It's been already a full month ago since I first inquired about these nasty roofrack bars for all types of cars. At the time the car was able to drive and I was under the impression that they were to be fitted at the place were they purchased from.
The price was 450 peso which is like 22 usd, a good high paid days wage if your working here. It was easy to see straight away that the metal was flimsy and the roof bars must have cost 15 cents in China.
But, this car didn't even have the standard built on bars on the roof - there was nothing, and so this was what I needed!
They certainly would fit all cars, but this is a minivan and the doors are bigger. Well everything is bigger actually! At the front end by the drivers seat, the rack at first seemed short to reach to the door fram where it was meant to clip into.
But there was a bolt to loosen to give it that extra inch. Once I had made it reach though, there was hardly any bolt left in the whole to homd it in place. This wasnt good!
The place said they could exchange it but couldn't do refunds, and offered me a long list of windscreen wipers and car mats ect, but I need a roofrack, and anyway, I have new wipers etc already!
I guess it would mean that the other side was the same. I had to see where the back bar would be going, because there is a sliding door, or a window there.
As I thought, it wouldnt be secure enough or safe at all (haha, and if im saying it would not be safe, then it's probably disasterously deadly)
Only in mexico would I have done this and only on the Voyager..
Yep, it got screwed with drywall screws!
Each piece did actually with two screws for peace of mind.
Then I had to put some left over wood under the bars to help it out a bit. Screwed in from the top only into the wood.
the back
the front
I had been trying to sell a double sized metal bunk bed but even qith 75% of shop price nobody ended up taking it. And its brand new from the shop!
Of course I was going to use it hahahah
It fitted perfectly and I was feeling all smug when I worked out how to fix it to the bed frame..
After walking to the shop, they didnt have what I wanted and i ended up spending money on wire to use. I got back to the car and the sun was full on and after 10 minutes I abandoned the wire and drilling idea, and went to a different shop to find what I wanted in the first place, and they had them.. these!
Much easier and proper tight!
Its looking great!
and the cool thing is i can bolt on the saftey rails of the bunk bed and it will look like this after!