Hello dear Warhammer generals and strategists
here is your exptrader from sunny northern germany. It's time again to give you a little update on my Warhammer army, like in the last update I'm painting my army with the "Calaban Green" and at the moment I'm painting the Interceptors (pictures further down in the report).
I was browsing through my favourite Warhammer shop and the Primaris Aggressor caught my eye. I'm not sure what strategy I'm going to have with my army on the battlefield, but such a force would be an advantage in close combat against Necrons or Tyranns.
Since I was still missing the lighter green colour and after researching on the internet I was able to find out which one was suggested best.
The pictures you see are the order I placed. The Aggressors cost me 36 euros and the total order with shipping costs was 54 euros
My attempt now is to paint these light green areas with "moot green" and "warpstone green" to get the same effect for my army.
In the picture I have marked the places I mean. Luckily I still have some reasonably fine brushes to do this.
Of course you should also develop your own style and add a few details to have a unique style in your army. It would be boring in my eyes if all armies looked identical XD
My interceptors have finally got some colour and I'm relatively happy with the work. I can also understand why some people have so many "grey" armies and I hope that I can get this done sooner with the new order.
The interceptors are still missing a bit of metal, the markings and the light green tones that are missing everywhere.
As you can see on the pictures, some parts are still wrongly painted, e.g. the bolters. But this problem should be solved quickly