Fun Challenge: do you know Hivers from all continents?

in #hive-1893062 years ago

Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!

I have been gladly watching many regional communities here on Hive growing strong every day. Although we might be still very small compared to the traditional Web 2 (obsolete) behemoths like Facebook or Instagram, our blockchain has been expanding at an impressive rate and we currently have pretty big communities of active and dedicated Hivers literally all over the world.

When I was thinking about how greatly international Hive has become lately, I actually got this idea for a little fun challenge that will test the level of your engagement here and your knowledge of your fellow Hivers and where they come from.


I decided to call this challenge "Do you know Hivers from all continents?" because that´s exactly what this initiative will be about: figuring out how familiar you are with the locations of your fellow Hivers.

Let me show you what I mean and pick one Hiver for each continent...


I will start out with the easiest continent for me. I come from Europe myself and I´m pretty sure I know at least one Hiver from a vast majority of European countries, probably just with the exception of the microstates like Andorra, Liechtenstein or Monaco. Hive is very popular in Europe and there are many great national Hive communities like those in the UK, Germany, Poland, Switzerland or Bulgaria. I´m in touch with dozens of European Hivers but I will always pick just one for each continent and my pick for Europe is one of the bravest and most inspiring members of our community and that´s @zirochka who is from Ukraine.

North America

North America is another Hive stronghold. Many Hivers are from the USA, I also have some Hive friends in Canada but I guess even bigger communities (per capita) can be found in the Latin American part of the North American continent. The number of Cuban Hivers has been growing super fast lately and I know we have a big community in Mexico too. Quite a lot of potential choices for me here too but let´s say my pick for North America is our one and only @dswigle, a very dedicated Hiver and author of the legendary Market Friday series who is hailing from Washington D.C.

South America

The adoption rate of Hive in South America has been incredible lately. In Venezuela, a country that must have one of the world´s highest (if not the very highest) amount of Hivers per capita, there are even businesses running on Hive and HBD. There are just so many Hivers here from this country. But we have a lot of Brazilian, Colombian and Argentinian Hivers too. Again, a lot of options for me on this continent but let me pick @mrprofessor who has been one of my friends here since pretty much day one. This dude, a crazy cyclist and extreme adventurer, is from Brazil.


Africa is a huge continent with almost 1.5 billion of people so the potential for the mass adoption of Hive in there is enormous and we are already seeing first African countries to be heading that way. As far as I know, the biggest Hive bastion in Africa can be found in Nigeria that is home to dozens, maybe even hundreds of aspiring Hive bloggers but I know we have some people here from other African countries like Ghana or South Africa too. I´m not in regular contact with many Hivers from this continent but I know that @depressedfuckup, a great blogger and leader of the Ghanian community is, surprisingly, from Ghana :)


The largest continent in the world by both area and population, Asia might play a crucial role in the mass adoption of Hive and I´m happy to see many fast growing regional Hive communities from this continent. We have a lot of fellow Hivers in Turkey, Pakistan, India, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand etc. Vietnam Hivers have been growing incredibly fast lately but I think we all would agree that when it comes to Hive adoption, the current Asian champion is none other than the Philippines. Our Filipino colleagues have been taking the blockchain by storm and the fount of amazing bloggers coming from this country seems to be inexhaustible. One of the folks that is to be given the biggest credit for that is the OCD and Pimapple mainstay @ybanezkim26 who is also my pick for Asia.


While big in size, Australia is by far the most sparsely populated continent in the world with just some 26 million people but that doesn´t mean that there are no Hivers to be found on the Land Down Under. Quite the opposite, there are many great Hive bloggers hailing from Australia and while not all of them were born there (Australia is actually a very popular destination for expats and nomads), we have some Hivers here who are as Australian as it gets and I think that @galenkp, one of the most prolific and dedicated authors on the chain and founder of several Hive communities, is one of them too. He is my pick for Australia.

