in #hive-1894973 years ago

This would not be a game for me but I like the art style of the images you provided!

I can relate to your problem with the browser while writing on an article because I had a similar issue once. I usually write my text in .txt files first and do the layout in PEAKD later because my current PC is not the fastest one and workin in the browser is not the best method. For some reason more than once I had two windows with the file open and of course saved the one where I just had written a few lines 😒.

I found a free software where you can also edit your text including the layout offline called "laverna". You write your text and code on the left and can see the result on the right side. You can just copy and paste your code and just have to upload and re-add your image files. Everything else like formatting and links is transferred correctly. It's especially great if you work on larger texts/ideas or several texts at once you do not finish in one session, because you can sort them in different "notebooks" and have a nice overview. I am using it also to collect ideas for posts I could perhaps do in the future different from my tutorial collections and hobby update stuff.

2022-04-13 07_52_17-Crystals For Miniature Bases And Terrain - Alle Notizen - Laverna.png


Sir... You are a life saver!! I'll definitely check this out! I thought if I use hive, peakd or ecency, but didn't know the difference between them. I was suspecting about their text editor. I hope this will help better. Thank you!

Glad to be helpful ^^