March 25 is the day of a heinous and disgraceful massacre in the history of human civilization. On the night of March 25, 1971, the Pakistani aggressors carried out the most brutal massacre in the history of the people of Bangladesh (then East Pakistan). The Bengali nation remembers this horrible March 25 as the Bengali Genocide Remembrance Day.
On this night, the Pakistani aggressors indiscriminately opened fire on the unarmed Bengalis in the name of 'Operation SearchLight', which led to the most brutal genocide in the history of the world. Numerous innocent people were killed this night in an operation called 'Operation SearchLight' to silence the voices of Bengalis in the freedom movement forever.
Due to the genocide, Dhaka University, Rajarbagh police line, and the whole of Dhaka became a place of death. The two banks of the river Buriganga were filled with piles of corpses. At the same time, killings took place outside Dhaka. Experts later said that the March 25 genocide was not just a one-night stand, it was the beginning of one of the most infamous genocides in world civilization.
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father of the greatest Bengali nation of all time, declared the independence of Bangladesh in the early hours of March 26, when the Pakistani aggressors attacked the freedom-loving Bengalis like wild monsters.
Responding to the call of the Father of the Nation, the people of Bengal, irrespective of caste, creed, and creed, unitedly jumped into the war of liberation. From that night onwards, Bengalis took to the streets to resist the Pakistani aggressors armed with modern weapons. In the big cities including the capital Dhaka, resistance was built in various ways. Police from Rajarbagh Police Line, Peelkhana and Bengali members of the EPR took to the streets to protest against the Pakistani military. Leaders and activists of the political parties also took to the streets to resist the aggressors.
Shortly after the start of the black night on March 25, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father of the nation, the architect of Bangladesh, was arrested by the Pakistani army and taken away from his residence at Dhanmondi No. 32. Before his arrest, Bangabandhu declared Bangladesh's independence from his Dhanmondi residence.
The genocide of the Pakistani aggressors started from March 25 and continued throughout the liberation war. The much awaited great freedom was achieved through the sacrifices of 3 million martyrs and the disgrace of two lakh mothers and sisters. Independent-Sovereign Bangladesh was established through a long 9-month bloody armed liberation war.
On the night of 25th March, in memory of the barbaric attack of the Pakistani invaders and that atrocious incident, on 11 March 2017, the great National Assembly declared 25 March as 'Bengali Genocide Remembrance Day. Since then, the Bengali nation has been commemorating this day on the occasion of
Bengali Genocide Remembrance Day