So that was a little illustration of how you can approach this challenge. There is no given concept though, your post can be shorter or longer, depending on how much you would like to tell us about your experience. The more you engage here on the chain, the easier the challenge will be for you of course, but I still suggest to pick and tag just one person for each continent as I would hate to turn this challenge into some kind of mass-tagging frenzy. So please be reasonable here. Other than that, you can take on this challenge from any angle. Just remember to drop a link to your post here in the comments so that I can find it, check it out and upvote ;)

Have fun guys!

Note: the original picture that I used for the thumbnail of this post was taken from

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


Thank you for visiting my blog. If you like posts about Nature, Animals, Ecology, Crypto, Sport, Traveling, Photography and discovering secrets and beauties of the World, feel free to follow me as these are the topics I mostly write about. Have a wonderful day and keep on hiving, guys! :)


I didn't know there are so many venezuelan hivers 😯 I have never met one personally hahaha, except from my sister obviously 🤭🤭🤭

You really didn´t know that? Venezuela has the world´s biggest community of Hivers per capita for sure! There are even many businesses in Venezuela that accept Hive and HBD as payment :) You should engage with your fellow Venezuelan Hivers more I guess :D

No I didn´t know hahaha. I think it´s a very positive thing. Maybe I should engage more with them but, for what? hahaha, I don´t know what I could do with them, they probably meet, sing Hive hymns, dance together and have a lot of motivational phrases, jmmm, I´m not a very group person, I like to be part of a group when it´s for something useful, for the rest I prefer the solitary road hahaha, it´s cat thing ;-)

You don´t have to engage with them physically, just hang out with them here on the blockchain can be a good start :D But yeah, I know that you superheroes have more important things to do :D ;)

👊😼 that's right! You know, crime and evil don't sleep or rest so we can't get distracted 🤷🏻‍♀️ 😼🦸🏻‍♀️🧚🧞‍♀️🦹🏼‍♀️
I talk sometimes with venezuelan hivers that make interesting posts, you're right, it's important to create alliances with people that are working and trying to grow inside this blockchain 👍

Agree with everything you just said :D Have a great weekend Cat Woman! :)

Thank you very much dear @phortun, happy weekend for you, too ⛰️🏃🏻‍♀️🌳🌻🍄🌾🌱🍀🏞️

Hello from Malaysia . It was sad that the old community from Malaysia is no longer active in HIVE after steemit era . You can count just a little number people who active in Malaysia .

Hi to Malaysia! Oh really? I got the impression as I was getting a lot of entries from Malaysia in my nature photography challenge... I hope your community will be more active soon, I can definitely see the potential for Hive to grow in your country :)

Yeah , i also believe that HIVE community in Malaysia growing in future. ;). Time will come .

Hi :D
I love this challenge, I hope many hivers are encouraged to participate, I still do not know hivers from all continents just from Nigeria and India, the ones I know the most are from South America, since I am Latin hahaha, I hope in the near future to connect with more hivers and learn about their cultures and stories, thanks for this fun challenge ;)

Thank you very much for this kind feedback, I´m glad you like this idea :) If you know Hivers from Nigeria, India and South America, that´s actually 3 continents and you know me too now and I´m from Europe so that´s 4 hehe :) If you decide to join this challenge, let me know by dropping a link to your post here in the comment. Saludos to Venezuela!

It's an honor, man! Thank you for the mention! Southeast Asia would be Vietnam and the Philippines as leading. South Asia would be Pakistan and Bangladesh. West Asia and the Middle East would be Turkey. Completely different cultures and demographics. It would be awesome to see these regional communities grow.

I agree with one comment here that maybe Filipinos are just privileged to be well-versed in English. I mean I'm even comfortable using English in conversations compared to Filipino, which is our national language.

Thanks for your observations Kim, I really appreciate your expert insight into this topic and I´m glad to know that I was right about most of these regional communities :) What I didn´t know though is that English so common (or even official?) language in your country. My guess would rather be Spanish because of the history... But you are right, when I´m thinking about it now, it is true that all those Filipino newbies that you and your friends have been onboarding actually write in perfect English. Like really perfect, almost native speaker level... That´s cool. And a huge advantage indeed :)

Apologies for the delayed reply. Anyway, I think the main reason why we are well-versed in English is because the medium of education in most subjects is English. Only a few subjects use our national language. Well, I'm not really that confident in conversations that are in pure English. In written form, I can communicate well, but in conversations, I tend to get anxious.

