When you dream big you would be big

in #hive-1902123 years ago

What we circle our mind on, are what we would actually get, no matter the times taken and what we may go through on the process, the results will still be what we intended for in the future.



Life is a like a leaf that dances whenever a breeze is turning it left and right, the wind is the power which we must withstand, nothing good comes easy, to makes better route we must watch our ends very well and closely if we are still at the right path.
But at times our dreams can make us not being free with the things we should do, Just because we needed to achieve it, that is what we called sacrifice, have you been hearing what sacrifice towards getting a particular thing means, that means for one to really reach it goal and what he always want to be, so many things at time have to be considered, and come to think of it, it may affect your present way of life.

That is how sacrifice comes in on what we have to do, the limits we now set, and the unnecessary stress we have to undergo towards pursuing that set aims is what sacrifice has to say, some people at times do refer to sacrifice as punishment in the moved of attainment, but are the challenges you face towards getting your aims a punishment? No! There are not punishment but they are only what we must pass through to get to where we ever wanted to land.



In times like this, some may tends to go away and throw away their desires, which is what we know as consistency, to be consistent is to be dealing and pushing on a normal formation and do not allowed it to be like a problem to yourself, it is also imparting endurance and believing something good would comes out of it, but this days, no one wants to endure anything anymore, i could remember when a man, who heard that a certain boy name is endurance, he got angry and said "who gave him such name", that what is he enduring, that such names is not good, just as the man is saying it, if you should trace it, you can would know that the man lack consistency in him and could not have to abide to it if he finds himself in such position.



While others would never considered it that way, no matter what, you should hold it tight and never let go, which is what would bring us to another elements who is known as preserverance, when you know you are going on the main direction, instead if letting it down, we tend to hold it tight and avoid loosing it all, but to stay on the grind and believing to attain at the end. This is why some people said, "half bread is better than none", it is true because not taking anything at all is bad but no matter how small it is, we should endeavor to take it because not taking anything is worst and we should hold tight to the ones we already has and not to loose it all.
our minds is the strongest weapons we ever has on earth, so you are thinking, so you would do.


You are product of what you think

You are right my good friend 🥰
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