Let me thank you for everything that you have given to me. Thanks for the air I breathe in, thanks for the food I devour, thanks for the beauty my eyes feast on, thanks for the alarm clock that wakes me up every day so that I can attend office timely, and thanks for— umm, what not?
Thank you from the core of my heart— that too pumps blood and beats because you have programmed it so.
Photo by Rosie Kerr on Unsplash
Showing gratitude is the act of humbleness every living being must do with every passing second. However, it is argued that everything but the human does it without fail, even after other creatures are not as privileged as the human being— the greatest creation of the Almighty, most smart, most intelligent.
But what do we see in reality?
Yes, we are the most fraudulent animal out there, always sneaking for the perfect opportunity to cause harm even to fellow humans— such a shame for the most brilliant creature in this universe.
If we can prepare a mindset that shows gratitude for what we have already, I think that’s enough to make us empathetic to other living beings. And this should be even for the smallest of things you own; you get benefited with. For me, there was an endless desire for more; well, I can’t say now I am a saint; above all materialistic desire— but, not as it was before. Probably, it’s the responsibility I am bestowed with that has made me desire things that I truly need. And there is a mental satisfaction in learning to limit what your soul can be contented with— an eternal peace that only a few privileged people can enjoy. But it takes some outside help; starting with your family to the Almighty— without their help, I believe, you can’t learn how to limit your desire, how to show your gratitude even after having the smallest of things.