I see, makes sense. Thanks for the explanation :) And no worries about the late reply ;)

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee


Qué genial! Solo conocí Hivers de Sudamérica (porque soy de allí) pero espero pronto poder conocer más Hivers de todos los continentes. Será increíble!

How cool! I only met Hivers from South America (because I'm from there) but I hope soon to meet more Hivers from all continents. It will be amazing!

Glad that you like this challenge :) But you can also write about Hivers that you haven´t met in real life. In fact, most of the people that I mentioned in my post, I only know them from Hive and we haven´t met in real life yet :)

Thank you, it's a big honor! And this is a wonderful idea for a challenge! I found out that my "first circle" of friends on Hive is not big enough. Now I see where to grow )) And thanks a lot for introducing these names to me 👍

It was an honor to mention you ;) And I know what you mean, I also tend to keep the first friends that I made here closer but there are so many great people here to mingle with, I often have FOMO about it :D But of course we cannot keep up with everyone and everything on the chain so we need to take it easy :)

Nice challenge. I am from Turkiye. I have very nice friends from all over the world that I follow. I would like to join. But I'm a little unmotivated these days because of the disaster that has befallen us. Hopefully next time.

Hey there, thanks for stopping by. I totally understand you and I´m so sorry about what happened in your country :( But it was really nice to see so many Hivers from around the world supporting those fundraising posts for Turkey, that´s the power of our community. Stay safe and whenever you feel like joining any of my contests, you will be more than welcome here.

What a great post @phortun! Great to see that Hive is spreading to every corner in the world. I'm quite interested in the Middle East part of the world. Would you know if there are any communities which publish in Arabic? :D Haven't had much luck finding many yet.
However, English is the universal language and it great to see we can get exchange publications from all over the world!

Thanks for your nice feedback Jana! The Middle East? Well, the biggest Hive community in this region is probably the Turkish one but they don´t speak Arabic. We also have some people from Iran and Saudi Arabia here on Hive but they are probably just individuals. I don´t know of any official Arabic community here... Why? You want to learn another language? :)

Thanks for the answer! :)
My partner is Arabic and we would like to start posting more about our travels and get closer to Arabic communities, for that I ask. Also I would like to learn Arabic of course, haha. But we will start posting in English first and some publications in Arabic too and will see ;)

Aha, to jsem nevěděl, já myslel, že máš přítele z Jižní Ameriky :) Tak až si taky založí účet a něco postne, tak mi dej vědět, zajistím mu do začátku nějaké upvoty ;)

Bývalý je z Jižní Ameriky :D Nynější přítel je ze Sýrie :D
Děkuji za podporu! :) Určitě dám vědět! :)

No, máš to zajímavé :D Zrovna nedávno jsme tohle téma řešili v #cesky ;)


I'm up for the challenge! But it's hard to pick just one name for each continent with so mny crazy and sexy ppl around the globe

Awesome, cannot wait to check out your entry :) Well, I know that continents are easy but countries would be too difficult. With continents, even newbies or those who don´t engage here so often can join the challenge ;)

This is really a very fun and amazing challenge. I engage with most persons here on hive cause I have a small circle of friends here on hive and I'm not really familiar with their countries/continent but I can recall some from my region Africa, Nigeria to be precised and Australia too

I can see you joined Hive just last year so take it easy :) If you engage regularly here on the chain, you will meet a lot of people along the way. Btw if you decide to give this challenge a try and make an entry, let me know ;)

I will try.

I'm from Vietnam and I can admit not so many Vnmese people know Hive and are willing to adopt it. The main barrier is language (I think) while mostly Filipinos can use English

I think that the Vietnamese community is still one of the biggest and most active here. I know that just @trangbaby and @dodovietnam alone have onboarded dozens of Hivers from your country :) You are doing great guys!

