Hello, amazing friends in this lovely community. How are you today? Hopefully, all of us are physically fit and healthy all year round.
A few weeks before the Christmas celebration, our citrus fruits which bear fruits in mid-August had big fruits already. My parents were very happy for so timely for the New Year Celebration. We will be using these fruits for our traditions of round fruits.
Because of the unusual weather disturbance that we are experiencing in our place because of the cold season that December brings, my parents had a mild cough and sometimes experienced runny nose during the morning. So, I decided to pick some from our backyard and create fresh juice to boost their immune system. Come with me as I prepare the fresh juice for my parents.
Ingredients needed:
Citrus Fruits (it depends on the pitcher or glass you have)
1/2 White Sugar (if you have honey at home you can replace sugar with honey)
Steps in making the fresh juices:
🍋 Prepare the materials and ingredients to have a smooth preparation. Get some citrus fruits in the backyard and wash them properly.
🍋 Prepare a large pitcher for the squeezed orange juice.
🍋 Slightly cut the upper portion of the citrus fruits and manually squeeze them one by one. Or if you have your own fruit extractor, you can also use it.
🍋 Separate the seeds from the extracted juice then place the extracted juice in a large pitcher. Add 1/2 cup of sugar or you can add to your desired taste.
🍋 Slowly mix until the sugar dissolves.
🍋 Refrigerate to serve it cold.
🍋 Serve to your loved ones.
When I prepared juices for them, the smiles on their faces could be seen. Drinking this fresh juice will make them healthier and will make their immune system strong against the allergies and bacteria that cause cough and runny nose that they were experiencing.
As a daughter, I am happy to see my parents active and alert without getting sick. Drinking this fresh juice is also one way to have a healthier body.
As the saying goes, "Prevention is better than cure". So, it is better to stop the sick immediately using natural remedies than curing it when it is worse.
That's all for today's blog my dear friends. I hope you enjoy reading and giving a little upvote to my blog. Let's keep our bodies healthy to live longer.
Have a nice day everyone 😊