he/she wants to continue reading everything you write.
I think this has to do with plagiarism. If you are creative and everything comes from your heart your ideas will be captured by the reader.
Use your own photos. There is nothing more spectacular than reading a publication and seeing photos created by you. It's not a bad thing to make use of apps, those are the ones that give beauty to your photos, but when you do it, give the copyright to the one who deserves it.
Be coherent and take care of the vocabulary when writing a publication. Remember that this is a social network where we have virtual friends, even if we do not see it, we must be respectful of the ideas of others.
These are the few tips that have helped me so far, I still have a lot to learn but little by little with perseverance and dedication I will improve and keep moving forward ... So if you read me, I just tell you Avanza .... do not give up
Greetings and blessings family