Yes, I follow them and they're both content creators.
I also tried to onboard some of my friends to Hive and I see the language is really a barrier and they stopped using Hive after few times :(
So sad!

I know, it can be quite frustrating sometimes. But when the next bull run comes and 1 Hive will be worth a couple of dollars, your friends will beg you to teach them how things work here so that they can start posting every day ;)

Thanks @phortun ;) Not many active at the moment but I understand that they're busy in real life :) I hope more Vietnamese will join the blockchain in the future :)

Hey Trang, what a nice surprise :) Well, I think the Vietnamese community has been doing really good on Hive and it´s also because of you, I remember how many great bloggers you brought here :)

Thanks for the mention, there's plenty of other Australians around too.

Yeah, I know but I wasn´t sure who is just an expat currently based in Australia and who was actually born and raised there. The only one that I was sure about was you ;) Cheers to the Land Down Under!

I get it, and appreciate the mention. I'm proudly born and raised here and I hope I represent well. :)

Well, I must say I had fun writing this blog...
Here my own entry to this challenge

Awesome, let me see! :)

I think it would be better "From Country" 😁

You can add me both in Europe and Asia continents 🤠

Actually, I was thinking about the "from every country" concept too but that would probably be too difficult as in many countries, especially in poorer parts of the world, the internet connection is still a big problem so it will take some time before there is a real possibility to join Hive in every single country on the planet. That´s why we will take it by continents this time ;)

I am truly honored to represent! This sounds like a fun challenge and I look forward to see the angles it is approached. I hope to put on together soon!

Thanks again!

@tipu curate

Thanks for you kind feedback and support Denise! I hope everything is ok at your end as I noticed you missed the Market Friday post last Friday, hopefully just bad internet connection...

Thank YOU! I hope this really gets good traction, it will be fun to see how much we can stretch!

All is going well, but, had zero connection for #MaraketFriday and thankfully, everyone carried on without me! Connection is the worst I have ever had in recent years. Most don't even know I am gone as I just keep it all going when I am away.

Hopefully, it will get better, but, will be home by the end of the month anyway.

Le sigh.

Even the good time mut end. :)

Thanks for the info, I thought it was just poor connection. Yeah, it happens when traveling, no worries :) Glad to see that you were able to publish a post earlier today though :) Enjoy the rest of your vacation and don´t worry too much about missing out on stuff here on Hive, it will all be here when you come back home ;)

The planet is a treasure, and everywhere there are people who know it and show it, it is a way of appreciating what they have given us...


That sounds right but I don´t know how it is related to this challenge...

That there are many hives from all over the world that know that and that it is worth following it to see the wonders of the world, if I were to name some in specific I would be segregating others, it doesn't seem fair to me, that's all!!

If you don´t like this challenge, don´t participate in it. That´s all.

South America present friend here in Hive especially Venezuela 👍👍

Saludos to Venezuela! You guys really rock! There are so many of you here :)

I live in Pakistan, I have already told many friends about the hive and some of them are working now. Humans use Facebook for two hours a day anyway, so it would be very good for them if they could use hive do it like this instead. It is the responsibility of all of us to bring this platform to others so that they too can come and work with freedom.

Well said my friend. Thanks for your onboarding efforts, keep spreading the word about us:) Hopefully, one day, more people will using Hive than Facebook. But there still a long journey and a lot of work before we get there.

This sounds like an awesome challenge. Surprising thing is, it just made me realize even though I mingle with many Hivers, I actually haven’t been taking notice of where they come from. I’m sure if I took a closer look, I’d know people from many continents too. Let’s see.

In the near future, I see more Ghanaians onboarding Hive thanks to projects like the Borehole Projects by @mcsamm and @collinz in the Hive Empowers Communities projects. Mass adoption in Ghana is almost assured!

Thanks man, I would love to see your contribution to this challenge :) Also, super excited to hear about the progress in your national community! Good luck with all those initiatives. Ghana rocks!