Thriving, Despite What's Thrown At You.

in #hive-19021210 months ago

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What defines you isn't what is thrown at you but how you respond to it. It's your reaction that determines or defines you. It's not what others say about you that matters but what you have said to yourself when they are done talking. You might have similar background or story but you can choose to turn out differently.

One of our major problem in life is the world because a lot of people live their lives trying to seek approval from others. Most people have become a secondary character in their life's story. What we see around influences but what you do determines who you are.

We are also responsible for the problems we have in the world today. No one can stop you unless you stop yourself. When you want to blame anyone for how you turned out, look into the mirror and know that you have a part to play in it.

Of course, we know the devil has a hand in the problems we are facing in the world today but the devil is only limited to the extent we allow the operation.

God can use what you are going through to correct you and sometimes to test you. Test you to build character not to make you fail. God can use many situations to bring you back on track. Sometimes the greatest motivation to change is pain. Comfort breeds lack of change sometimes but when pain is introduced into the equation, we see things clearly the way we should. It all depends on how we are seeing it and how we can use it for a greater good because God wants to use situations of life to make us better and not bitter.

Challenges in life are designed to protect you. It's all about how you are seeing it. God can take you round but never take you wrong. God knows the beginning from the end and knows the end from a starting point. Some challenges are designed to protect us but we always allow our emotions to get into the way of us knowing the intent of God in it all. Your thought pattern is your problem and not the actual problem you are facing.

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Pain is the high cost of growth. You cannot grow without pain. Most people want the product without the process. Gold doesn't come out as it is without the pain of process; refining through the fire. Always ask God, "How are you using this for my good?" "How are you using this to develop me?" These questions would give you perspective rather than the usual "Why me, God?". Our approach and thinking determines how we will coast through challenges and how fast too.

God is all about building character and that's why we go through processes. God won't give us success we don't have the capacity to handle because it means we would self destruct and God does perfect things. Once your faith is tested, look into what God wants to build in you through it.

How Do You Respond? - Romans 5:3-4.

Thank God for what you don't have in faith that He will, because God always come through. Would you be able to maintain your integrity even in the face of what you are going through? How can you grow in your current situation without losing perspective or blaming others for what's not going right? When you stop blaming others for what's wrong with your life, you will start seeing the intention of God in it.

Even when you don't get it or see the intention of God in what you are going through, keep trusting in Him. Your limited understanding cannot fully grasp the full extent of what God is doing. Just know all things work together for your good and as the heaven is higher than the earth, so are His ways higher than ours. If you know where your solution is, then you won't need God but the fact that you don't know where it is, it's the major reason why you need to trust Him because He is the Almighty.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.


This message is deep and uplifting. No matter what we are going through, we should put our trust in God because His plans are different from ours and they are of good course. Thank you for this powerful message.

God's plans always and should always trump us because God knows best and better too. We need to always remember that hope in God cannot put us to shame. God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.

Life is not easy for anyone, some find it harder than others, but as you say God works in many ways in us, either we see the glass half empty or the glass half full, pain is necessary for each and every one of us, it only remains to take the good you can from them and move on, thanks for this great post mi amigo ♥

Pain is necessary for growth my dear brother and friend and thank you for sharing this beautiful comment as usual. We have to focus on the good or the lessons from our experiences and that's the only way we can come out of it.

Pain is necessary for growth my dear brother and friend and thank you for sharing this beautiful comment as usual. We have to focus on the good or the lessons from our experiences and that's the only way we can come out of it.

Of course we can my dear friend, take the best of all those experiences and move forward in life ♥

Yay! 🤗
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Thank you so much @princess-dara God bless you for me. Deeply appreciate this.

Wave Media

Thank you very much.

You are welcome

We will not be shaken or move by what is happening to us. We will keep going and going no matter what

We have to keep going no matter what life throws at us and that's why we cannot do without God because He is the only One that can bring us through.

Challenges really part of life and we can't expect everyday to be perfect. The journey to success will never come easily, a lot of shit will happen on the way and only those who can push regardless will succeed

The journey of success is never easy. We have to keep pushing regardless because as you have also rightly said, nothing comes easy. There is pain in growth.

In the beginning, I had a lot of difficulties in my life and I am worried that I used to stop doing my work and spend all my time like that, but later I thought about my life that I had all these things. Doing things is very wrong so now I work hard in the same way and don't worry about difficulties and keep working hard.

Our life is like an examination hall, we are experiencing different challenges, that is from God, it is our response that matters, how we take these challenges, we should learn from our experiences, and implement these to do good things in our life.

Pain is the high cost of growth.

I agree a hundred percent.
There is a saying that

No pain, no gain.

The contemporary era doesn't want the pain.
Ofcourse nobody ever does, but it is part of life and part of success stories.
We abhor it a lot.
We only want the good part, the gain.
There is no win if there is no challenge.
But now, people want to win with no effort.
People want to reap where they did not sow.
We need to imbibe patience and resilience and not to keep seeing challenging times as misfortune times.

This is loaded sir, I had to read it again so that the message can sink it as it should.

I learned from this and indeed pain and growth work together, it is definitely not what anyone wants but for the sake of growth, we have to give in.

It's true that to some extent, we give the devil the power to operate and this is because of our involvement in the things Christ kicked against.

Thanks for blessing us with this huge message, happy Sunday sire.

Thank you very much, brother. I love your in-depth knowledge and understanding of this and you nailed it. Yes, there is no growth without pain and the devil attack us because of our involvement with Christ. We will win if we choose to act in faith and hope in God always. Thanks a lot for that.

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Thank you for always keeping me up to date with these achievements. They mean a lot to me. Hive is home.

You're welcome @olawalium! Have a nice day 😊👍

It is absolutely true that we can never succeed in this life without trouble and without suffering, just as we see plants here and there with thorns here and there, and from here we.For example, when we go in search of a good thing, we face many problems along the way, but if we are not afraid of problems and keep working hard, then we will definitely succeed.

This is indeed a very powerful message. I feel so happy each time I see young and vibrant men dwelling in the world of God.
Today's post is telling us that nothing good comes easily and that we have to work hard to achieve it. And that most times we pray for a particular thing to happen in our life, but that's not what God wants for us. God knows which is best for us.

What a message this is. This is uplifting and filled with hope and faith in God. When God tests us, it's to build in us character. If God allows certain things to happen to us it is to help us trust Him more and also learn. God's teaching is to help us not to break us.

Thank your very much. I am always excited when I see people display deep understanding of the message. You nailed it as usual and I am thankful for having you here always.