Greetings pupil.
Life is filled up with uncommon and common sequences all around us. From the very start, we were used to copying and mimicking; following a pattern. As we start to get older, some of our perceptions about life starts to change and we start to have different beliefs. We start to gather new interests that change over our lives.
We continue to walk on that line knowingly but our conscious mind is unaware that we are loosing what was important to us. Some call this change but I call this, loosing yourself, your identification. With every new interest you become a new you and that improves you from your old self but on that journey if you loose your identity, you are not more improving but looking for a new one. That is not the you. It can be that you are discovering yourself.
There are many times that we forget the old us and started as a new. There are many times that we want to stick to our old self but are unable to. In all these scenarios and many more, we loose the sequence we held too closely and we get detached from ourselves. New attractions make the better of us.
Understanding the reality and learning from it, develops us as proper human beings but we loose our perfect self. We are now much stronger and more courageous, but our life isn't perfect anymore. We sacrificed the perfect life to become knowledgeable.
We don't fancy over toys anymore, we don't take the simple pleasures of life anymore. Maybe while developing ourselves, we could have kept a little of our perfect life in us, to enrich our developed selves. To keep it loved.
This is my tenth post in HIVE. I hope to connect well with everyone. This is me here, Lemonade1, I am a bookworm, meaning I love reading books more than anything. It is my first priority and also my last. Besides everything else, I love traveling and I aim to create my travel diary here.