Whenever we always want the next level all the time without having the gratitude mindset the flow will stop, because you don’t take the good and walk back to whomever that was that had given to you and smile with a clean heart in appreciation.. We go through a lot daily but when we don’t count everything we have and not realizing how much things could really, it’s time to go through these process.
Get your notebooks out and write it all out, write about being thankful for the house you live in because truly you pass by people who are wrecked and put down on the side of the road everyday and that could have been you or me, I’m praying for them and as well thankful for what I have.. If you’ve got a boyfriend, girl friend, husband or a wife write down the good that you’re thankful for and not just the bad..
This is the perspective I want you to understand about gratitude, “let’s say you picked up a shirt for as low as just 5$ and the coming weeks might be one or two and it’s on sale for 2$, it’s two position you take on this you can be very angry that you bought it expensive or be grateful that you saw that particle shirt to buy at 5$… let me use Nft minting as an example for this purpose, if you can’t afford to play the game you’ll be completely tossed aside… you can therefore be more grateful when you finally get some.
You can buy things when you want to get it and not when it’s outdated or in the next season or when things become positive, as long as you have something in you readily available that’s enough to be grateful and when you do multiple folds increase..
Take some time to make use of something around you to weigh the good from the bad… Have you shown love to the people who have taken you this far in your life, do you neglect family, friends colleagues who has been a support to you.. Do you not thank this great platform for its amazing work for years now and the work been down to change lives..
For every breathe we take, count them if you can’t count them then that means God has done a lot for you and I… take note of them and don’t ever be ungrateful..
I struggle daily to find peace at some point in my life, when I look far back I am always grateful.. Every single day should be a matter of growth and do you know how that can happen is when you can say “I am blessed”
Thank you for reading and always coming through… I love you all