The Quest For Intelligence: Session 1 - The Party Awakens

in #hive-1894972 years ago



Mulahey – Level 1 Cleric
Albus Wilovar – Level 1 Warlock
Sir Tigh Nee and Sir Hugh – Level 1 Fighter and Squire
Feanor – Level 1 Paladin
Dagion Agran – Level 1 Cleric


Session 1: The Party Awakens

The story begins, with the characters falling into a deep sleep. They dream of vivid images; of vines twisting and thrashing. Their focus is drawn to a green eye that opens and then fades to black. Voices whisper in a dialect they just don’t quite understand. A red stone flashes into sight as the voices begin to come louder, reaching a crescendo as they wake in a forest. A place they did not fall asleep in.

The party rouses in a forest clearing, as yet unknown to each other. Fungi sprouts, 10-15ft tall, are in the middle the clearing arrayed in two distinct rings. The party introduces themselves to each other as they move closer together trying to understand how they came to this place. The introductions are interrupted by a buzzing sound emanating from the inner of the two rings of mushrooms.

Mulahey focuses on the buzzing and can hear a faint sound of music coming from the centre mushroom rings and makes the ascertain that it is almost enchanting. Albus notices it too as Sir Tigh Nee approaches the sound; beginning to dance as if under some form of spell. Albus thinks it is some entrancing Fay music that traps people until they drop dead. Dagion throws a stone at Sir Tigh Nee but it misses. Feanor uses Mage Hand to slap him and break him from his trance but it has no effect. Daigon tries again by throwing a rope around him and the party uses all their might to pull Sir Tigh Nee from the entrancing dance. The spell breaks, the music stops as an eerie silence falls over the forest.

A small creature, no more than 2 ft tall, walks out from a door in the tallest mushroom. He looks directly at Sir Tigh Nee and screams in an ear-piercing tone. Three dragonfly-like faeries, roughly the size of a small woodland creature, appear as if responding to the scream of the small creature. They look upon the party with contempt as the party prepares for combat.


Daigon rushes towards the first faerie and swings his Warhammer as he closes the distance. It misses as it phases through the creature. Sir Tigh Nee flanks the same faerie and drives his Warhammer down on the faerie. Knocking it to the ground before it gets right back up again. His squire, Sir Hugh fires his crossbow, recklessly and blinded by fear as the bolt flies into the darkness. Feanor readies himself for an impending attack. The faerie next to Sir Tigh Nee breathes a cloud of dust over him; damaging him as a sense of immense heaviness sweeps over him. A second faerie bites Sir Tigh Nee, drawing blood. The third faerie tries to bite Sir Tigh Nee but it’s teeth crash against his armour. Albus casts Poison Spray at the third faerie but it skillfully dodges as the poison soaks into the forest floor. The small creature looks around frantically but approaches Feanor, casting Charm to no effect. Mulahey casts Ray of Sickness on the small creature. A sickening, green ray lashes forward and falls around the small creature to no effect.

Daigon swings his Warhammer but it misses as the small faerie phases again. Sir Tigh Nee brings his Warhammer to bear upon the first faerie; crushing it into the ground as a combination blood and bone spill out from under the heavy weapon. Feanor charges the small creature and swings his sword. The sword drags along the earth before the blunt side contacts the small creature’s head and dazes it. The second faerie rushes Feanor, coming to the aid the small creature. Sir Tigh Nee makes an attack of opportunity and whacks the creature with his Warhammer but it shrugs off the pain. The faerie breathes a cloud of dust over Feanor who coughs in pain. The third faerie bites Sir Tigh Nee and creates a significant wound on him as blood begins to pour out. Albus casts Eldritch Blast at the faerie that rushed Feanor. A dark tendril flies forth and rips a hole in the chest the small faerie that falls lifelessly to the ground. The small creature laughs in Feanor’s face. The laughter echoes through Feanor’s head causing immense pain as he writhes in response to it. Mulahey casts Toll the Dead onto the small creature but it shakes off the dolorous sound of bells.

Daigon rushes the last faerie swinging his Warhammer. It connects and the creature responds in pain. Sir Tigh Nee swings his Warhammer at the last faerie and it staggers from the blow. Feanor swings his sword at the small creature but is still affected from laughter as he swings straight above it's head. The last faerie breathes in and expels dust onto Sir Tigh Nee and Daigon but it settles on their armour before falling onto the ground having no effect on either of them. The faerie then fades from visibility. Albus casts Unseen Servant into the house made from the largest mushroom and notices a collection of instruments, trinkets made from flowers and in the corner lies a small cauldron filled with coins and a red stone. The stone is not too dissimilar from the stone in the dream that the party experienced the previous night. The small creature reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small stick and tries to hit Feanor with it but it bounces off his leg armour. Mulahey casts Toll the Dead but it again has no effect on the small creature.

