Printing on Shirts and T-shirts using Stencil. Step by Step Approach

in #hive-18964110 days ago

Hello everyone I am excited to share with you how to go about printing on a shirt using Stencil.
Here's the finished work. However, I am going to put you through on how to achieve this.

The finished work

The materials I used are as follows

  • cardboard paper
  • pencil
  • stencil knives or razor blade
  • Ruler
  • textile paint
  • foam
  • Maxim or paper sole tape

The steps
First of all, I wrote out the words on my cardboard paper. Taking into cognizance, the measure and the size of my work. Since it's a T-shirt, it would be wise to make the font moderate in size. I use a font size of 2cm. The word I printed is "Bill Gates" and "Microsoft"


After writing out those words I began to carefully carve out those words using my razor blade. I ought to have used a stencil knife but it was out of my reach.


Carving out each of the letters is the hardest part of the work especially if you're using razor blades. So one must be careful while cutting out the stencil. However, after some minutes I was able to carve out both "Bill Gates" and "Microsoft" stencils. Here's the results




The next step is printing on the cloth using textile paint

I had to place the t-shirts on a flat surface and put a piece of cardboard inside of the t-shirts to prevent the paint from reflecting on the other side of the T-shirt. After that had been done, I placed my stencil on the T-shirt, using the sole tape to gum the stencil on the T-shirt to avoid flipping off and then, I began to use a piece of foam and printed on it.



I printed on about ten T-shirts and the results were awesome.



You can give a try to this and achieve a wonderful results. Doing this by yourself is cost effective compared to giving to another person to do it.

I hope you try to do it yourself next time you want to print on your cloth.