Figure 1: Sir Tigh Nee and Sir Hugh fight the Faerie Dragons

Daigon, now realizing the last of the faeries is no longer visible; moves closer to the small creature and throws a hand axe at it. It clatters along the ground and slides away from the small creature. Sir Tigh Nee moves behind the small creature and swings his Warhammer down onto the small creature's head causing it some significant pain. It apparates away to the far side of the clearing. Sir Hugh, regains his composure and fires his crossbow at the small creature but the bolt flies off into the woods; embedding itself in a distant tree. Feanor casts Lay on Hands and heals himself. The last faerie reappears and breathes dust onto Sir Tigh Nee and Daigon again, but it has no effect. Albus approaches the small creature, drawing a dagger and tries to stab it. It moves out the way of the dagger thrust. The small creature laughs in the face of Albus. The laughter fills her head with a deafening sound as she quivers in pain. Mulahey casts Ray of Sickness on the small creature but the ray shoots past him.

Daigon casts Sacred Flame on the faerie to no avail. He then casts Healing Word on Albus who heals to full health. Sir Tigh Nee swings his Warhammer down onto the last faerie, it’s bones shatter and protrude as it crashes to the ground. Sir Tigh Nee interrogates the small creature as to why it is attacking the party and it expresses its desire to protect its gold. Feanor throws a javelin at the small creature. The javelin pierces through the head of the creature; impaling it into the ground. It’s body twitches once or twice as it finally slumps into the earth. The sounds of battle fade from the forest. Now there is no buzzing, no music and the sound of bugs and birds can be heard off in the distance.

Figure 2: Faenor’s javelin hits it’s mark


The party looks at the small creature's body examining the corpse and identifying it as a Leprechaun. They search it and find a small pouch of pink dust and single gold coin. They then continue discussing how they all had the same dream before they woke up in forest having never met each other before.

Daigon and Sir Hugh enter small but quaint house of the Leprechaun. Paintings line the wall, showing depictions of family and loved ones. They identify the small cauldron with the gold and red stone inside. Daigon drags the cauldron out of the house starts splitting the coins to each party member. It totaled 5 Gold, 150 Silver and 10 Copper pieces. Each party member will receive 1 gold, 30 silver and 2 copper. Only the red gemstone remains and they understand that there is some magical essence about the stone.

Daigon picks it up and examines it, seeing some cloudy movement inside of it. Albus remembers that a stone of this type can be used as a conduit or a prison. The party decides to bring it along on their adventures and take it to an expert when they get a chance. Daigon places it in a small pouch and then secures it away. As would be expected of a Dwarf when precious stones from deep within the earth are found.

Figure 3: Daigon discovers the stone


The party identifies two trails that lead out of the clearing into the forest. One to the south and one to the north. The northern trail looks like an animal trail. The southern trail looks more commonly used but covered in moss. The party heads south. A sound of flowing water is heard as the party travels. The further the party goes, the earth becomes wetter, almost marshy, and swamp-like. In the distance, the party identifies small huts across the marsh and decide to approach the village of huts.

Albus sneaks up to the village and identifies six small huts in a cluster and one house across a small bridge. The house seems more permanent in design. Albus also notices evidence of normal life but hasn't seen anybody in the village. Albus returns to the party and they proceed into the village.

Sir Tigh Nee knocks on the door the larger, more permanent house. An old halfling with grey hair opens the door and inquiries about Sir Tigh Nee’s presence at his home. A half-orc is strange bedfellow in this part of the world. Sir Tigh Nee explains that the party is looking for a place to rest and they are offered to camp around the village. A restless chatter radiates from one the small huts across the bridge that is likely the mess tent. Albus enters the hut and seems a number of half-elves sitting around the table.

~End of Session 1~


Session 1 Stat Recap

Milestone Achieved: The party members are now Level 2

Enemies Killed: 4 (1 Leprechaun, 3 Faerie Dragons)
Items Gained: 1 x small pouch of pink dust, 1 x red gemstone, 5 GP, 150 SP, 10 CP.
Martial Attacks: 16 ( 9 successes – 7 failures)
Spells Cast: 10 (4 successes - 6 failures)
Widows created: 1 Leprechaun family


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